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The House has passed a resolution supporting the people of Ukraine, 426-3 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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The "3"...

WV Republican
Thomas Massie official portrait.jpg

Arizona Republican
Paul Gosar official portrait September 2016.jpg

Montana Republican
Matt Rosendale 117th U.S Congress.jpg

I guess they needed a resolution to say "We support you".

However, there's no need to cut off all of Russias energy exports or his banks access to SWIFT.

Virtue Signalling.
I guess they needed a resolution to say "We support you".

However, there's no need to cut off all of Russias energy exports or his banks access to SWIFT.

Virtue Signalling.
I have no idea why those 3 decided to vote "no", but guess it has something to do with how utterly pedestrian such an act of self gratification really is.
I have no idea why those 3 decided to vote "no", but guess it has something to do with how utterly pedestrian such an act of self gratification really is.

Not sure about the other two, but Gosar is a complete **** that can't bring himself to be decent about anything at all.
Not sure about the other two, but Gosar is a complete **** that can't bring himself to be decent about anything at all.
What does that have to do with passing this self-congratulatory and totally ineffective piece of shit?
Why would anyone support spending tax dollars on Congressional masturbation?
What does that have to do with passing this self-congratulatory and totally ineffective piece of shit?
Why would anyone support spending tax dollars on Congressional masturbation?
Ah so they were saving money through their No vote eh? I suppose it’s one letter shorter than Yes so maybe that somehow translates into tax dollars being saved. Data storage costs and all, you know.

With such grand ideas, have you considered running for office? Perhaps Gosar’s seat? Surely you’d do better than him.
Literally less than an hour ago, and this one has portraits of the 3 losers in question.

What does that mean, when the President says "we will not send troops to fight in Ukraine". What good does a resolution do when we refuse to sanction Putin's oil and gas business? It doesn't do S--t. It looks good to people watching tv who don't know s__t.
It's like Joe's announcement that we were opening the strategic reserve, for a total of 3 days worth of oil. It will have absolutely no effect, none. It's like telling a starving man you will buy him one McDonald cheeseburger. To heck with the rest of your life.
What does that mean, when the President says "we will not send troops to fight in Ukraine". What good does a resolution do when we refuse to sanction Putin's oil and gas business? It doesn't do S--t. It looks good to people watching tv who don't know s__t.
It's like Joe's announcement that we were opening the strategic reserve, for a total of 3 days worth of oil. It will have absolutely no effect, none. It's like telling a starving man you will buy him one McDonald cheeseburger. To heck with the rest of your life.
I agree and for the life of me I can't figure out why they don't put you in charge. After all, here you are, day after day with brilliant, specific, actionable ideas that would cause the war and atrocities to end almost immediately. If only you'd share them to show the world how bad Joe is because he didn't think of your brilliant, specific, actionable ideas, perhaps more people would abandon Sleepy Joe (or do you prefer Xiden? not sure which camp you're in) and vote for you instead!
Massie s from Kentucky and he’s a well educated man but he does and says dumb shit daily.
What does that have to do with passing this self-congratulatory and totally ineffective piece of shit?
Why would anyone support spending tax dollars on Congressional masturbation?
you sound mad.
Ah so they were saving money through their No vote eh? I suppose it’s one letter shorter than Yes so maybe that somehow translates into tax dollars being saved. Data storage costs and all, you know.

With such grand ideas, have you considered running for office? Perhaps Gosar’s seat? Surely you’d do better than him.
i love this post.
The Doomsday Clock is twitching.
I agree and for the life of me I can't figure out why they don't put you in charge. After all, here you are, day after day with brilliant, specific, actionable ideas that would cause the war and atrocities to end almost immediately. If only you'd share them to show the world how bad Joe is because he didn't think of your brilliant, specific, actionable ideas, perhaps more people would abandon Sleepy Joe (or do you prefer Xiden? not sure which camp you're in) and vote for you instead!
So I can depend on your vote in 2024?
So I can depend on your vote in 2024?
Not yet. I'll be waiting to see if you share any of these brilliant ideas. If you do and they're as fabulous as we all think they are, then perhaps you might get our votes. On the other hand if you're one of those people who says their solution to everything will be released in just a couple of weeks, but fails to follow through, then obviously no one would vote for you. So, ball's in your court, really. I'm rooting for you though.
Why did they put this in there?

underscores the importance of maintaining United States energy independence for the benefit of the American people and United States allies;

Because they are serving big oil to ignore the threat to the climate and demand unlimited oil drilling and use, and are using the Ukraine crisis to justify it.

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