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The GOP is no longer a party. It’s a movement to impose White Christian nationalism. (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
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Mar 27, 2022
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The GOP is no longer a party. It’s a movement to impose White Christian nationalism.​

People might be confused about how a Republican Party that once worried about government overreach now seeks to control medical care for transgender children and retaliate against a corporation for objecting to a bill targeting LGBTQ students. And why is it that the most ambitious Republicans are spending more time battling nonexistent critical race theory in schools than on health care or inflation?

To explain this, one must acknowledge that the GOP is not a political party anymore. It is a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism.
The media blandly describes the GOP’s obsessions as “culture wars,” but that suggests there is another side seeking to impose its views on others. In reality, only one side is repudiating pluralistic democracy — White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.

The result is an alarming pattern: Any moment of social progress is soon followed by reactionary panic and claims of victimhood. It’s no mere coincidence that Donald Trump, the leader of the birther movement, succeeded the first African American president. Nor should the anti-critical-race-theory movement surprise anyone given the mass protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Understanding his phenomenon is crucial to preserving pluralistic democracy.



The GOP is no longer a party. It’s a movement to impose White Christian nationalism.​

People might be confused about how a Republican Party that once worried about government overreach now seeks to control medical care for transgender children and retaliate against a corporation for objecting to a bill targeting LGBTQ students. And why is it that the most ambitious Republicans are spending more time battling nonexistent critical race theory in schools than on health care or inflation?

To explain this, one must acknowledge that the GOP is not a political party anymore. It is a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism.
The media blandly describes the GOP’s obsessions as “culture wars,” but that suggests there is another side seeking to impose its views on others. In reality, only one side is repudiating pluralistic democracy — White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.

The result is an alarming pattern: Any moment of social progress is soon followed by reactionary panic and claims of victimhood. It’s no mere coincidence that Donald Trump, the leader of the birther movement, succeeded the first African American president. Nor should the anti-critical-race-theory movement surprise anyone given the mass protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Understanding his phenomenon is crucial to preserving pluralistic democracy.

The opinion is unhinged? Why so?
How is the GOP imposing White Christian nationalism by opposing life changing, medically unnecessary surgery on minors?
How is the GOP imposing White Christian nationalism by opposing life changing, medically unnecessary surgery on minors?
Could it be that because they believe and are attempting to pass laws that reflect their ignorant religious views about the LGBTQ community on the population? Why not let them live their lives as they see fit?
Could it be that because they believe and are attempting to pass laws that reflect their ignorant religious views about the LGBTQ community on the population? Why not let them live their lives as they see fit?
What does religion have to do with trying to protect minors from life changing, medically unnecessary surgery? And how is that related to white nationalism. I don't pay the WaPo, but whoever wrote that is unhinged. The opinion make no sense whatsoever. And they are liars. The FL law does not "target LGBT" students. THat's a lie pushed by activists.
Some people think kindergarteners should be taught sex and gender identity, yes that is unhinged!


The GOP is no longer a party. It’s a movement to impose White Christian nationalism.​

People might be confused about how a Republican Party that once worried about government overreach now seeks to control medical care for transgender children and retaliate against a corporation for objecting to a bill targeting LGBTQ students. And why is it that the most ambitious Republicans are spending more time battling nonexistent critical race theory in schools than on health care or inflation?

To explain this, one must acknowledge that the GOP is not a political party anymore. It is a movement dedicated to imposing White Christian nationalism.
The media blandly describes the GOP’s obsessions as “culture wars,” but that suggests there is another side seeking to impose its views on others. In reality, only one side is repudiating pluralistic democracy — White, Christian and mainly rural Americans who are becoming a minority group and want to maintain their political power.

The result is an alarming pattern: Any moment of social progress is soon followed by reactionary panic and claims of victimhood. It’s no mere coincidence that Donald Trump, the leader of the birther movement, succeeded the first African American president. Nor should the anti-critical-race-theory movement surprise anyone given the mass protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. Understanding his phenomenon is crucial to preserving pluralistic democracy.

Its now a white nationalist party, more than willing to forego the niceties of representative democracy, for their .agenda
Opposing teaching five year olds the finer points of anal sex isn't white nationalism. It's common sense.
Nobody is advocating for teaching children about anal sex. You see now why they are saying what they do about your party?
Nobody is advocating for teaching children about anal sex. You see now why they are saying what they do about your party?
It's in the law - right next to the "Don't say Gay" part. Look it up
If fairy tales can be told about a man and a woman falling in love then why can't the same type of stories be shown for gay couples? Love is love
Teaching that a family unit can be made of not only a man and woman is important to the kids of gay parents. It reduces bullying and making the child feel as an outsider.
Of course I could see a person not wanting to do this if they really don't care about the well being of children.
It's in the law - right next to the "Don't say Gay" part. Look it up
Show us. I am not seeing where schools are advocating for teaching kids about anal sex.
Show us. I am not seeing where schools are advocating for teaching kids about anal sex.
I told you. It's right next to the "Don't Say Gay" part of the bill. Look it up.
I told you. It's right next to the "Don't Say Gay" part of the bill. Look it up.
I just read two articles on the topic and anal sex is not mentioned at all. Are you making things up? You should be able to provide a source to your claim unless you are lying.
I just read two articles on the topic and anal sex is not mentioned at all. Are you making things up? You should be able to provide a source to your claim unless you are lying.
Catching on huh? I am lying. Just like you are lying with your "don't Say Gay" lie. Don't act surprised when your lies are countered with lies.
Catching on huh? I am lying.
So what you are showing the group is that you lie to attempt to push your agenda. one could conclude from this that there is no conversation that can be had with you. Goodbye
Could it be that because they believe and are attempting to pass laws that reflect their ignorant religious views about the LGBTQ community on the population? Why not let them live their lives as they see fit?
Why do you assume their religious views are "ignorant"?
So what you are showing the group is that you lie to attempt to push your agenda. one could conclude from this that there is no conversation that can be had with you. Goodbye
LOL Not familiar with irony, are you Spunky.

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