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The Food Stamp President (1 Viewer)

Is it a racist remark?

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It is easy to call someone a name it is much more difficult to qualify the label.
I'm not sure what you mean by "qualify".
I'm not sure what you mean by "qualify".

Why are Blacks, Hispanics and minorities considered lazy ? What it is that qualifies the word lazy in that regard.
Yes, it is racist. It's racist, because most uninformed people think it's black who use food stamp the most. Whether they are or not it makes no difference. It's the perception that counts.

Have you ever stopped to think that people have stereotypes about other groups of people? It's called racism and it's ugly.

I just had an ironygasm.
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Why are Blacks, Hispanics and minorities considered lazy ? What it is that qualifies the word lazy in that regard.
Well, since its called the "southern strategy" and it was designed to use blacks as scapegoats to get the white racist vote then perhaps labeling blacks as lazy and undeserving of handouts might be a stereo-type that white southerners could identify with.

Below is a quote by an Oklahoma legislator who wanted to abolish affirmative action because she thinks blacks dont work as hard and have less inititive.....

The Oklahoma House of Representatives has approved a proposed constitutional amendment that would eliminate Affirmative Action in state government.

The proposed amendment passed by a vote of 59-14 Wednesday evening, with 28 members absent or not voting. It had already passed the Senate and will go to a vote of the people next year…

Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City, said minorities earn less than white people because they don’t work as hard and have less initiative.

“We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that’s tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don’t want to study as hard in school? I’ve taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t study hard because they said the government would take care of them.”

Sally Kern thinks black people are lazy and don

Here is a YT video discussing the above....
Rep. - Blacks Lazy, End Up In Prison - YouTube

Below is a poster on another forum who is referring to the black woman in the photo as a "lazy parasite".....

Right2Work 5:47 pm on Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I'd protest too if someone threatened my free ride! These lazy parasites on unemployment/disabilty/food stamps/medicaid should try working. If they actually paid taxes they would be protesting Obama's socialistic agenda.

Hundreds Rally Outside Troy Marriott Before Romney Fundraiser Event - Rochester-Rochester Hills, MI Patch

Here is Ken Melman who was Bush's campaign manager and chairman of the RNC in 2004 admitting that the GOP uses the "southern strategy" .....

Following Bush's re-election, Ken Mehlman, Bush's campaign manager and Chairman of the RNC, held several large meetings with African-American business, community, and religious leaders. In his speeches, he apologized for his party's use of the Southern Strategy in the past. When asked about the strategy of using race as an issue to build GOP dominance in the once-Democratic South, Mehlman replied, "Republican candidates often have prospered by ignoring black voters and even by exploiting racial tensions," and, "by the '70s and into the '80s and '90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African-American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out. Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization. I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."[39][40]

Here is another quote suggesting the days of pandering to the white racist south are over because Obama got elected without them.....

Merle Black, an expert on the region’s politics at Emory University in Atlanta, said the Republican Party went too far in appealing to the South, alienating voters elsewhere." .......
Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But Romney is using the southern strategy to shore up the southern vote so it remains to be seen if those days are really over like the above "expert" suggests and it will all depend on if Obama can get re-elected without the south like he did in 2008. Neither Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter would have won without the south, but then they were white southern boys.
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Is it a racist remark to call President Obama the food stamp President? According to Chris Mathews there is no question about it it is a racist remark
It's a label which refers to Obama's social policies. It has nothing to do with race.
Here's the thing that some of you don't seem to understand about racism: White people don't get to decide what minorities are and aren't allowed to find racist. You KNOW perfectly well that they consider associations with food stamps to be racist, and I'm sure Newt Gingrich knows that too. So when you CONTINUE to make these kind of remarks knowing perfectly well that they are perceived as racist, you no longer get to claim that it's just some innocuous misunderstanding. At the very least, it's purposely being an asshole to people on account of their race. I'm not sure if you can draw a distinction between that and "racist comments," but it comes pretty damn close.

Think of it this way. Suppose you have a friend, and you say something that hurts your friend's feelings (it doesn't really matter what you said). Suppose you didn't INTEND to offend her, but she interpreted it differently than you meant it. Which of the following do you think is a better response, assuming you actually respect this friend and want her to continue to like you?
(A) "I'm sorry that my comments offended you. I didn't realize that they would have that effect, but since I respect you, I won't make those kind of comments again."
(B) "You have no right to be offended. You're always playing that card. And by the way, I'm going to continue saying exactly those kind of comments."

And Republicans wonder why nearly 100% of blacks vote against them...:roll:
I'm sorry some minorities think it's a racist term. We know our intent, which is something we decide, not minorities, so if minorities see it differently then I respect that view as their opinion.
Well, since its called the "southern strategy" and it was designed to use blacks as scapegoats to get the white racist vote then perhaps labeling blacks as lazy and undeserving of handouts might be a stereo-type that white southerners could identify with.

So there is no real reason, just some fiction created for a political marketing strategy. There is still no basis in reality for these diatribes.
I don't think so. There's a lot of what I think as racist innuendo referring to the President but associating him with increased use of food stamps that nobody can deny, I don't think should be included.

-He's only half black
-We only voted for him because he's black; blacks ONLY voting for him because he's black (unlike Al Sharpton, Alan Keyes, Carol Mosely Braun, ect.) or white due to white guilt (see same list)
-Declaring he has a deep seeded hatred for white people
-The birther movement, attributing after school fights on school busses to the election of President Obama
-Gloating over the very recent increases in urban crime while making a connection to President Obama especially if the drastic decreases in urban crime at the beginning of his Presidency were ignored by the same people who are seemingly celebrating the increases
-Singling out black people (or is it blah people?) for being uniquely lazy and prone to an expectation of entitlement especially considering most people on welfare are not black (or blah).
-(dis)Honorable mention for a huge list of double standards where he's been demonized while previous political leaders have done similar things have not or if so not with the same level of intensity or emotionalism that cannot conclusively be attributed to race but does make people secretly question the difference and arrive at their own unspoken conclusions.

But citing the increased number of people on food stamps, no.
That is absurd. If someone said that Allen West is a chicken-and-watermelon-eating, spear-chucking savage who's going to rape your daughters, you don't think there would be anything racist about that?

Certainly I would say there is something racist about that. Spear-chucker is a racist term. That being said, welfare and food stamps are not racist terms.

The willful ignorance of people is depressing. :(

On the contrary, your willingness to engage in projection of the worst kind is sad. You are otherwise a powerful voice for your side. It is the left that racializes welfare, not the right. It is the left who insists on seeing the world in terms of race, and then insists that it's opponents must do so as well.

Do you support welfare for the same reason that people support affirmative action?
anywho, looking at the poll it's nice to see that thus far the racialists are heavily outnumbered.
Why do people pay so much attention to GE's spokespeople?

OK, we know GE is for the Democrats because GE makes the vast majority of it's revenue from government contracts and the Dems are the big spenders.

So of course they will make specious claims against Republicans like claiming they are racist and other such ridiculous bull****.

What gets me is that so many people will watch MSNBC without understanding that it is GE's propaganda outlet. It's like they don't even know they are watching a commercial.

I call BS. GE is a huge defense contractor as well, and I've met few Republicans in govt. who turn down the chance to support more defense spending.
If it was simply a matter of falsely screaming racism for political reasons, then why can't the Republican Party manage to get more than 10% of the African-American vote?

Because it works? But perhaps you can tell us, kandahar. is driving a pickup truck racist?

that african americans vote democrat is no more a sign that republicans are racist against blacks than the fact that asians vote republican is a sign of the fact that democrats hate asians.

I mean, surely SOME of these voters would see through the Democratic ruse of screaming racism for political reasons?

Not really. The American electorate is rather low-information.

Unless of course you're going to argue that they're a hive mind who can't think for themselves, and/or that the Democrats have thoroughly brainwashed nearly all of them, which is, incidentally, ****ing racist.

Fascinating claim. Herman Cain hates black people?

If anything here is derogatory and demeaning to African Americans, it is democrats proprietary relationship towards them.
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Romney knows he doesn't have the Black, Hispanic and perhaps now even the womens vote so he's pandering to shore up the only base he has left, the white male conservatives, especially those in the deep southern confederate states who consistantly vote by wide margins for the GOP...and they love those coded buzzwords and dog whistles cuz it gits em all riled up.

as i recall you are a woman from the north-mid-west. As a conservative deep southern male, allow me to assure you, you have no idea what you are talking about :)
kandahar said:
Here's the thing that some of you don't seem to understand about racism: White people don't get to decide what minorities are and aren't allowed to find racist.

Ah. You mean minorities like Chris Matthews? But not minorities like Shelby Steele? Here's the thing you don't seem to understand about racism: you thinking that something is racist does not make it racist. Racism does not exist in the ear of the recipient, but the mind of the sender.

You KNOW perfectly well that they consider associations with food stamps to be racist

Why in the world would black people consider food stamps to be racist?

Oh, wait, the reason they make that connection is because people like you choose to try to make it part of the narrative, because it allows you to paint the opposition not as wrong, but as evil, therefore reinforcing without evidence your own self-image of moral superiority. They Don't Disagree Because They Think We're Wrong, They Disagree Because They Are Evil. :roll:

That's no better than claiming that pro-choicers are really pro-murdering-babies, or that pro-lifers are pro-enslaving women. It's the assumption that those who oppose your means must also oppose your motives, and it's a particularly nasty little
anywho, looking at the poll it's nice to see that thus far the racialists are heavily outnumbered.

Or the racialists are simply trying to hide from applying that label of RACIST to their own views. They want it both ways so they revel in the attack on Obama enjoying its racist implications but get all huffy when the label is applied to their motivations.
not David Duke !!!!!!! please omg noooo:shock: :roll:


Unfortunately, we can't kick him out of the party, people are allow to register party as they wish... but we can do things like this...

Republican Leadership Council said:
Washington, DC — Mark Miller, Executive Director of the Republican Leadership Council (RLC), today applauded RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson for his swift denunciation of David Duke and called on other Republicans to publicly oppose the candidacy of the former Klansman and neo-Nazi sympathizer.

“Republicans of every ideological persuasion can agree that David Duke’s latest foray into GOP electoral politics must be opposed, and his candidacy for the House of Representatives denied legitimacy,” said Miller. “We applaud RNC Chairman Nicholson’s quick opposition to Duke’s divisive agenda, and we call on other conservative leaders and groups to state for the record their opposition to his candidacy.”

“We ask Chairman Nicholson to help us recruit and fully fund a viable Republican primary opponent to oppose Duke’s message of intolerance,” added Miller.

“I hope we can all show solidarity as a Party, and state unequivocally, that David Duke cannot, should not and will not be permitted to advance his agenda under the auspices of the Republican Party,” concluded Miller.

when he changed his affiliation to (R) I guess he didnt like that much ... Calling Steele a Black Racist, and other republicans traitors...

Duke is F#$%ing scum...
Or the racialists are simply trying to hide from applying that label of RACIST to their own views. They want it both ways so they revel in the attack on Obama enjoying its racist implications but get all huffy when the label is applied to their motivations.

:( so sad to see that you hate America like this.

Oh sure, liberals will tell you that they love America, and will hold themselves up as patriots who want a strong middle class. But really you know that they hate not just America, but children, Jesus, and Asian people. Everything they say that belies this notion is just them hiding their deep, dark, irrational fury.


seriously, I thought we had a forum specifically for non-falsifiable thesis conspiracy theories? what is this crap doing up here?

seriously, I thought we had a forum specifically for non-falsifiable thesis conspiracy theories? what is this crap doing up here?

Because it speaks to the topic and answers your own post with issues that you raised.
Or the racialists are simply trying to hide from applying that label of RACIST to their own views. They want it both ways so they revel in the attack on Obama enjoying its racist implications but get all huffy when the label is applied to their motivations.

:roll: Up is down, left is right ... and the parties each abandoned everything they believed for a 100+ years, to just flip sides...

Seems Legit...
Because it works? But perhaps you can tell us, kandahar. is driving a pickup truck racist?

that african americans vote democrat is no more a sign that republicans are racist against blacks than the fact that asians vote republican is a sign of the fact that democrats hate asians.

Not really. The American electorate is rather low-information.

Fascinating claim. Herman Cain hates black people?

If anything here is derogatory and demeaning to African Americans, it is democrats proprietary relationship towards them.

They (D) would say yes, because he is a "Sellout" to his people...
I'm sorry some minorities think it's a racist term. We know our intent, which is something we decide, not minorities, so if minorities see it differently then I respect that view as their opinion.

No. The first time you do it, it might be innocuous enough if you truly don't know that it will be perceived as racist. But when you KNOW that many minorities find it offensive and you continue to do it anyway, then you clearly DON'T respect them or their views.
On the contrary, your willingness to engage in projection of the worst kind is sad. You are otherwise a powerful voice for your side. It is the left that racializes welfare, not the right. It is the left who insists on seeing the world in terms of race, and then insists that it's opponents must do so as well.

And this takes me back to the point I made earlier: You, a white dude, do not get to decide on behalf of minorities what they can and cannot find racist. If black people believe that debates over "welfare" and "food stamps" are racially tinged, might I suggest that they are in a better position to observe this than you are. And if people continue to use those terms KNOWING that they are offensive without displaying the slightest regard for this fact, then it shows that 1) they don't respect the opinions of minorities, and 2) they believe that THEIR view of racism trumps the view of the people who are actually experiencing it.

Do you support welfare for the same reason that people support affirmative action?

I support anti-poverty programs because I want to reduce poverty. I don't really have an opinion on affirmative action.
Because it works?

Then why don't the Democrats turn on the mind-control technique on every other voting bloc too?

But perhaps you can tell us, kandahar. is driving a pickup truck racist?

Huh? Why would driving a pickup truck be racist? :confused:

that african americans vote democrat is no more a sign that republicans are racist against blacks than the fact that asians vote republican is a sign of the fact that democrats hate asians.

John Kerry received 56% of the Asian-American vote, and Barack Obama received 62% of the Asian-American vote. But in any case, this is nothing like the 90+ percent of African-Americans which vote Democrat.

Not really. The American electorate is rather low-information.

That might explain a SLIGHT partisan gap on the part of any voting bloc. It does not explain a 95-5 (or more) voting gap. When a party can't reliably get more than 5% of the vote of an entire race of people, perhaps it's time to consider the possibility that there is something wrong with the party rather than the voters.

Fascinating claim. Herman Cain hates black people?

Has he claimed that blacks have been brainwashed by Democrats? If so, then yes, that's racist. But it's not like Herman Cain's target audience is black people anyway. :roll:

If anything here is derogatory and demeaning to African Americans, it is democrats proprietary relationship towards them.

I would like to see Republicans do better among black voters too...it isn't good for the health of our democracy for one party to be so utterly alienating to an entire race of people. But the way Republicans can do better is to LISTEN to their concerns and address their issues, rather than merely telling them that their perceptions of the GOP are incorrect, while refusing to change either their rhetoric or their policies. That shows a profound lack of respect for the opinions of black voters.
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Unfortunately, we can't kick him out of the party, people are allow to register party as they wish... but we can do things like this...

when he changed his affiliation to (R) I guess he didnt like that much ... Calling Steele a Black Racist, and other republicans traitors...

Duke is F#$%ing scum...

IMO they took him too seriously. The man is a caricature of himself and would soon flame out and move onto other things before he could have done any real and long lasting harm.

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