Re: Terrorist Attack in Israel
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ah, but they have don't you recall the forced relocation about a month ago of Israeli settlers?
Surely you don't mistakenly believe Gaza was handed back as some magnanimous gesture on the part of the Israelis.
It comprised a small number of settlers. Gaza was an appendage that was too difficult to Protect & for only 8000 settlers was more trouble that it was worth.
Sharon's greater plan is to keep the West bank grabbed in the 67. That means the 200,000+ settlers there will stay behind the 500 mile wall the Israelis are building mostly in Palestinian land, to keep Palestinians out !
If this isn't a recipe for conflict then I don't know what is. But the Jews will always say the Bible says it's OK !... WTF !
Apparently according to Tashah's quote of some UN doc I think it was, although they've ignored dozens of UN resolutions since, pick & choose you know.... Land grabbed in a war legally becomes the grabbers if the grabber was attacked 1st !
But it seems to me the gradual colonisation of Palestinian land has been tantamount to gradual process of attack so it could be said it was the Jews that attacked 1st anyway.
Why else was the area peaceful for 2000 years until they started to annexe & colonise the area. That can't be a coincidence surely ?
The Nazi threat fortunately was gone in 45. Why couldn't the Jews simply integrate where they were instead of being so tribalistic ?
The result is we get hit by terrorism fermented in part by hate for the west because some tribalistic zionist zealots colonising a shitty peace of desert thousands of miles away, rather than living in peace wherever they were before.
A question I ask is .. IS ISRAEL WORTH IT ?
My reply is the West Bank at the very least, is not worth it.
I mean look the price the rest of the world in terms of terror threats is having to pay for these idiotic zionist zealots colonising that shitty peace of desert.
I been watching a fascinating three part BBC series "Elusive Peace:Israel and the Arabs". Fly on the wall footage of frank discussions between both sides.
Even when the new Palestinian Priminister Abu Mazen made large concessions to Irael, Sharon pulled the rug from under his feet.
A sheik from Suidi asked the question.. Why does America take sides ?
Ever thought about it... why do they take sides ?
I can only assume because of Jewish influence in the USA. People pulling strings from thousands of miles away.
The 1st thing any intelligent aliens coming to earth would say is... Look at these earthlings, all the same species yet they can't live in peace because they can't rise above their primitive tribalitic instincts. Stupid little creatures.
"At first, other than the Jerusalem area, settlements were built mostly in relatively unpopulated areas. In the West Bank, a line of settlements was establish in the desert north around and north of Jericho "The back of the mountain" ridge that runs along the West Bank or Jordan Valley Settlements. However, when the right-wing Likud party came to power in 1977, settlement building began in earnest in the West Bank, which right-wing Zionist ideology claimed as part of Israel. A large city, Ariel, was built deep in Palestinian territory and the trans-Samaria highway was created to connect it with Israel. At present (2002) there are about 210,00 Jews living in the West Bank, a small number in Gaza, and another 200,000 or so Jews living in areas of Jerusalem and environs annexed in 1967."