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Terrorist Attack in Israel - Thread Closed (1 Viewer)

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Jul 8, 2005
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Tel'Aviv (when not on duty.)
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There has been a suicide bombing in Hadira, 5 people are reported dead and more than 30 wounded. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad group said it carried out the attack. The bomber attacked a food stand that was selling sandwiches and the like.

This is an act of brutal terrorism, nothing more and nothing less. It shows our War on Terrorism, which has been going on for decades is far from over.

Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Maybe if your people hadn't immigrated from Europe and Russia to someone else's land you would not have these kinds of attacks directed at you. You might even try stopping building new settlements on their remaining land. That might help. Another suggestion is to stop bulldozing the homes of people. You have demolished what, 10,000 to date. Not dropping bombs on apartment buildings with F-16's would be a good thing too. Some might call that terrorism you know. Oh but not if it's an Israeli doing it, because they are such moral people.:roll:

Terror will not be tolerated. Terror breeds terror.
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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

So you think Israel deserves to be bombed? Even if Israel's government commits terrorist-like acts, what have the Israeli people done to deserve that? Why should they have to pay for their elders mistakes? If you want to blame anyone, blame the UN for their stupid decesion making on the issue all those years ago but its kinda lame to lash out at the israelis.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Israel is a military state. All must serve, with the exception of a certain religious order, can't remember the name. I don't support terror, but understand why it is happening. When enough people are killed, their friends and family end up wanting revenge no matter the cost. That is what I believe is happening in occupied Palestine. I find it interesting that many state that groups like Hamas want to push the Israelis into the sea and scatter them from the land, when that is EXACTLY what the Zionists did when they immigrated from Europe and Russia. The Palestinians never went out looking for Jews to kill, the Jews came to their land, took it, and then expect the Palestinians to say "thank you would you like some more of our land now too?"
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Salah ud Deen said:
I don't support terror, but understand why it is happening.

Targetting children with bombs is a hell of a way to muster support for their cause...there is no excuse for that. Whatever land the UN gave Jews does not make that right. So by your logic Salah, the only way this can end is for the Jews to move out and give that land back?
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Salah ud Deen said:
That is what I believe is happening in occupied Palestine.
The reality here is that Palestine is and never was a self governing body of their own. Israel was conquered by Romans around 70 AD and they renamed the country to Palestine to insult the Jewish people, so the truth is that Palestinians are renegade Arabs from surrounding countries attempting to occupy Israel and literally using other nations to help them claim land that they never had as a self governing body. Thieves if you will.
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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

But those bastard Israelis conquered Israel with Moses and gang :roll:

You could do this all day it won't solve anything. looking into past never solves problems. instead you should look to resolve problems of the present. All it does is just get people really pissed off for no reason.

Israel is a military state. All must serve, with the exception of a certain religious order, can't remember the name. I don't support terror, but understand why it is happening. When enough people are killed, their friends and family end up wanting revenge no matter the cost. That is what I believe is happening in occupied Palestine. I find it interesting that many state that groups like Hamas want to push the Israelis into the sea and scatter them from the land, when that is EXACTLY what the Zionists did when they immigrated from Europe and Russia. The Palestinians never went out looking for Jews to kill, the Jews came to their land, took it, and then expect the Palestinians to say "thank you would you like some more of our land now too?"

True but bombing innocent people is no way to accomplish this.

Whose right and wrong isn't important anymore in the war for Israel. I mean, the attrocities commited by both sides have blurred what is right and wrong. now they must work for peace and stop fighting.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

FinnMacCool said:
But those bastard Israelis conquered Israel with Moses and gang :roll:

You could do this all day it won't solve anything. looking into past never solves problems. instead you should look to resolve problems of the present. All it does is just get people really pissed off for no reason.
Then I would say, deport all Palestinians from Israeli land. And the Israelites settled in that land, they did not conquer it.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

FinnMacCool said:
Whose right and wrong isn't important anymore in the war for Israel.
I strongly disagree....
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

teacher said:
Targetting children with bombs is a hell of a way to muster support for their cause...there is no excuse for that. Whatever land the UN gave Jews does not make that right.

So by your logic Salah, the only way this can end is for the Jews to move out and give that land back?
Yes I agree with the first part that I seperated, and would add that what the terrorists do is horrible and very sad as the "tactics" that they use are clearly forbidden in Islam. But the Jews do need to give the land back. It's was not theirs when they came from Europe and Russia, and if they don't give it back the killing by both sides will never cease till the Jews of Israel are wiped out. Why do I think they will lose, because their population does not replace itself. It is static. While the Palestinians have much bigger family's and have a population growth. The Jews could stay but would have to live with the Chistian and Muslim populations in peace, like they did before the coming of the Zionist entity.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Salah ud Deen said:
Maybe if your people hadn't immigrated from Europe and Russia to someone else's land you would not have these kinds of attacks directed at you. You might even try stopping building new settlements on their remaining land. That might help. Another suggestion is to stop bulldozing the homes of people. You have demolished what, 10,000 to date. Not dropping bombs on apartment buildings with F-16's would be a good thing too. Some might call that terrorism you know. Oh but not if it's an Israeli doing it, because they are such moral people.:roll:

Terror will not be tolerated. Terror breeds terror.

Ah, but they have don't you recall the forced relocation about a month ago of Israeli settlers?
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ah, but they have don't you recall the forced relocation about a month ago of Israeli settlers?
That was a small number of settlers. Gaza was an appendage that was too difficult to Protect & for only 8000 settlers was more trouble that it was worth.
Sharon's greater plan is to keep the West bank grabbed in the 67. That means the 200,000+ settlers there will stay behind the 500 mile wall the Israelis are building mostly in Palestinian land, to keep Palestinians out !
If this isn't a recipe for conflict then I don't know what is. But the Jews will always say the Bible says it's OK !... WTF !

Apparently according to Tashah's quote of some UN doc I think it was, although they've ignored dozens of UN resolutions since, pick & choose you know.... Land grabbed in a war legally becomes the grabbers if the grabber was attacked 1st !
But it seems to me the gradual colonisation of Palestinian land has been tantamount to gradual process of attack so it could be said it was the Jews that attacked 1st anyway.
Why else was the area peaceful for 2000 years until they started to annexe & colonise the area. That can't be a coincidence surely ?

The Nazi threat fortunately was gone in 45. Why couldn't the Jews simply integrate where they were instead of being so tribalistic ?
The result is we get hit by terrorism fermented in part by hate for the west because some tribalistic zionist zealots colonising a shitty peace of desert thousands of miles away, rather than living in peace wherever they were before.
A question I ask is .. IS ISRAEL WORTH IT ?
My reply is the West Bank at the very least, is not worth it.
I mean look the price the rest of the world in terms of terror threats is having to pay for this shitty peace of desert.

I been watching a fascinating three part BBC series "Elusive Peace:Israel and the Arabs". Fly on the wall footage of frank discussions between both sides.
Even when the new Palestinian Priminister Abu Mazen made large concessions to Irael, Sharon pulled the rug from under his feet.

A sheik from Suidi asked the question.. Why does America take sides ?
Ever thought about it... why do they take sides ?
I can only assume because of Jewish influence in the USA. People pulling strings from thousands of miles away.

The 1st thing any intelligent aliens coming to earth would say is... Look at these earthlings, all the same species yet they can't live in peace because they can't rise above their primitive tribalitic instincts. Stupid little creatures.

"At first, other than the Jerusalem area, settlements were built mostly in relatively unpopulated areas. In the West Bank, a line of settlements was establish in the desert north around and north of Jericho "The back of the mountain" ridge that runs along the West Bank or Jordan Valley Settlements. However, when the right-wing Likud party came to power in 1977, settlement building began in earnest in the West Bank, which right-wing Zionist ideology claimed as part of Israel. A large city, Ariel, was built deep in Palestinian territory and the trans-Samaria highway was created to connect it with Israel. At present (2002) there are about 210,00 Jews living in the West Bank, a small number in Gaza, and another 200,000 or so Jews living in areas of Jerusalem and environs annexed in 1967."
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ah, but they have don't you recall the forced relocation about a month ago of Israeli settlers?
Surely you don't mistakenly believe Gaza was handed back as some magnanimous gesture on the part of the Israelis.
It comprised a small number of settlers. Gaza was an appendage that was too difficult to Protect & for only 8000 settlers was more trouble that it was worth.
Sharon's greater plan is to keep the West bank grabbed in the 67. That means the 200,000+ settlers there will stay behind the 500 mile wall the Israelis are building mostly in Palestinian land, to keep Palestinians out !
If this isn't a recipe for conflict then I don't know what is. But the Jews will always say the Bible says it's OK !... WTF !

Apparently according to Tashah's quote of some UN doc I think it was, although they've ignored dozens of UN resolutions since, pick & choose you know.... Land grabbed in a war legally becomes the grabbers if the grabber was attacked 1st !
But it seems to me the gradual colonisation of Palestinian land has been tantamount to gradual process of attack so it could be said it was the Jews that attacked 1st anyway.
Why else was the area peaceful for 2000 years until they started to annexe & colonise the area. That can't be a coincidence surely ?

The Nazi threat fortunately was gone in 45. Why couldn't the Jews simply integrate where they were instead of being so tribalistic ?
The result is we get hit by terrorism fermented in part by hate for the west because some tribalistic zionist zealots colonising a shitty peace of desert thousands of miles away, rather than living in peace wherever they were before.
A question I ask is .. IS ISRAEL WORTH IT ?
My reply is the West Bank at the very least, is not worth it.
I mean look the price the rest of the world in terms of terror threats is having to pay for these idiotic zionist zealots colonising that shitty peace of desert.

I been watching a fascinating three part BBC series "Elusive Peace:Israel and the Arabs". Fly on the wall footage of frank discussions between both sides.
Even when the new Palestinian Priminister Abu Mazen made large concessions to Irael, Sharon pulled the rug from under his feet.

A sheik from Suidi asked the question.. Why does America take sides ?
Ever thought about it... why do they take sides ?
I can only assume because of Jewish influence in the USA. People pulling strings from thousands of miles away.

The 1st thing any intelligent aliens coming to earth would say is... Look at these earthlings, all the same species yet they can't live in peace because they can't rise above their primitive tribalitic instincts. Stupid little creatures.

"At first, other than the Jerusalem area, settlements were built mostly in relatively unpopulated areas. In the West Bank, a line of settlements was establish in the desert north around and north of Jericho "The back of the mountain" ridge that runs along the West Bank or Jordan Valley Settlements. However, when the right-wing Likud party came to power in 1977, settlement building began in earnest in the West Bank, which right-wing Zionist ideology claimed as part of Israel. A large city, Ariel, was built deep in Palestinian territory and the trans-Samaria highway was created to connect it with Israel. At present (2002) there are about 210,00 Jews living in the West Bank, a small number in Gaza, and another 200,000 or so Jews living in areas of Jerusalem and environs annexed in 1967."
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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ah, but they have don't you recall the forced relocation about a month ago of Israeli settlers?
Yea, like a few thousand of them because it was too costly for the Israeli's to maintain Gaza. In the West Bank they are building new settlements at a record pace.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Salah ud Deen said:
Yea, like a few thousand of them because it was too costly for the Israeli's to maintain Gaza. In the West Bank they are building new settlements at a record pace.
Does it remind you of the Nazis & the Sudeten land ?
Hitler thought it was OK to colonise that part of Czecoslovakia simply on the grounds that there were already some of his German tribe there !
Likewise the Jews think it's OK to colonise there with milions more Jews from all over the world, on the grounds that there were already some of their tribe there !
Small wonder the Palestinians are more than a little pi55ed off.
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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Israel is gonna finish their wall. Arab wont be able to get in. Arabs that go out the wall will not be able to reenter. And this is a serious wall. Like the Berlin wall. Then the friggin low life Palestinian monsters can hurl their bomb carrying bodies against it all day to no avail. They will have to find another way into paradise. The Jews aren't going anywhere. I guess then the only answer to this problem is to keep killing terrorists forever. Fine with me. I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me when the Jews blow up some terror HQ somewhere.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Suicide Bombings against Israeli citizens are totally unjustified in my opinion. I can understand the desperation and utter frustration that these bombers feel though because fanatical Zionist Israel has created that situation. It's like this, Israel metaphorically is a "man" standing over a "tied up prisoner" (Palestine), and Israel is slapping this prisoner about, kicking him, punching him, crushing his fingers with pliers, basically torturing the bound man on the floor. Israel is also killing this mans family, taking his land and bulldozing his house. All the prisoner can do too strike back at Israel is use the only part of his body that's not tied up, and that’s his mouth. So this prisoner shouts and screams to any one who can hear him, but even though there are police capable of stopping the torture (The UN) who do hear him. They largely ignore the tortured prisoner’s screams of pain and cries for help. So feeling utterly helpless, the prisoner has to resort to using his mouth in another way, so he bites Israel very hard (suicide bombs) like a rabid animal. And as soon as he does this, Israel cries out and screams, shouting look what he's doing to me, this is an outrage, this man's whole neighbourhood must now be surrounded by barbwire, sniper towers and a permanent IDF (Israeli Defence Force) presence. Israel then shouts, this is a "war on terror", and that we are the victims, the Palestinians are the “terrorists”.

That’s my take on it at least, I don’t think the Iranian leaders comments were very helpful, it just gave Israel and the corrupt people running the US some ammo to use in justifying their insane agenda.

Anyway this is from the horse’s mouth, check it out;

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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

teacher said:
I get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me when the Jews blow up some terror HQ somewhere.
Even when they kill 9 children in the process !
Hey sicko teacher.. ever thought of becoming a suicide bomber yourself if that's how warm you feel when kids get blown up ?
& don't argue it solves problems because it just fans the flames of violence.
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Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Jeesh. Just whisper Israel at DP and you can depend on robin to come bop-bop-boppin along. It's simply uncanny. Once again, not even a hint of sorrow.

Salah ud Deen said:
But the Jews do need to give the land back. It's was not theirs when they came from Europe and Russia
Umm... Salah? Israelis didn't just suddenly fall out of the sky in 1947. We have been here since Abraham.

Salah ud Deen said:
and if they don't give it back the killing by both sides will never cease till the Jews of Israel are wiped out. Why do I think they will lose, because their population does not replace itself. It is static. While the Palestinians have much bigger family's and have a population growth. The Jews could stay but would have to live with the Chistian and Muslim populations in peace, like they did before the coming of the Zionist entity.
Wiped out? Zionist entity? OMG lol... Aryan has been cloned!

btw Salah... Education always trumps procreation. Your population demographics solution is a silly fool's game. Even the Chinese now realize that truism.

Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Tashah said:
Jeesh. Just whisper Israel at DP and you can depend on robin to come bop-bop-boppin along. It's simply uncanny. Once again, not even a hint of sorrow.

Umm... Salah? Israelis didn't just suddenly fall out of the sky in 1947. We have been here since Abraham.

Wiped out? Zionist entity? OMG lol... Aryan has been cloned!

btw Salah... Education always trumps procreation. Your population demographics solution is a silly fool's game. Even the Chinese now realize that truism.

I, as an outside observer realize that both the Palestinians and Israelis have legitimate points while I support the Israelis right to construct the wall to keep suicide bombers out, I also am in favor of the two state solution proposed in the road map to peace which bears striking similarities to the U.N. partition plan which was rejected by the Arabs some fifty years ago. Maybe now that the founder of the PLO and pupil of the Muslim SS organizer Al-Husseini is out of the way there can finally be serious progress made in the path to peace.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

All of this "who was here first" bullshit never solves anything. I think the only way to solve this, since both sides obviously aren't going to reach an agreement even with Israel pulling out of the gaza strip, is for them to have a big war. I hope the US doesn't get involved in that war though if it does happen.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Tashah said:
Jeesh. Just whisper Israel at DP and you can depend on robin to come bop-bop-boppin along.
:lol: ......
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

FinnMacCool said:
All of this "who was here first" bullshit never solves anything. I think the only way to solve this, since both sides obviously aren't going to reach an agreement even with Israel pulling out of the gaza strip, is for them to have a big war. I hope the US doesn't get involved in that war though if it does happen.
If another country gets involved and sides with Palestinians and wars with Israel, there would be no doubt in my mind the U.S. will have no choice but to get involved. This is a commitment we have and will honor.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

If another country gets involved and sides with Palestinians and wars with Israel, there would be no doubt in my mind the U.S. will have no choice but to get involved. This is a commitment we have and will honor.

Ugh. I kinda wish I didn't say that now. Cause I just realized that your probably right. If we want to avoid getting into a huge war, we will have to work for peace over there.
Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel

Tashah said:
Umm... Salah? Israelis didn't just suddenly fall out of the sky in 1947. We have been here since Abraham.
You are right, Jews have been around for a long time haven't they? Gee I never realized that. And to think I always thought they fell out of the sky. :roll: While they may not have fallen out of the sky, they did migrate from Europe and Russia. You had no ties left to the land. Most of today's Jews aren't even Shepardic Jews. They are decentants of the Khazar empire, an empire that converted to Judiaism.

By the way, I like your location. Israel, USA. The 51st state.
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