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Tens of thousands attend broad protest of government in nation's capital (1 Viewer)

Yup.... beyond a doubt, only 60,000 people... :lamo

I wouldn't be surprised to find out those photos have been photoshopped.

Of course you wouldn't...

Around the reflecting pool...


You can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area.


Ya right.... only 60,000
I wouldn't be surprised to find out those photos have been photoshopped.

I think your credibility was photoshopped onto your yearbook photo.
I wouldn't be surprised to find out those photos have been photoshopped.

Oh, I'm sure there will be plenty of Internet attempts to "prove" this. I "wouldn't be surprised" if Olbermann showcased a few of them. :roll:
First, the ridership statistics from D.C. Metro became available after being delayed, apparently because of a fatal accident on the Metro tracks. The Heritage Foundation, using these figures, computed that Metrorail ridership was about 235,000 greater than the previous weekend. As they say, that in itself is more than three times the (unreliable and badly sourced) number reported in the legacy media.

Metro - Rail - Disruption Reports - Daily Service Information
I'm with this guy....

Like I said...."Party of the paranoid"

is it better to be paranoid or delusional??

Edit : When the 'paranoia' is based off of historical precedences and reality, and the delusion is well... delusional...

I mean, for me at least, the paranoia is in a sense of 'if we don't confront the evil it will kill EVERYONE (well... most sources I would give call for the death of at least 50% of the earths population... the more common is 75-90% human extinction, and a few extreme sources just say that humanity is a parasite that must be completely eliminated, but I digress), and not some sort of 'they are out to get ME!' I've not done anything important enough to warrant that kind of attention.

Doesn't change that those few that control the system, in their writings, claim to simply have no more use for the majority of humanity and call US... both of us... USELESS FEEDERS!! Ok... so, unless you are SERIOUSLY in control (which I doubt anyone 'important' actually uses this site) then you stand to gain from actually looking at the information that the 'paranoid' are talking about... then go out and LEGITIMATELY try to debunk them... and NOT through the use of the 'talking heads' at most news outlets (few exceptional newscasters), and SERIOUSLY look at the information on an equal merit and you'll find yourself becoming quite 'paranoid' as well when you see what is REALLY going on.

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I wouldn't be surprised to find out those photos have been photoshopped.

If what you say is true to you... Then you should find no taboo in me saying that all of Iran's protesting pictures where photoshopped and the current regime photoshop thing was just easy disinfo. But that would just feel odd wouldn't it?

Although, Obama did say we are helping by doing everything we possibly can to Iran without anything military. And he is a master word smith.
What, are you making some kind of attempt to appear "moderate" and level-headed now?

Because this is your thread, and, as your friend, I was trying to be respectful and give an honest, thoughtful answer.

The two opinions I expressed are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, I'd say they compliment each other.

One expresses my thoughts on the tea party protest. The other are some of my thoughts on the pros/cons of the proposed reform legislation.

Edit: sorry, I thought I was responding to the Rev.s question.

This is the Revs thread, and, as his friend, I thought I would give an honest thoughtful answer.
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is it better to be paranoid or delusional??

Edit : When the 'paranoia' is based off of historical precedences and reality, and the delusion is well... delusional...

I mean, for me at least, the paranoia is in a sense of 'if we don't confront the evil it will kill EVERYONE (well... most sources I would give call for the death of at least 50% of the earths population... the more common is 75-90% human extinction, and a few extreme sources just say that humanity is a parasite that must be completely eliminated, but I digress), and not some sort of 'they are out to get ME!' I've not done anything important enough to warrant that kind of attention.

Doesn't change that those few that control the system, in their writings, claim to simply have no more use for the majority of humanity and call US... both of us... USELESS FEEDERS!! Ok... so, unless you are SERIOUSLY in control (which I doubt anyone 'important' actually uses this site) then you stand to gain from actually looking at the information that the 'paranoid' are talking about... then go out and LEGITIMATELY try to debunk them... and NOT through the use of the 'talking heads' at most news outlets (few exceptional newscasters), and SERIOUSLY look at the information on an equal merit and you'll find yourself becoming quite 'paranoid' as well when you see what is REALLY going on.


^One word.....classic!
Well, if you look at the polls, you will find that every demographic and political leaning in America is losing faith in Obama and his policies, so it would make perfect sense to say that the protesters were not just conservatives and republicans... But hey, common sense has no business in political debate... right?

That's not a response to my point. Try again. Or don't, I don't give a ****.

Is that code for "no liberals, so no legitimacy"?

No that's me telling Beck fans what an ass he sounds like trying to portray this movement as representative of anything but his fringe fans.

The group doesn't represent America. Get over it.

Divide 60k into 1.8 million. Then get back to me.


You lie!

Umm your wrong there Hazlnut as I have stated the NPS has stated this was the largest March in DC History so are you calling the NPS Liers.
Umm your wrong there Hazlnut as I have stated the NPS has stated this was the largest March in DC History so are you calling the NPS Liers.

"I have stated"

Really, so every other source saying it was 60-70K...??

Come on, scorp. It's not even the ballpark of big important marches on Washington.

Also, I'm an occasional FOX watcher (just to get all perspectives) and not even they have produced video of one person at that march saying something intelligent. Just folks screaming broad talking points without any discussion of specifics.

I'm sure the FNC editors are going crazy trying to edit around every nazi sign, every hyper-fringe element. I've seen background elements blurred out on Fox.

CNN is going out of their way to show some kind of legitimate protesters. Again, quick cuts of people who don't look too fringe. But you pan the crowd and what do you see? Fringe, baby.
^One word.....classic!

Ya, I probably could have taken another angle... not that it matters, since I could have just explained how the end result of 'the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer' will end up with the 1% with all the ressources and the other 99% either dead or dependant on the 1%, and you'd have still called it 'paranoid'...

I could have went and dug out all sorts of sources, linked them, bill numbers, historical precedences where similar laws had been enacted allowing a dictator to take control, etc, etc... and you would have said 'no... I don't care about facts and figures, history and politics... you're just paranoid.' (and since I support the majority of those views that you would have found at the DC protest, you might have just added that I was racist too...

Which is funny... think about it :
taxes too high?? That's racist
Don't want socialized health care?? It's cause you're racist
Don't want to give up your guns ?? You must just not like black people.
Don't like having to walk through a naked body scanner at the airport?? R to the 'acist'

Tell me though, why SHOULD I care what you think of me when I'm just trying to present information (which if you showed any inclination of actually looking into, I might have made the effort to source) and you're just trying to say that anyone that thinks that way is 'paranoid'??

Umm your wrong there Hazlnut as I have stated the NPS has stated this was the largest March in DC History so are you calling the NPS Liers.

From my favorite source: How Many Protesters? | FactCheck.org

When the National Park Service produced an official estimate that 460,000 had turned out for the so-called "Million Man March" in 1995, organizers threatened to file a lawsuit. After that, Congress prohibited the Park Service from making official estimates.

maybe 60-70 thousand in the area around the stage...

A serious estimate would be in the MINIMUM 300k, likely around 500k, and a max of around 800k.

In spite of the name, factcheck isn't the most reliable source... better then say wikkipedia, but it still has a bias.
maybe 60-70 thousand in the area around the stage...

A serious estimate would be in the MINIMUM 300k, likely around 500k, and a max of around 800k.

In spite of the name, factcheck isn't the most reliable source... better then say wikkipedia, but it still has a bias.

That is close to my personal guess, which is 500 to 750k.

What do you base your claim of bias at factcheck on, and are you suggesting they are in error in saying the NPS is prohibited from making official estimates?
That is close to my personal guess, which is 500 to 750k.

What do you base your claim of bias at factcheck on, and are you suggesting they are in error in saying the NPS is prohibited from making official estimates?

It's nothing based specifically on this issue... and has more to do with the ownership of the website then any specific grievance. If you look at how the 'checked the facts' for this issue : they read newspapers instead of say checking the facts through the police estimates, or some impartial source.

Also, I wouldn't go as far as suggest that they are unreliable source, just not an ideal source... mind you, on about 80% of issues the mainstream media is an utter failure in presenting facts without spin (the 20% exception being 'entertainment news') Ex : an article I saw about a woman that died of swine flue... read the first two paragraphs and the woman died from deadly swine flu... read the last two paragraphs and the woman suffered respiratory illness, had been in and out of hospitals for years and had a previously weakened immune system (aka she died while infected with swine flu but not necessarily because of swine flu)
Lol....based on what?

Honestly; you guys need to get a grip.

I'm sorry that I'm not going to go back in the thread some 30+ pages to show the 3 relevant indicators of the REAL numbers...

A) The panoramic shot shows at least 250k (about 2and a half stadiums worth of people)
b) The time delay video from the rooftop... this shows a stream of people in a tight crowd from sidewalk to sidewalk that progressed out over at least 6-8 city blocks. I could place that in the 600-700kjust with how consistently thick the crowd of people is through the whole procession.
c) The tendancy for people to want to exaggerate / reduce numbers for whatever reasons, meaning that those that claim the highest numbers will tend to be exagerating for their benefit... to say it was 60-70thousand was just a laughably small estimate, that had to only been counting people in the area of the stage, since that seemed about the capacity of that area... but then you take that area and see that it was about a tenth of the area that was occupied.

So, I would go to a max of about 800k to account for places that weren't clearly shown because of angles, trees, and other obstructions. European media was saying in the 1.5 million, probably by asking the police their estimates... which actually would put media and organizaer estimates with a .5 discrepency... that almost makes me think the REAL number was between 1.25 - 1.75 million people... but I didn't count it like that, so I'm going based on the list of things.

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