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The Helsinki Summit was a total DISASTER! (1 Viewer)

We lost a whole lot more than face on this trifecta disaster, whether at home or abroad. Even trump voters are ashamed out here. No need for me to rub salt. We must present ourselves as a better option, and get more than 1/3 of registered DEMs to actually vote in 2018, as compared to 2016.

Americans working for Uncle Sam overseas are now at risk. None of our former friends, now foes, will share any intel of significance. Anything on Syria/Russia/NK menacing Israel today?

Expect more incompetence and incoherence each new day. Minus a DEM truth squad each new day on trump’s twitter hole of lies, he’ll control the daily narrative. Huckabee Sanders and Raj Shah have tougher jobs now, eh?
The bolded is the really dangerous part, in an era of terrorism from abroad coining to roost on American soil.

And after being demonized and even referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution, do you think another Micheal Steel will step forward while Trump or the GOP are in power?

The world looks on aghast, I'm sure.
Nothing will change Trump's followers, but things like this and like taking the children can influence Indies, to say nothing of invigorating Dems. So these little things can add-up to cause him election problems.

You would be surprised about trump’s voters in Iowa. They’re Americans first, then gops, then trumpers. #45 crossed a line today I’m not sure some DEMs actually either feel or understand, especially with Veterans and hard-working folks on the farm. THEY felt disgraced.

When you live in the urban and suburban, you don’t live small town or on the farm. It’s a completely different life, and Dems don’t have much appeal to them, yet. Too many PC lone-wolves don’t help, as gops play their cultural wars. It’s all they have, besides stuff like disastrous tariffs on farmers and such.
Not even close. Anyone can watch the recording or read the transcript. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere. The media has been soft on what was actually said IMO. The worst things the media had on were comments by people like Coates...who is not the media.

Here is a link to the transcript
Please do point out where President Trump did something wrong or made America look bad.
You would be surprised about trump’s voters in Iowa. They’re Americans first, then gops, then trumpers. #45 crossed a line today I’m not sure some DEMs actually either feel or understand, especially with Veterans and hard-working folks on the farm. THEY felt disgraced.

When you live in the urban and suburban, you don’t live small town or on the farm. It’s a completely different life, and Dems don’t have much appeal to them, yet. Too many PC lone-wolves don’t help, as gops play their cultural wars. It’s all they have, besides stuff like disastrous tariffs on farmers and such.
Hah! Until I read your sig my friend, I didn't know that was you! What the hey? PM on the way ...
No, no, if America looks weak it's because Trump has been shown a fool every time he's stepped outside his borders. If America looks weak it's because Trump represents it.
All that other stuff is just internal squabbling.
Please tell us where in the this meeting with Putin did Trump make America look weak? Seriously point it out. Do you need to look at the transcript, ill get it for you.
Sorry the media had nothing to do with my opinion of his complete failure today, I watched it live, it was embarrassing...

Which part? Caused he called Muellers investigation a witch hunt. He's been saying that for months.
Are you kidding me? When reporter ask Trump whether he believes Putin or his intelligence people he through his intelligence community under the bus.

This is why the meeting was a total disaster, Trump did not stand up for America he kissed Putin's ass

All of media did was put a camera on Trump wake the **** up

That cause are intelligence community is a screw up. They are playing political games instead of doing their job secretly and informing their division heads. Instead they make up fake claims, start fake investigations, use fake materials, then leak it to the press. All the while the truth escapes them.
Please tell us where in the this meeting with Putin did Trump make America look weak? Seriously point it out. Do you need to look at the transcript, ill get it for you.

You actually think that siding with Putin against America did not makes us look weakened.? Our President is protecting Putin and giving him the green light to meddle again in the fall. He is failing in his oath of office. It is unprecedented and dangerous.
That cause are intelligence community is a screw up. They are playing political games instead of doing their job secretly and informing their division heads. Instead they make up fake claims, start fake investigations, use fake materials, then leak it to the press. All the while the truth escapes them.

And you know this treason how? You do understand that the rule of law is the entire basis for our Republic? The rule of law keeps us free and safe. We are neither without it. It took a huge hit today and it is time we hit back.
You actually think that siding with Putin against America did not makes us look weakened.? Our President is protecting Putin and giving him the green light to meddle again in the fall. He is failing in his oath of office. It is unprecedented and dangerous.

And you know this treason how? You do understand that the rule of law is the entire basis for our Republic? The rule of law keeps us free and safe. We are neither without it. It took a huge hit today and it is time we hit back.
Ya the rule of law is you have to prove to a court then they judge that something has been unlawful. So far there hasnt been any court that has proved Trump or Russia has done anything unlawful. Yet you go around yelling treason. Talk about rule of law, how about trying to follow it.
To determine the success,or failure, of the summit one must first DEFINE THE PURPOSE OF THE SUMMIT.

If the purpose of the summit was to publicly shame Russia for meddling with our election, the summit was a failure.

If the purpose of the summit was to make a baby step towards forming an alliance with Russia against our true enemies of the 21st Century: China and radical Islam: the summit looks like a success.

IMHO: We should be concentrating on fighting the next war and not the last war.
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To determine the success,or failure, of the summit one must first DEFINE THE PURPOSE OF THE SUMMIT.

If the purpose of the summit was to publicly shame Russia for meddling with our election, the summit was a failure.

If the purpose of the summit was to make a baby step towards forming an alliance with Russia against our true enemies of the 21st Century: China and radical Islam: the summit looks like a success.

We have already lost Russia, but that is a nice thought.
Ya the rule of law is you have to prove to a court then they judge that something has been unlawful. So far there hasnt been any court that has proved Trump or Russia has done anything unlawful. Yet you go around yelling treason. Talk about rule of law, how about trying to follow it.

Trump is discrediting the investigators and the intelligence services by siding with Putin, our most dangerous enemy. That is weakening the rule of law and our world credibility with it. Please do not do the same.
To determine the success,or failure, of the summit one must first DEFINE THE PURPOSE OF THE SUMMIT.

If the purpose of the summit was to publicly shame Russia for meddling with our election, the summit was a failure.

If the purpose of the summit was to make a baby step towards forming an alliance with Russia against our true enemies of the 21st Century: China and radical Islam: the summit looks like a success.

IMHO: We should be concentrating on fighting the next war and not the last war.

Putin is our most dangerous enemy and is the enemy of ALL democracies everywhere. Making an alliance with Russia is like Stalin making one with Hitler. It will not end well.
We have already lost Russia, but that is a nice thought.

Putin's Russia is our sworn enemy. We lost Russia when he came to power and we are losing his war against us. Reagan brought down the Soviets and Trump will be remembered for reviving them from the ashes. Not the best accomplishment.
Putin's Russia is our sworn enemy. We lost Russia when he came to power and we are losing his war against us. Reagan brought down the Soviets and Trump will be remembered for reviving them from the ashes. Not the best accomplishment.

Putin was always reasonable and manageable, we simply decided to Not Try....and then Obama decided to be a PRICK EXTRAORDINAIRE.

EDIT: I need to add that giving Russia criminally bad economic advice after the CCCP crumbled and then our idiotic decision to expand NATO (When most likely we should have been killing NATO) set this all in motion.

We have earned losing Russia to China....We worked at it.
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I think Trump didn't do well today. Yet, there is little doubt his political opposition is doing everything they can to ensure they lose the mid-terms and Trump wins in a landslide in 2020...

I think he did that himself by siding with Russia rather than his own country.
To determine the success,or failure, of the summit one must first DEFINE THE PURPOSE OF THE SUMMIT.

If the purpose of the summit was to publicly shame Russia for meddling with our election, the summit was a failure.

If the purpose of the summit was to make a baby step towards forming an alliance with Russia against our true enemies of the 21st Century: China and radical Islam: the summit looks like a success.

IMHO: We should be concentrating on fighting the next war and not the last war.

The way to combat radical Ismam is not thru Russia, but thru Saudia Arabia. A country were Muslim "charities" are a cover for radicalism. Putin cares for one thing, to weaken the West and for Russia to take its rightful place as THE European Superpower. You want to curb radical Islam, stop buying Saudi oil and selling them F-15's, once you do that the Saudis will stop funding Islamic terrorist bombers . Hell, Trumps first foreign visit was to Saudi. Doing the sword dance with the KSA royalty smiling ear from ear.
Putin is our most dangerous enemy and is the enemy of ALL democracies everywhere. Making an alliance with Russia is like Stalin making one with Hitler. It will not end well.

Indeed. I'm stunned that this must be pointed out to GOP loyalists who are willing to ignore the Constitution in order to gain "POWER" in congress. **** them all.
Trump is discrediting the investigators and the intelligence services by siding with Putin, our most dangerous enemy. That is weakening the rule of law and our world credibility with it. Please do not do the same.

Cuz our Intelligence agencies did so well for Bush Jr & Kennedy?
Trump's treasonous performance and most of the GOP's silence shows there is no longer any doubt that the GOP is all about 'Party before Country'.

The GOP has been infected with racists, traitors and far right social conservatives who will do anything to hold onto power, including weakening their own country.

What Trump did this week in Europe will take a generation to fix, but the fixing can't start until the GOP is voted out, EVERYWHERE!! The moderates and Indy's better wake up in November and vote the GOP out, or this country may never recover.
Trump's treasonous performance and most of the GOP's silence shows there is no longer any doubt that the GOP is all about 'Party before Country'.

The GOP has been infected with racists, traitors and far right social conservatives who will do anything to hold onto power, including weakening their own country.

What Trump did this week in Europe will take a generation to fix, but the fixing can't start until the GOP is voted out, EVERYWHERE!! The moderates and Indy's better wake up in November and vote the GOP out, or this country may never recover.

No one is falling for your communist bull crap, move along.
Who disagrees?

Is your head in the sand?

This is a no brainer.

Why do you think it was a disaster?

It was certainly a disaster for a certain Euroweenie way of thinking about the world, that's for sure. To hear them talk about it they spend more on social services because they're so virtuous. The US has nothing to do with it by their reckoning.

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