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The Bible states that homosexuality is an abomination. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Yet homosexuality exists in every species of mammal on this planet.
This indisputable fact has lead me to the conclusion that this tenet of the bible is
devisive, homophobic garbage.
We live in an imperfect world...

Who do we see about that? Do we plead to the God who declared us "abominations" or do we turn to the Devil?

Oh but sweet little Daisy doesn't believe in the Devil. People are born in grinding poverty, or born gay, just because we people aren't good enough. And of course, our lives will all get better if we just swear allegiance to God. This is a proven fact: believers all lead happy lives and die in their eighties or nineties, while atheists suffer the "imperfections" of the human world.
Yet homosexuality exists in every species of mammal on this planet.
This indisputable fact has lead me to the conclusion that this tenet of the bible is
devisive, homophobic garbage.
Or that it's a tenet created as a reaction to what was witnessed among humans and other living things. Considering that infant mortality and life spans were not very good during Biblical times, one can understand how needing all viable members of your group to procreate rather than take themselves out of that pool by not doing so, was pretty critical. I'm not justifying that tenet of course, just adding some pretty important context.
The Bible also says that we should not eat certain foods. I'm pretty sure many Christians ignore such passages.

Hindus won't eat beef. Muslims won't eat pork. Christians won't eat crustaceans. It's relatively tolerant.

Luckily we can all agree on eating chicken, right? Chicken are very easy to raise, doesn't need much water, also produces eggs ... but no wait, Buddhists won't eat chicken. And there are like a billion Buddhists in the world.

You're right. Dietary restrictions are just plain silly.
At least we don't blame an imaginary higher power. We are the power, we admit that.
To this day, superstition and tribalism still interfere with logic, truth and reason.
We've always been that way.
I think we will always be this way, or at least a percentage of us.
We live in an imperfect world...

If it is such an abomination then the defective God should stop making defective homosexual human beings.
If this is a fault, the fault lies with the manufacturer.
Most people are terrified of death. (Hey, I'm not happy about it either). They latch on to anything or anybody that might extend their lives.
Either "Streets of gold" or a pack of willing virgins' will fit the bill. A part of me doesn't really blame them.
I'd love to go somewhere wonderful when I die but, I'm convinced I'll go where my dog goes. Into Mother earth.
Or that it's a tenet created as a reaction to what was witnessed among humans and other living things. Considering that infant mortality and life spans were not very good during Biblical times, one can understand how needing all viable members of your group to procreate rather than take themselves out of that pool by not doing so, was pretty critical. I'm not justifying that tenet of course, just adding some pretty important context.
So you think it was a justified manipulation?
Well, now, even though it's been exposed, people are still falling for it
We live in an imperfect world...

I continue to amazed that religious people insist we need to all take our definition of reality from words on the pages of a book they personally picked out as The One True Way. (Worse, that they're justification is "see? The book says that it's the word of God! PROOF!".

But then they need all these cheat codes. Tossaway lines that are supposed to nullify any counterpoint.

"What good could it possibly have done the world to give this three year old terminal cancer; to suffer and die before even becoming a full person?"

"Oh..well the bib... oh **** it, GOD WORKS IN MYSETRIOUS WAYS! <mic drop>"
Hindus won't eat beef. Muslims won't eat pork. Christians won't eat crustaceans. It's relatively tolerant.

Luckily we can all agree on eating chicken, right? Chicken are very easy to raise, doesn't need much water, also produces eggs ... but no wait, Buddhists won't eat chicken. And there are like a billion Buddhists in the world.

You're right. Dietary restrictions are just plain silly.

Not everyone.
Most people are terrified of death. (Hey, I'm not happy about it either). They latch on to anything or anybody that might extend their lives.
Either "Streets of gold" or a pack of willing virgins' will fit the bill. A part of me doesn't really blame them.
I'd love to go somewhere wonderful when I die but, I'm convinced I'll go where my dog goes. Into Mother earth.
I walk upon a path made of those who came before me.
Or that it's a tenet created as a reaction to what was witnessed among humans and other living things. Considering that infant mortality and life spans were not very good during Biblical times, one can understand how needing all viable members of your group to procreate rather than take themselves out of that pool by not doing so, was pretty critical. I'm not justifying that tenet of course, just adding some pretty important context.

I think you're wrong. Biblical times were hugely patriarchal, so they would have no problem with one man having twenty children and another man having none. There is no need for a prohibition against gay (man on man) sex, in fact they should have gone harder on lesbians. In fact the Bible does not condemn lesbianism at all.

It's just the ick factor, made into religious law. Men who laid with men (like a woman does) were an abomination because it lessened them as men. Sex was a power relation, in which men were "tops" and women were "bottoms" and any rebellion against that was a rebellion against all gender roles.
Yet homosexuality exists in every species of mammal on this planet.
This indisputable fact has lead me to the conclusion that this tenet of the bible is
devisive, homophobic garbage.
We live in an imperfect world...

I continue to amazed that religious people insist we need to all take our definition of reality from words on the pages of a book they personally picked out as The One True Way. (Worse, that they're justification is "see? The book says that it's the word of God! PROOF!". What if I picked up a different book and it says it's the One True Way?

But then they need all these cheat codes. Tossaway lines that are supposed to nullify any counterpoint. "The world is imperfect" is no answer to the challenge "how could a 'good' God create beings he considers abominations, then punish them for being as he made them?"

What it says - accidentally - is "you're right, but I really really really need to believe this all for some other reason, so imma ignore that"

"What good could it possibly have done the world to give this three year old terminal cancer; to suffer and die before even becoming a full person?"

"Oh..well the bib... oh **** it, GOD WORKS IN MYSETRIOUS WAYS! <mic drop>"

Disgusting, really.
Hindus won't eat beef. Muslims won't eat pork. Christians won't eat crustaceans. It's relatively tolerant.

Luckily we can all agree on eating chicken, right? Chicken are very easy to raise, doesn't need much water, also produces eggs ... but no wait, Buddhists won't eat chicken. And there are like a billion Buddhists in the world.

You're right. Dietary restrictions are just plain silly.
Jews won't eat crustaceans. Christians love them some crawfish, lobster, crab, shrimp, and oysters.
I think you're wrong. Biblical times were hugely patriarchal, so they would have no problem with one man having twenty children and another man having none. There is no need for a prohibition against gay (man on man) sex, in fact they should have gone harder on lesbians. In fact the Bible does not condemn lesbianism at all.

It's just the ick factor, made into religious law. Men who laid with men (like a woman does) were an abomination because it lessened them as men. Sex was a power relation, in which men were "tops" and women were "bottoms" and any rebellion against that was a rebellion against all gender roles.
I think you're wrong. Biblical times were hugely patriarchal, so they would have no problem with one man having twenty children and another man having none. There is no need for a prohibition against gay (man on man) sex, in fact they should have gone harder on lesbians. In fact the Bible does not condemn lesbianism at all.

It's just the ick factor, made into religious law. Men who laid with men (like a woman does) were an abomination because it lessened them as men. Sex was a power relation, in which men were "tops" and women were "bottoms" and any rebellion against that was a rebellion against all gender roles.

Also, because some people still believe that homosexuality is some kind of disease, they think there's some kind of "gay germ" or that homosexuality can be taught and imprinted upon people, almost like a religion, and therefore God is blameless. And to that I always ask "when did you get taught to be straight?"

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