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Texas lawmaker threatened with lynching after calling for president’s impeachment (1 Viewer)

I'm going to go out on a limb here. Just follow me for a second. I have a sneaking suspicion they aren't coming from liberals.
I am inclined to agree with you, but to be fair there have been some liberals that have engaged in violence and threats of violence since the election. When it comes to the extremes, there are no "good guys".
apdst said:
There you go again. 1) why mention my race

For the reason I've already stated. It's directly related to your ability to judge of the case soundly. If you aren't black, you just don't know what it's like to get that kind of threat. It's recent enough in history to be taken seriously. The difference is this: most people make death threats and don't mean them. And probably, you know that if someone has had a couple beers, gets mad, and tells you he's going to kill you, you'll know he's probably not serious. But if that person happens to be, say, Whitey Bulger, that's serious. A threat of lynching carries that level of fear for a black person...and unless you're black (or at least some minority with similar experience), you flat don't understand that point.

apdst said:
what makes you think white people have never been lynched? Lynching isn't exclusive to black folks.

1. White lynchings account for a small number of all lynchings in the U.S. In short, white people haven't had to face engrained racism and discrimination in this country.

2. When white people were lynched, they were most often lynched for committing some crime. Black people were lynched usually for just being black. Threatening a black person with lynching is like threatening a Jew with a gas chamber or an Indian with the 7th cavalry. It's downright low.
I didn't say anything racist I stated a fact you aren't black.

I'm going to probably regret getting involved in this, but... What is black?

This line of thinking is part of the problem with race relations, the notion that all individuals must march and think in lockstep, lest they are somehow less than worthy of their physical identity. That's just repugnant.
I'm going to probably regret getting involved in this, but... What is black?

This line of thinking is part of the problem with race relations, the notion that all individuals must march and think in lockstep, lest they are somehow less then worthy of their physical identity. That's just repugnant.

Because apdst is white, not black.
I'm going to probably regret getting involved in this, but... What is black?

This line of thinking is part of the problem with race relations, the notion that all individuals must march and think in lockstep, lest they are somehow less than worthy of their physical identity. That's just repugnant.

Here's an unrelated question

What is white?
For the reason I've already stated. It's directly related to your ability to judge of the case soundly. If you aren't black, you just don't know what it's like to get that kind of threat. It's recent enough in history to be taken seriously. The difference is this: most people make death threats and don't mean them. And probably, you know that if someone has had a couple beers, gets mad, and tells you he's going to kill you, you'll know he's probably not serious. But if that person happens to be, say, Whitey Bulger, that's serious. A threat of lynching carries that level of fear for a black person...and unless you're black (or at least some minority with similar experience), you flat don't understand that point.

1. White lynchings account for a small number of all lynchings in the U.S. In short, white people haven't had to face engrained racism and discrimination in this country.

2. When white people were lynched, they were most often lynched for committing some crime. Black people were lynched usually for just being black. Threatening a black person with lynching is like threatening a Jew with a gas chamber or an Indian with the 7th cavalry. It's downright low.

How can you say that and then agree that white folks have been lynched?

Having a family member lynch isn't a qualification to be black.
deleted wrong poster
Are you saying he's not physically black? I have always accepted that he is, never had a reason to question it, but I don't know that for certain, either.

He's physically white.
I have a sneaking suspicion of the exact opposite.

It could be false flag.

I say let the police (fbi?)get involved and sort it out.

Freedom of speech does not include threats of murder.

At least I hope it does not.:shock:
LOL !! Oh Bull **** fake news

Al Greene a race baiting, low life idiot. He's right up there with Shiela Jackson Lee as stupid Politicians go and unfortunately is a representitive of a State I love and have calle home for the last 50 years

It must be fake news. It makes Conservatives look stupid. We know that's not possible.

What is acceptable news to you?
apdst said:
How can you say that and then agree that white folks have been lynched?

Why do you keep asking questions I've already answered? Here it is again:

1. White people weren't lynched nearly in the numbers that black people were.

2. White people were usually lynched in punishment for some crime, whereas black people were often lynched simply for being black.

In case the implications of point 2 are not as obvious to you as they ought to be, a white person could avoid lynching just by not committing any crimes, by and large. A black person could do nothing to avoid lynching--if a mob decided to lynch them, no excuse was needed.

apdst said:
Having a family member lynch isn't a qualification to be black.

Affirming the consequent--fallacy.
Sorry. You also think it. Great company you and reinoe. Trump's (edited)holsters.

Nice personal attack. You don't even have the balls to say it. :lamo
It being Texas, they may just follow through on their threat.

Green's CD-9 has one of the most ridiculous gerrymandered shapes I've ever seen, packing DEM voters. With a CPVI rating of D+25, he could behave like trump and still win in a landslide.

The bad news is he won with 80.64%; gerrymandering resulted in extremely low voter turnout of 188,523 votes, 120,000 below the national average for CDs. This was the case in all eleven DEM TX CDs, which would have projected to a Clinton victory there.

Besides illegal voter suppression laws, illegal gerrymandered maps and legal citizens United oligarchic money laundering, DEMs now face a sessions/trump DoJ and a dangerous Pence-Kobach voter purging commission .

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