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Thank you Emperor Donsld! (1 Viewer)

Of course according to the Jewish calendar it's 5779. Many of Trump's supporters who claim to be Christian but only read the Old Testament believe that anyway.
It's remarkable to see Trump Derangement Syndrome so severe that people cannot even type a title properly.
It's remarkable to see Trump Derangement Syndrome so severe that people cannot even type a title properly.

It's remarkable to see your inability to take a joke when it involves your god.

You should be thrilled. I thanked Him and used the title you'd prefer for Him. I even capitalized "Him" to save your little snowflake sensibilities
We Americans call our leader president, don't know what you call yours. I called that last one slenderfella, could easily have been purple lips... you could tell he was always jonesing for an Eve Light.

At least he was jonesing for something legal not like Trump's cocaine.

You don't call him Emperor? Is that because it's a step below God?
At least he was jonesing for something legal not like Trump's cocaine.

You don't call him Emperor? Is that because it's a step below God?

Slenderfella admits his drug usage. Trump is a teetotaler, doesn't take drugs nor even a federal paycheck. Never started bad habits. Can't beat that. Slenderfella no doubt used Occam's razor to cut his dope into nice even lines.

Snort snort. Yano?

Slenderfella admits his drug usage. Trump is a teetotaler, doesn't take drugs nor even a federal paycheck. Never started bad habits. Can't beat that. Slenderfella no doubt used Occam's razor to cut his dope into nice even lines.

Snort snort. Yano?

LOL! People who have worked with him have indicated he snorts Adderall.

Womp womp.
It's remarkable to see your inability to take a joke when it involves your god.

You should be thrilled. I thanked Him and used the title you'd prefer for Him. I even capitalized "Him" to save your little snowflake sensibilities

Are you kidding? I didn't even vote for Trump. Try not being so two-dimensional.

Two thoughts:
1) There are more important things than politics
2) Almost everyone has very little say how they are governed.
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Are you kidding? I didn't even vote for Trump. Try not being so two-dimensional.

Two thoughts:
1) There are more important things than politics
2) Almost everyone has very little say how they are governed.

One thought. It's a ****ing joke. You may have noticed this was posted "on the lighter side"

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