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The Beauty of the Demokrat Primaries (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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1. An admitted Socialist ran for the Dem nomination.

A Socialist who is little to no different from the remainder of the party. Bernie has clearly illustrated that today's Demokrats are Socialists. They're not the Democrat party of your Grandparents. It is The Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs).

2. Demokrats nominated a criminal.

A national security threat. 2000+ emails at some level of Top Secret. Some at the very highest level of Secrecy. Anyone else would have been charged... Ages ago. If we have Rule of Law... Hillary will be too.
If we have Rule of Law... Hillary will be too.

We don't have rule of law under the Obama Administration, and since he just came out in support of Hillary, that means there's no way in hell he will allow his DOJ to indict her.
This type of konservatism is like a zit on the face of Amerikan realpolitik.

Seriously, the GOP is no better. Look at what Ben Sasse has said about textual conservatism.

I feel bad for Ben Sasse if he has to take a star role across from Bernie Sanders in a second Clinton administration. Liberals are probably going to chew him up and spit him out.

Ben Sasse might support Gary Johnson - POLITICO
We don't have rule of law under the Obama Administration, and since he just came out in support of Hillary, that means there's no way in hell he will allow his DOJ to indict her.

If there's nothing to indict her on, then of course he's not going to...why would he?
We don't have rule of law under the Obama Administration, and since he just came out in support of Hillary, that means there's no way in hell he will allow his DOJ to indict her.

Came out in support of Hillary? Nope. Wait until the convention, Mr. Antsy Pants.

Meanwhile, conservatives in America look like this:
This type of konservatism is like a zit on the face of Amerikan realpolitik.

Seriously, the GOP is no better. Look at what Ben Sasse has said about textual conservatism.

I feel bad for Ben Sasse if he has to take a star role across from Bernie Sanders in a second Clinton administration. Liberals are probably going to chew him up and spit him out.

Ben Sasse might support Gary Johnson - POLITICO
I doubt that...he seems like a moderate, intelligent, considerate conservative and its almost refreshing to see one talk like a human being for a change instead of a raging lunatic. I'd thought they'd almost gone extinct.

I agree with him on one point....small businesses and local communities are the back bone of America....not one person...and not corporations. I'll bet Bernie thinks that, too.
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If there's nothing to indict her on, then of course he's not going to...why would he?

That's the thing... The FBI has not yet finished their investigation, so hasn't made a recommendation to the DOJ. Based on what is known publicly, it suggests that the FBI recommending a criminal indictment is at least a 50/50 proposition. So why would Obama come out in support of Hillary, knowing that there is a reasonable chance that the FBI might have sufficient evidence to recommend an indictment?

I submit that he has already instructed AG Lynch that no matter what the FBI recommends, she will not be indicting Hillary Clinton. That's the only reason I can think of, that Obama would endorse Hillary with the recent IG report and this criminal investigation going on.
By the way, if you think a socialist ran on the Democratic ticket, you are mistaken. Bernie caucused with the Democrats as an Independent and he is running a democratic campaign above board. He is not a third-party candidate, no matter what kind of weight Jill Stein throws around or how many times her people contacted his people.

Socialism is a political theory. Electing a "socialist" Democrat to president does not a Socialist State make. The idea that Sanders' policy is hard to swallow does not make it impossible to pass. But passing legislation is characteristic of a Democracy, and Congress won't vote itself out of business. I am anticipating Sander's next steps, because by not electing a leader who is an avowed socialist Democrat likely means that you will see his policy adopted by another candidate who wants his share of voters. HRC did this when she adopted his idea to raise the minimum wage earlier this year. Bernie has another month to exercise his political clout of millions of votes and a precocious nominee won't change that.

Honestly, Dems would be better off voting for Bernie because it's only going to get worse. I doubt Trump supporters are going to pull us back from the brink of uncapitalism.

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More
(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
That's the thing... The FBI has not yet finished their investigation, so hasn't made a recommendation to the DOJ. Based on what is known publicly, it suggests that the FBI recommending a criminal indictment is at least a 50/50 proposition. So why would Obama come out in support of Hillary, knowing that there is a reasonable chance that the FBI might have sufficient evidence to recommend an indictment?

I submit that he has already instructed AG Lynch that no matter what the FBI recommends, she will not be indicting Hillary Clinton. That's the only reason I can think of, that Obama would endorse Hillary with the recent IG report and this criminal investigation going on.

I think you're the first conservative I've seen say that. Kudos, Grim.

I think anyone who knows the law and looks at this politicized email nonsense "honestly" can see that there aren't any legal grounds for a criminal indictment. It's all just a big political sham to make Clinton look bad and bring her ratings down (which were above 60% favorability) to make her competitive enough for a low life republican to run against. Because they can't win against someone with good ratings!!!

I submit that you're wrong about Obama instructing the AG to do anything...let alone take a chance on getting caught and ruining his legacy just before leaving office. That's just stupid. No, I think he waited to endorse Hillary after she secured the nomination and he did so because he thinks she's the most qualified and he wants her to win. Surely, you didn't expect him to endorse Trump, did you? lol Because that would be extremely naïve if you did.

If Obama's ratings were as low as Bush's were when McCain ran for president....he probably wouldn't be endorsing anyone at all, either. But his since ratings are high, he can help her and other democrats win their elections. But if his ratings were below 35 to 40%...he'd stay out so as not to ruin the candidates chances to win. That's the way it works.
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This type of konservatism is like a zit on the face of Amerikan realpolitik.

Seriously, the GOP is no better. Look at what Ben Sasse has said about textual conservatism.

I feel bad for Ben Sasse if he has to take a star role across from Bernie Sanders in a second Clinton administration. Liberals are probably going to chew him up and spit him out.

Ben Sasse might support Gary Johnson - POLITICO

I doubt that...he seems like a moderate, intelligent, considerate conservative and its almost refreshing to see one talk like a human being for a change instead of a raging lunatic. I'd thought they'd almost gone extinct.

I agree with him on one point....small businesses and local communities are the back bone of America....not one person...and not corporations. I'll bet Bernie thinks that, too.
I don't know who this guy is, but I agree 110% with everything he said. And I can lean pretty liberal, at times.

If he's a conservative, he's my kind of conservative - at least in principle.

Now as to the specifics as to how we carry out these general principles, I'd have to see.

But if he's legit here, I can respect him.
That's the thing... The FBI has not yet finished their investigation, so hasn't made a recommendation to the DOJ. Based on what is known publicly, it suggests that the FBI recommending a criminal indictment is at least a 50/50 proposition. So why would Obama come out in support of Hillary, knowing that there is a reasonable chance that the FBI might have sufficient evidence to recommend an indictment?

I submit that he has already instructed AG Lynch that no matter what the FBI recommends, she will not be indicting Hillary Clinton. That's the only reason I can think of, that Obama would endorse Hillary with the recent IG report and this criminal investigation going on.

Well what did you expect? Even if Obama hates Hillary, she's still a Democrat, and party loyalty dictates . . . besides, Hillary was on the inside of Obama corrupt administration, she probably has an equal amount of dirt on him for leverage.

That parallels between DC and Mos Eisley become stronger every day.
I think you're the first conservative I've seen say that. Kudos, Grim.

I think anyone who knows the law and looks at this politicized email nonsense "honestly" can see that there aren't any legal grounds for a criminal indictment. It's all just a big political sham to make Clinton look bad and bring her ratings down (which were above 60% favorability) to make her competitive enough for a low life republican to run against. Because they can't win against someone with good ratings!!!

I submit that you're wrong about Obama instructing the AG to do anything...let alone take a chance on getting caught and ruining his legacy just before leaving office. That's just stupid. No, I think he waited to endorse Hillary after she secured the nomination and he did so because he thinks she's the most qualified and he wants her to win. Surely, you didn't expect him to endorse Trump, did you? lol Because that would be extremely naïve if you did.

If Obama's ratings were as low as Bush's were when McCain ran for president....he probably wouldn't be endorsing anyone at all, either. But his since ratings are high, he can help her and other democrats win their elections. But if his ratings were below 35 to 40%...he'd stay out so as not to ruin the candidates chances to win. That's the way it works.

I'm curious... What will your opinion be if the FBI finds criminality, recommends to the DOJ that Hillary be indicted, and the DOJ chooses not to indict?
1. An admitted Socialist ran for the Dem nomination.

A Socialist who is little to no different from the remainder of the party. Bernie has clearly illustrated that today's Demokrats are Socialists. They're not the Democrat party of your Grandparents. It is The Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs).

2. Demokrats nominated a criminal.

A national security threat. 2000+ emails at some level of Top Secret. Some at the very highest level of Secrecy. Anyone else would have been charged... Ages ago. If we have Rule of Law... Hillary will be too.

What an ever so useful, mature and well thought out post. I'm sure you swayed people to your point of view while making those on the left feel they have been had by the system. I applaud your creative reconstruction of the English language, it surely was the driving nail to the hammer of your erudite insight into the Bernie problem the Democrat Party created.
I think you're the first conservative I've seen say that. Kudos, Grim.

I think anyone who knows the law and looks at this politicized email nonsense "honestly" can see that there aren't any legal grounds for a criminal indictment.

I don't know how anyone can say that. What we know is that 1) Hillary had a private email server set up to receive government email in violation of security regulations. 2) She received classified email on that server and sent some of it out from that server 3) That the email was not marked classified is no excuse. That other people may have done it is no excuse. 4) She had to know full well that it was illegal.

That she hasn't already been indicted is evidence that our government is completely corrupt -- the Presidency, the DOJ, the FBI, everything.
I don't know how anyone can say that. What we know is that 1) Hillary had a private email server set up to receive government email in violation of security regulations. 2) She received classified email on that server and sent some of it out from that server 3) That the email was not marked classified is no excuse. That other people may have done it is no excuse. 4) She had to know full well that it was illegal.

That she hasn't already been indicted is evidence that our government is completely corrupt -- the Presidency, the DOJ, the FBI, everything.

The true beauty FOR the Democrats...and Independents as well...is that we can enjoy watching the far right sqirm because of the rat trap they've managed to get themselves caught up in.

This is a delight to watch.

That is the true BEAUTY of this primary season...to watch the Republican Party commit political suicide in public...on camera!
The true beauty FOR the Democrats...and Independents as well...is that we can enjoy watching the far right sqirm because of the rat trap they've managed to get themselves caught up in.

This is a delight to watch.

That is the true BEAUTY of this primary season...to watch the Republican Party commit political suicide in public...on camera!

We'll see.

Did you have an opinion on the topic you'd like to share?
We'll see.

Did you have an opinion on the topic you'd like to share?

The topic of the thread is the Democratic primary.

I DID share an opinion.

Do you have one?
The topic of the thread is the Democratic primary.

I DID share an opinion.

Do you have one?

I thought maybe since you replied to my post you'd have something to say about that. As opposed to this schtick of yours where you affect this lame-ass God's eye view of current affairs, which is tiresome, uninformative, and insulting at best.

Not that I haven't done the same thing from time to time.

Hillary is such a weak candidate and so hated by most people that she's still roughly even with Trump in the polling in spite of all of Trump's monumentally stupid statements and gaffs and obvious character flaws. We've got two people contending for the Presidency that most people hate. How did we get to this pass? It's horrible. No matter who wins we're in trouble.
I thought maybe since you replied to my post you'd have something to say about that. As opposed to this schtick of yours where you affect this lame-ass God's eye view of current affairs, which is tiresome, uninformative, and insulting at best.

Not that I haven't done the same thing from time to time.

Hillary is such a weak candidate and so hated by most people that she's still roughly even with Trump in the polling in spite of all of Trump's monumentally stupid statements and gaffs and obvious character flaws. We've got two people contending for the Presidency that most people hate. How did we get to this pass? It's horrible. No matter who wins we're in trouble.

You have your opinion...and I have mine.

Mine is that Hillary will probably make a decent president.

I certainly am not choosing between two evils...as some people seem to be doing. I think Hillary is an excellent choice...and I do not care that many people disagree. My guess is the MAJORITY of voters will not disagree...and will vote for her enthusiastically.

We'll see in November.

If you see anything that I am saying as "...lame-ass God's eye view of current affairs, which is tiresome, uninformative, and insulting at best" ...I suggest, as respectfully as possible, you are saying more about your attitude than about mine with that kind of nonsense.
Sad to think that our first female president should have been a woman more deserving of the title "Democrat."
1. An admitted Socialist ran for the Dem nomination.

A Socialist who is little to no different from the remainder of the party. Bernie has clearly illustrated that today's Demokrats are Socialists. They're not the Democrat party of your Grandparents. It is The Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs).

2. Demokrats nominated a criminal.

A national security threat. 2000+ emails at some level of Top Secret. Some at the very highest level of Secrecy. Anyone else would have been charged... Ages ago. If we have Rule of Law... Hillary will be too.

Could this be the " change " they promised ? :lamo
You have your opinion...and I have mine.

Mine is that Hillary will probably make a decent president.

I certainly am not choosing between two evils...as some people seem to be doing. I think Hillary is an excellent choice...and I do not care that many people disagree. My guess is the MAJORITY of voters will not disagree...and will vote for her enthusiastically.

We'll see in November.

If you see anything that I am saying as "...lame-ass God's eye view of current affairs, which is tiresome, uninformative, and insulting at best" ...I suggest, as respectfully as possible, you are saying more about your attitude than about mine with that kind of nonsense.

Enthusiastically? Shirley, you jest. The sound of Hillary's voice liquifies my spinal column and makes my upper body flop down around my knees. Horrible. I literally can't stand to listen. She sounds like a really mean female drill sergeant with a 4 pack a day habit. But assuming she doesn't cough up a lung, a piece of her brain doesn't die and leave her with permanently crossed eyes and an inability to speak, and the DOJ doesn't develop a severe case of good ethics, she has the edge on winning in November, God help us all.

In that event conservatives will need to start watching the sky for Predator drones.
Enthusiastically? Shirley, you jest. The sound of Hillary's voice liquifies my spinal column and makes my upper body flop down around my knees. Horrible. I literally can't stand to listen. She sounds like a really mean female drill sergeant with a 4 pack a day habit. But assuming she doesn't cough up a lung, a piece of her brain doesn't die and leave her with permanently crossed eyes and an inability to speak, and the DOJ doesn't develop a severe case of good ethics, she has the edge on winning in November, God help us all.

In that event conservatives will need to start watching the sky for Predator drones.

If the witch wins Bill will leave the Country ! :lamo:lamo
1. An admitted Socialist ran for the Dem nomination.

A Socialist who is little to no different from the remainder of the party. Bernie has clearly illustrated that today's Demokrats are Socialists. They're not the Democrat party of your Grandparents. It is The Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs).

2. Demokrats nominated a criminal.

A national security threat. 2000+ emails at some level of Top Secret. Some at the very highest level of Secrecy. Anyone else would have been charged... Ages ago. If we have Rule of Law... Hillary will be too.

you misspelled "democrat" it's a "c" not a "k"
Bernie supporters are in the drivers seat.

The Democrats can not win without the Bernie Gang, and they know it.

People claim that Bernie's Gang will vote for Hillary just to stop Trump.

But, Bernie's supporters realize that there is no "substantive" difference between the two main parties.

They just play musical chairs and give the illusion of a functioning democracy.

Hillary has not talked real "Policy" since her campaign began, but Bernie's Gang has been talking policy since day one.

Bernie's Gang is scheduled to gather at the People's Summit in Chicago on June 17th.
The People's Summit - The People's Summit The People's Summit

They are going to insist on Bernie going to the convention and to bring the "Policy Issues" to the floor for debate in addition to challenging the super delegates.

The uproar at the convention will show just how "Insincere" Hillary really is.

When Hillary suggests that Trump "Delete" his account and drop out of the race even though he is the nominee, then why can't Bernie's Gang demand the same thing from Hillary?

Trump is not the only candidate building walls.

Both the Republicans and Democrats are going to build huge walls around both convention centers to keep the voters out.

In a sense, every American is being called a "Suspect" (a possible terrorist) in the Suspect Nation.


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