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The Earth Is Flat!!![W:282] (1 Viewer)

Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I'm not really running away from your questions BD, it's just that they are so inane, so trivial that they don't deserve a response.

All I was saying is that Deuce was right--cognitive dissonance positively RULES in the country today.

But yes you are running away. It's why you refuse to tell us what these simple observations of yours are that prove any of the BS you claim.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I just heard a theory the moon is a hollow, artificial satellite, moved into our orbit, for some reason, sounds copacetic; unless, it's also flat!
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

so hows day and night superposed to worck wiht the flat earth we going wiht a tiny orbiting star?
How would you respond to someone who tells you the earth is flat? Is it even possible for such a massive lie to be agreed upon and left unchecked? We are indoctrinated into the heliocentric model. We are shown since we could pretty much crawl, that where we live is on a sphere. We have no intelligence at that age to even bring an argument to the table. The best way to indoctrinate people no matter the cause (militarily, religiously, scientifically), is at a young age. If a group of people could get the majority to believe the earth is a sphere, when they know it's not, then they can get them to believe anything. All kings and queens throughout mankind have used the heavens to capture minds. With a flat earth cosmology they was able to predict eclipses, hold rituals for them, keep track of days, months, years, and all the seasons, they was able to navigate as well. And all civilizations even if they didn't know each-other, all agreed on a flat earth. Mayans using men of religion and science like all kingdoms, captured the minds of their people once they was able to predict eclipses. To the people the men of science and religion of the Mayans seemed all knowing or godly like. And all from using the heavens. If this took place with all kingdoms of history, why would people assume it no longer applies?

Most people believe that such a lie cannot take place, yet all through mankind's history kings, queens, or powers that be, have never given truth to the people. Battles, wars, all these was propagated with lies and deceptions, and then to cover them up, the people simply get more lies and deceptions. I think it's safe to say that we all live a life based on nothing but lies. Meaning we got to where we are today off of lies, kings and queens of the past telling nothing but lies, covering the lies with more lies. The people of all kingdoms never get the truth from the leaders. Today they call it, "classified" or "top secret", we don't get the truth. The truth should never be classified or top secret. And should be the only thing worth fighting for. Evil and wrong doings, is what's kept classified or top secret. They don't want us knowing what's truly going on for a reason. Why would religion, economics, or science be any different?

Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I promise to respect your answer. Please answer the following, Do you believe the earth is flat? Yes or No.

It is simple, it is not trivial, it just indicates if you agree with the OP or not.

Last comment Mike, I know the earth is a sphere in space, in orbit of a star, which acts in harmony with other stars and planets, and forms a galaxy, which rotates with other galaxies.

It's not a matter of believing it my simple friend, it is a matter of knowing it. There is a difference.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I just heard a theory the moon is a hollow, artificial satellite, moved into our orbit, for some reason, sounds copacetic; unless, it's also flat!

What you said IS mentioned in certain ancient texts. I believe there is something to it.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

But yes you are running away. It's why you refuse to tell us what these simple observations of yours are that prove any of the BS you claim.

I have answered many of your questions over years posting here. You don't like the answers, but I've answered them. You, in defending the official story, have no proof whatsoever that what you believe is true. You keep repeating it, but you do not prove any part of it. You can't because all the facts work against the official story.

I am guilty of avoiding conversation with the dissonant amongst us. I have no obligation to attempt to enlighten those in denial of facts. They cannot be enlightened, for ignorance is bliss, a part of the human condition.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Last comment Mike, I know the earth is a sphere in space, in orbit of a star, which acts in harmony with other stars and planets, and forms a galaxy, which rotates with other galaxies.

It's not a matter of believing it my simple friend, it is a matter of knowing it. There is a difference.

Thanks for the post.

Not so much the insult. Guess you didn't want an adult conversation.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

What you said IS mentioned in certain ancient texts. I believe there is something to it.

Why would you believe that
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

I have answered many of your questions over years posting here. You don't like the answers, but I've answered them. You, in defending the official story, have no proof whatsoever that what you believe is true. You keep repeating it, but you do not prove any part of it. You can't because all the facts work against the official story.

I am guilty of avoiding conversation with the dissonant amongst us. I have no obligation to attempt to enlighten those in denial of facts. They cannot be enlightened, for ignorance is bliss, a part of the human condition.

No what you do is run away, try to change the topic or ignore any question that you know exposes the nonsense of your claims. You are well known for it. And you are doing it here. It's why you are playing this game rather then just answer the question of what simple observations back up your claims like you said they do.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Why would you believe that

It's because he is extremely gullible and falls for virtually anything he reads.
I think like as with most CTers they can't deal with the fact that they are not doing well in life and by believing they they are one of the special few that know the truth it makes them feel important. It helps easy the pain.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Why would you believe that

Two things make me believe there is something to it. First, given the peculiar and consistent factors in its orbit, the mathematical odds seem rather long. Secondly, the supposed harmonics reported when the orbiter struck. Three things I guess, the ancient texts reporting a time before there was a moon.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Two things make me believe there is something to it. First, given the peculiar and consistent factors in its orbit, the mathematical odds seem rather long. Secondly, the supposed harmonics reported when the orbiter struck. Three things I guess, the ancient texts reporting a time before there was a moon.

Consistency is peculiar, odds you pulled straight the **** out of your ass, and fairy tales from two thousand years ago. Alrighty then, thanks for answering.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Two things make me believe there is something to it. First, given the peculiar and consistent factors in its orbit, the mathematical odds seem rather long. Secondly, the supposed harmonics reported when the orbiter struck. Three things I guess, the ancient texts reporting a time before there was a moon.

What are the peculiar and consistent factors in its orbit that you have stated?
What ancient texts reporting a time before there was a moon.

Would like to know your sources and what they have to say. Please provide a link, if available.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

What are the peculiar and consistent factors in its orbit that you have stated?
What ancient texts reporting a time before there was a moon.

Would like to know your sources and what they have to say. Please provide a link, if available.

You're just not open minded to be given such a thing. T72 just expects you to take every random ass thing he says at face value
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Last comment Mike, I know the earth is a sphere in space, in orbit of a star, which acts in harmony with other stars and planets, and forms a galaxy, which rotates with other galaxies.

It's not a matter of believing it my simple friend, it is a matter of knowing it. There is a difference.

Sounds like a belief or a religion. Prove it.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

It's called science, the greatest tool mankind has to understand the world around us, you know, with facts!

It doesn't matter if there was visual evidence that they use computer graphics and software to fake it. You will not sway from your indoctrinated religion of a ball earth. I mean they indoctrinated you on the matter at the same time they taught you your abc's and 123's.
They also taught us to mock and ridicule anybody that thought or thinks the earth is flat.


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Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

It doesn't matter if there was visual evidence that they use computer graphics and software to fake it. You will not sway from your indoctrinated religion of a ball earth. I mean they indoctrinated you on the matter at the same time they taught you your abc's and 123's.
They also taught us to mock and ridicule anybody that thought or thinks the earth is flat.


Incorrect, when I see facts my outlook can change. If you categorically present irrefutable proof that the earth is flat, I would say by golly they sure pulled the wool over my eyes.

80 pages in, you failed to do anything except tell me i'm indoctrinated.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Incorrect, when I see facts my outlook can change. If you categorically present irrefutable proof that the earth is flat, I would say by golly they sure pulled the wool over my eyes.

80 pages in, you failed to do anything except tell me i'm indoctrinated.

Likewise, 80 pages in, no proof of a ball. I did however provide evidence of forgery through CGI and computer software, which enables modern sophisticated techniques to have things appear to be real on a television. You people are so gullible. It makes me wonder why you guys don't think Superman is real, after-all you seen him on t.v.
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Those who don't agree with you...........you simply call them stupid idiots? The man below, would seriously put you in your place when it comes to intelligence.

Nikola Tesla was a million times smarter than you. He thought the heliocentric model is a joke. He announced that the theory of relativity is "a mass of error and deceptive ideas and opposed to common sense," and that "not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved." He described the theory of relativity as, "a beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people took for a king."

"I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view." -Nikola Tesla-

"Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off equation after equation eventually building a structure in which has no relation to reality." -Nikola Tesla-

'"Earth is a realm, it is not a planet. It is not an object, therefore, it has no edge. Earth would be more easily defined as a system environment. Earth is also a machine, it is a Tesla coil. The sun and moon are powered wirelessly with the electromagnetic field (the Aether). This field also suspends the celestial spheres with electo-magnetic levitation. Electromag levitation disproves gravity because the only force you need to counter is the electromagnetic force, not gravity. The stars are attached to the FIRMAMENT." ~ Nikola Tesla'

The technology you have today... is because of Nikola Tesla!!!

Care to elaborate on Nikola Tesla's view of the earth not being an object and having no edge? According to you and the bible, the earth is a circle drawn (God used a physical compass according to you) on a shape with four corners. How can this most intelligent man disagree with what you say?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Likewise, 80 pages in, no proof of a ball. I did however provide evidence of forgery through CGI and computer software, which enables modern sophisticated techniques to have things appear to be real on a television. You people are so gullible. It makes me wonder why you guys don't think Superman is real, after-all you seen him on t.v.

How did the kings, queens and "they" of old do it without CGI? Why did they start to do it and when? How did they convince all the sailors and scientists to go along with it?
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Care to elaborate on Nikola Tesla's view of the earth not being an object and having no edge? According to you and the bible, the earth is a circle drawn (God used a physical compass according to you) on a shape with four corners. How can this most intelligent man disagree with what you say?

That Tesla quote is a fake prompted by flat earthers.

Though free to think and act, we are held together like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them, each of us is only part of a whole.”

This metal, it would seem, has an origin entirely different from that of the rest of the globe.
It is a well-known fact that the interior portions of the globe are very hot, the temperature rising, as observations show, with the approach to the center at the rate of approximately 1 degree C. for every hundred feet of depth. The difficulties of sinking shafts and placing boilers at depths of, say, twelve thousand feet, corresponding to an increase in temperature of about 120 degrees C., are not insuperable, and we could certainly avail ourselves in this way of the internal heat of the globe.
By realizing such a plan, we should be enabled to get at any point of the globe a continuous supply of energy, day and night
The observation of this wonderful phenomenon impressed me strongly that communication at any distance could be easily effected by its means, provided that apparatus could be perfected capable of producing an electric or magnetic change of state, however small, in the terrestrial globe or environing medium.

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy with Special References to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy" in Century Illustrated Magazine (June 1900)-Tesla

"The Problem of Increasing Human Energy" by Nikola Tesla
Re: The Earth Is Flat!!!

Likewise, 80 pages in, no proof of a ball. I did however provide evidence of forgery through CGI and computer software, which enables modern sophisticated techniques to have things appear to be real on a television. You people are so gullible. It makes me wonder why you guys don't think Superman is real, after-all you seen him on t.v.
Your belief will not change the nature of reality, only your perception of it.

BTW did I miss your post explaining ecplispes?

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