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The Facebook Post Palin Doesn't Want Us to See (1 Viewer)

Someone at Slate has PDS something fierce.
The Facebook posts Palin doesn't want you to see. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

Many of the comments that are filtered I could understand why, but they also filter out supporters comments that don't completely agree with her.

No offense to you, John, but what a crappy article. Really. Every politician does it. Why do people keep singling her out? I'm beginning to think it's simply because she's an attractive woman. Hell, Hillary looked like a guy half the time she campaigned.
No offense to you, John, but what a crappy article. Really. Every politician does it. Why do people keep singling her out? I'm beginning to think it's simply because she's an attractive woman. Hell, Hillary looked like a guy half the time she campaigned.

i saw that article as even handed
it would appear her facebook censor has a good ear
which republican has more momentum going into 2012 than caribou barbie?
No offense to you, John, but what a crappy article. Really. Every politician does it. Why do people keep singling her out? I'm beginning to think it's simply because she's an attractive woman. Hell, Hillary looked like a guy half the time she campaigned.

I thought it was an interesting article and, arguably, it wasn't actually critical of Palin. They addressed why they chose her -- no other politician that they know of or could find deleted nearly as many comments as Palin's people have. Obama - 1%. Palin - 10%. The Palin camp has been extremely vigorous in their attempt to market her, so you can whine about people singling her out, but it's because nobody else pushes for that kind of (or that much) exposure.

Again, the article wasn't very critical at all, but I could see somebody saying that Slate is pointing out that marketing yourself as a (future) candidate of the people while ensuring that 1/10th of the comments made to her are deleted is hypocritical. But that criticism certainly seems fair, doesn't it?
I don't suffer Palin Derrengement Syndrome...

I did not claim you did. I simply tried to make a humorous observation on some one who made a post about Palin, calling some one who made a post on Plain PDS.

What would have been much more effective was to point out that all the article shows is that Palin has moderators, what's the big deal? That would be a good point and much more effective at countering the OP. It has the advantage of being 100 % true.
I did not claim you did. I simply tried to make a humorous observation on some one who made a post about Palin, calling some one who made a post on Plain PDS.

What would have been much more effective was to point out that all the article shows is that Palin has moderators, what's the big deal? That would be a good point and much more effective at countering the OP. It has the advantage of being 100 % true.

I was trying to imply the Author of the Article was stretching for a story on Palin dear.
No offense to you, John, but what a crappy article. Really. Every politician does it. Why do people keep singling her out? I'm beginning to think it's simply because she's an attractive woman. Hell, Hillary looked like a guy half the time she campaigned.

Totally agree Hilary ain't a looker and just because of her style, well honestly I never really liked her. However, I think you should read the article, I will agree it has a bit of a left tilt to it but it is very fair to her, and above all it feels for her supporters over her detractors for sure.
i saw that article as even handed
it would appear her facebook censor has a good ear
which republican has more momentum going into 2012 than caribou barbie?

I thought it was an interesting article and, arguably, it wasn't actually critical of Palin. They addressed why they chose her -- no other politician that they know of or could find deleted nearly as many comments as Palin's people have. Obama - 1%. Palin - 10%. The Palin camp has been extremely vigorous in their attempt to market her, so you can whine about people singling her out, but it's because nobody else pushes for that kind of (or that much) exposure.

Again, the article wasn't very critical at all, but I could see somebody saying that Slate is pointing out that marketing yourself as a (future) candidate of the people while ensuring that 1/10th of the comments made to her are deleted is hypocritical. But that criticism certainly seems fair, doesn't it?

Totally agree Hilary ain't a looker and just because of her style, well honestly I never really liked her. However, I think you should read the article, I will agree it has a bit of a left tilt to it but it is very fair to her, and above all it feels for her supporters over her detractors for sure.

I re-read the article, Mustachio, Bubba and John -- and it seemed less critical with another read. (Boy! Do I hate admitting THAT.) Still, the title of the article is a negative cast: The Facebook posts Palin doesn't want you to see.. While the article 'says' hers was the most edited, was it? (Sounds kinda' lame, ha! even to me...my comment, that is.) I guess I'm going to have to admit that my first blush was coming from a defensive mode. (And this from someone who would hate to see her be the Republican nominee.) Thanks to ya'll for making me think. ;-)
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I re-read the article, Mustachio, Bubba and John -- and it seemed less critical with another read. (Boy! Do I hate admitting THAT.) Still, the title of the article is a negative cast: The Facebook posts Palin doesn't want you to see.. While the article 'says' hers was the most edited, was it? (Sounds kinda' lame, ha! even to me...my comment, that is.) I guess I'm going to have to admit that my first blush was coming from a defensive mode. (And this from someone who would hate to see her be the Republican nominee.) Thanks to ya'll for making me think. ;-)
having the most posts deleted - as a raw number - might be nothing more than an indication that her internet traffic is much greater than any of the other republican contenders
can't image much posting is out there pushing julieannie, huck, the mormon, newt, jindal or mccain
only Ron Paul has a potential youthful following which would be comparable, and he has not ginned up his machine yet, while palin has a massive head start on every one
having the most posts deleted - as a raw number - might be nothing more than an indication that her internet traffic is much greater than any of the other republican contenders
can't image much posting is out there pushing julieannie, huck, the mormon, newt, jindal or mccain
only Ron Paul has a potential youthful following which would be comparable, and he has not ginned up his machine yet, while palin has a massive head start on every one


Facebook has quite an incredible reach that doesn't really have much to do with youth, public figures like Paul and Palin are lightning rods for attention; good or bad, and I doubt youth identify with Palin as much as the 30+ woman demographic does.

Facebook has quite an incredible reach that doesn't really have much to do with youth, public figures like Paul and Palin are lightning rods for attention; good or bad, and I doubt youth identify with Palin as much as the 30+ woman demographic does.

when you are my age, 30+ year old women are included in the category "youthful"
eerr sorry that came out wrong, I meant to say many women that age on up identify with her "mama grizzly" shtick.
Again, the article wasn't very critical at all, but I could see somebody saying that Slate is pointing out that marketing yourself as a (future) candidate of the people while ensuring that 1/10th of the comments made to her are deleted is hypocritical. But that criticism certainly seems fair, doesn't it?

Not really. The internet is a very crude place and means for content providers or public figures to control the level of feedback that appears is praise worthy. Part of the problem with the blogging world was not merely the content providers, much of which could be questionable of quality, but most of all, the comments that appear on the entries. Some of the comments were not terrible, but the ability to control the image is to be expected and not really worthy of criticism.
I was trying to imply the Author of the Article was stretching for a story on Palin dear.

Like you try to stretch for stories on Obama? I guess that makes you and the author of the article even. :mrgreen:
Not really. The internet is a very crude place and means for content providers or public figures to control the level of feedback that appears is praise worthy. Part of the problem with the blogging world was not merely the content providers, much of which could be questionable of quality, but most of all, the comments that appear on the entries. Some of the comments were not terrible, but the ability to control the image is to be expected and not really worthy of criticism.

But you didn't actually address what I was talking about. Palin is a candidate who tells you that she represents mainstream America and yet her people are deleting what mainstream Americans want to say to/through her; your comments do address why that is, but just because there's a reason doesn't automatically make it ok. Slate's article made to comparison to town hall forums -- they are made to look like valid forums where anybody can ask questions or express their concerns, but in reality they are an instance of de facto censorship. Whether or not it is reasonable to conduct a forum in that manner does not negate this.
Why do liberals start so many Palin threads? :mrgreen:

That was evil. Poor MrV, I don't think he will enjoy being called a liberal.
But you didn't actually address what I was talking about. Palin is a candidate who tells you that she represents mainstream America and yet her people are deleting what mainstream Americans want to say to/through her; your comments do address why that is, but just because there's a reason doesn't automatically make it ok. Slate's article made to comparison to town hall forums -- they are made to look like valid forums where anybody can ask questions or express their concerns, but in reality they are an instance of de facto censorship. Whether or not it is reasonable to conduct a forum in that manner does not negate this.

Perhaps it is because I am unable to figure out why such modest censorship is the target for criticism from a journalist. It is quite the reach. Only the most naive of persons would use this as a reason to demote a public figure.
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Perhaps it is because I am unable to figure out why such modest censorship is the target for criticism from a journalist. It is quite the reach. Only the most naive of persons would use this as a reason to demote a public figure.

This is correct. Palin having people who moderate her facebook page is hardly surprising, inappropriate, or even worthy of comment. She would be foolish to not have people do this.
This is correct. Palin having people who moderate her facebook page is hardly surprising, inappropriate, or even worthy of comment. She would be foolish to not have people do this.

You mean have an honest unscreened conversation with America? Democrat or Republican if a politician would do this they would instantly get my respect and likely millions more.
You mean have an honest unscreened conversation with America? Democrat or Republican if a politician would do this they would instantly get my respect and likely millions more.

That is not the purpose of her facebook page.

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