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Ten States wiped out by Obummercare (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2012
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Some of the DISASTROUS RESULTS of ObummerCare:

Daily Caller News Foundation:
Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific.

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said.

But as Obamacare’s rollout approaches, we have learned this is not true. Here are the ten states where consumers may like their health care plans, but they won’t be able to keep them.

1) California: 58,000 will lose their plans under Obamacare. The first bomb dropped in California with a mass exodus from the most populated state’s Obamacare exchange. Aetna, the country’s third largest insurer, left first in July and was closely followed by UnitedHealth. Anthem Blue Cross pulled out of California’s Obamacare exchange for small businesses as well.

Fifty-four percent of Californians expect to lose their coverage, according to an August poll.

2) Missouri: Patients of the state’s largest hospital system — which spans 13 hospitals including the St. Louis Children’s Hospital — will not be covered by the largest insurer on Obamacare exchanges, Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. Anthem covers 79,000 patients in Missouri who may seek subsidies on Obamacare exchanges, but won’t be able to see any doctors in the BJC HealthCare system.

3) Connecticut: Aetna, the third largest insurer in the nation, won’t offer insurance on the Obamacare exchange in its own home state, where it was founded in 1850. The reason? “We believe the modification to the rates filed by Aetna will not allow us to collect enough premiums to cover the cost of the plans and meet the service expectations of our customers,” said Aetna spokesman Susan Millerick.

4) Maryland: 13,000 individuals covered by Aetna and its recently-purchased Coventry Health Care won’t be able to keep their insurance plans if they want Obamacare subsidies on the exchanges. Aetna and Coventry canceled plans to offer insurance in the exchange when state officials wouldn’t allow them to charge premiums high enough to cover costs.

5) South Carolina: 28,000 people were insured by Medical Mutual of Ohio, SC’s second-largest insurance company, until it decided to leave the state entirely in July due to Obamacare’s “vast and quite complex” new regulations. Company spokesman Ed Byers said Medical Mutual’s patients would be switched over to United Healthcare plans instead.

6) New York: Aetna pulled out of New York’s exchange in late August in an effort to keep their plans “financially viable,” said Aetna spokeswoman Cynthia Michener.

7) New Jersey: 1.1 million Aetna customers are at risk in New Jersey, where the leading insurer also won’t be a part of the exchange. Just 2,600 patients purchase individual plans with the company, but any looking to take advantage of subsidies on the exchange for unaffordable employer-based insurance won’t be able to do with Aetna.

8) Iowa: Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Iowa’s largest health insurer, decided not to offer plans in the Obamacare exchange. It sells 86 percent of Iowa’s individual health insurance plans.

9) Wisconsin: Two of the three largest insurers in the state won’t offer plans on the exchange. United Healthcare and Humana patients will have to get a new health insurer to buy insurance on Obamacare exchanges.

10) Georgia: Just five insurers are participating in Georgia’s Obamacare exchange. Medical Mutual of Ohio left Georgia and Indiana as well as South Carolina, due to Obamacare regulations. Aetna, along with Coventry, also decided against participating in the George health exchange.

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Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Read more: Ten states where Obamacare wipes out health care plans | The Daily Caller
Why can't you just call it Obamacare or Affordable Care Act instead of resorting to stupid juvenile names?
No question. The Affordable Care Act is going to be rather disruptive and will almost certainly reduce economic activity for some time to come. What it will do in the long term is another question and I have not seen any really convincing research on this. At least the thing seems to run on market forces and will probably not become a social system monster.
Some of the DISASTROUS RESULTS of ObummerCare:

Daily Caller News Foundation:
Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific.

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said.

But as Obamacare’s rollout approaches, we have learned this is not true. Here are the ten states where consumers may like their health care plans, but they won’t be able to keep them.

1) California: 58,000 will lose their plans under Obamacare. The first bomb dropped in California with a mass exodus from the most populated state’s Obamacare exchange. Aetna, the country’s third largest insurer, left first in July and was closely followed by UnitedHealth. Anthem Blue Cross pulled out of California’s Obamacare exchange for small businesses as well.

Fifty-four percent of Californians expect to lose their coverage, according to an August poll.

2) Missouri: Patients of the state’s largest hospital system — which spans 13 hospitals including the St. Louis Children’s Hospital — will not be covered by the largest insurer on Obamacare exchanges, Anthem BlueCross BlueShield. Anthem covers 79,000 patients in Missouri who may seek subsidies on Obamacare exchanges, but won’t be able to see any doctors in the BJC HealthCare system.

3) Connecticut: Aetna, the third largest insurer in the nation, won’t offer insurance on the Obamacare exchange in its own home state, where it was founded in 1850. The reason? “We believe the modification to the rates filed by Aetna will not allow us to collect enough premiums to cover the cost of the plans and meet the service expectations of our customers,” said Aetna spokesman Susan Millerick.

4) Maryland: 13,000 individuals covered by Aetna and its recently-purchased Coventry Health Care won’t be able to keep their insurance plans if they want Obamacare subsidies on the exchanges. Aetna and Coventry canceled plans to offer insurance in the exchange when state officials wouldn’t allow them to charge premiums high enough to cover costs.

5) South Carolina: 28,000 people were insured by Medical Mutual of Ohio, SC’s second-largest insurance company, until it decided to leave the state entirely in July due to Obamacare’s “vast and quite complex” new regulations. Company spokesman Ed Byers said Medical Mutual’s patients would be switched over to United Healthcare plans instead.

6) New York: Aetna pulled out of New York’s exchange in late August in an effort to keep their plans “financially viable,” said Aetna spokeswoman Cynthia Michener.

7) New Jersey: 1.1 million Aetna customers are at risk in New Jersey, where the leading insurer also won’t be a part of the exchange. Just 2,600 patients purchase individual plans with the company, but any looking to take advantage of subsidies on the exchange for unaffordable employer-based insurance won’t be able to do with Aetna.

8) Iowa: Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Iowa’s largest health insurer, decided not to offer plans in the Obamacare exchange. It sells 86 percent of Iowa’s individual health insurance plans.

9) Wisconsin: Two of the three largest insurers in the state won’t offer plans on the exchange. United Healthcare and Humana patients will have to get a new health insurer to buy insurance on Obamacare exchanges.

10) Georgia: Just five insurers are participating in Georgia’s Obamacare exchange. Medical Mutual of Ohio left Georgia and Indiana as well as South Carolina, due to Obamacare regulations. Aetna, along with Coventry, also decided against participating in the George health exchange.

Follow Sarah on Twitter

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Read more: Ten states where Obamacare wipes out health care plans | The Daily Caller

What this shows is that there are too few insurance companies in many states and they are utterly greedy and need to go out of business. Thank god for the Affordable Care Act then!
Why can't you just call it Obamacare or Affordable Care Act instead of resorting to stupid juvenile names?

The so-called "Affordable Care Act" is a HUGH LIE and is no way "AFFORDABLE" since it is not only NON-IMPLEMENTAL but is also COST-PREPOSTEROUS causing Small Businesses to go either bankrupt or to hire Part Time workers. This is especially egregious because Small Businesses hire ~75% of our Country's Employed Workers !!!

Stupid juvenile names like Obummercare initiated by the Obummerrhoid, the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and who is also the Enabler of the IslamoFascist Muslim Bros is appropriate because these nomenclatures more aptly describe the Worst President in American History and his DISASTROUS abominations.
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What this shows is that there are too few insurance companies in many states and they are utterly greedy and need to go out of business.

Then there'll be even fewer such companies.

Did you even think about what you were about to write before you wrote it? Or at least before you hit the button to post it?
Then there'll be even fewer such companies.

Why should there be that.. aint the US the land of the free and free market? According to free market theory, if there is a demand, then there will be companies wanting to meet that demand no? Are you telling me that there are artificial barriers in the individual states that prevent competition?

Did you even think about what you were about to write before you wrote it? Or at least before you hit the button to post it?

Yep I did.. did you when you regurgitate RNC talking points?
Why should there be that.. aint the US the land of the free and free market? According to free market theory, if there is a demand, then there will be companies wanting to meet that demand no? Are you telling me that there are artificial barriers in the individual states that prevent competition?

There are plenty of barriers, within the states, and within the country, that inhibit competition, and also inhibit profitability. You seem to think that a company that desires to make a profit, to be able to stay in business, is “utterly greedy and need to go out of business”. Any business that doesn't make a profit will go out of business. So where is the consumer left when it is no longer profitable to offer the good or service that the consumer needs?
What this shows is that there are too few insurance companies in many states and they are utterly greedy and need to go out of business. Thank god for the Affordable Care Act then!

Easy to talk big when you don't have a dog in the fight. The rest of us have to live with Obamas piece of ****.
Why should there be that.. aint the US the land of the free and free market? According to free market theory, if there is a demand, then there will be companies wanting to meet that demand no? Are you telling me that there are artificial barriers in the individual states that prevent competition?

Yep I did.. did you when you regurgitate RNC talking points?

Your post shows complete and thorough ignorance of the entire matter. But that's to be expected of a socialist.
The so-called "Affordable Care Act" is a HUGH LIE and is no way "AFFORDABLE" since it is not only NON-IMPLEMENTAL but is also COST-PREPOSTEROUS causing Small Businesses to go either bankrupt or to hire Part Time workers. This is especially egregious because Small Businesses hire ~75% of our Country's Employed Workers !!!

Stupid juvenile names like Obummercare initiated by the Obummerrhoid, the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and who is also the Enabler of the IslamoFascist Muslim Bros is appropriate because these nomenclatures more aptly describe the Worst President in American History and his DISASTROUS abominations.

Pure garbage.
During an interview by one of the authors of Romneycare, he indicated that criteria where put
in place to weed out "sham policies" that were nothing more than cash cows for the insurance providers.
Any CEO that pulls his company out of large markets like California and New York under the ACA
should be fired. Once the dust settles these companies will re-enter the markets.
Pure garbage.

If each or even one of my six or seven exposures regarding Obummerrhoid, the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and who is also the Enabler of the swinish Muslim Bros were incorrect you would have proved it. Instead all you can come up with is a desperately pathetic meaningless burp.
If each or even one of my six or seven exposures regarding Obummerrhoid, the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and who is also the Enabler of the swinish Muslim Bros were incorrect you would have proved it. Instead all you can come up with is a desperately pathetic meaningless burp.

Hmm, turret syndrome?
There are plenty of barriers, within the states, and within the country, that inhibit competition, and also inhibit profitability. You seem to think that a company that desires to make a profit, to be able to stay in business, is “utterly greedy and need to go out of business”. Any business that doesn't make a profit will go out of business. So where is the consumer left when it is no longer profitable to offer the good or service that the consumer needs?

I have no problem per say with a company that wants to make a profit. I do have a problem with healthcare for profit, but we both know that is goes wayyyyy beyond that in the US. When one health insurance provider has 74% of the market in a state... do you seriously believe that is due to the free market or lack of it? That it took the Affordable Care Act to break the strangle hold the health insurance industry has on the country and allow cross state line insurance buying.. only shows how bad the whole health care market is in the US.

Like it or not, healthcare costs in the US are dictated by the industry not by demand. They set the price and the many layers of bureaucracy with in the companies themselves add to the cost big time. When you have the care giver aka the doctors and the insurance companies working hand in hand to set prices.. then no wonder your prices are so wacked out.

Or do you like paying 2 bucks for an aspirin in a hospital?
The posts of those who label themselves as "Conservative", "Libertarian" or "Independent" are fine examples of the complete and utter ignorance of the entire matter displayed by so many of their ilk. It almost seems that deliberately chosen refusal to learn has become a base requirement for membership in their side of the political spectrum.

and just for fun - In Florida, I am registered as an "Independent"
Why can't you just call it Obamacare or Affordable Care Act instead of resorting to stupid juvenile names?

Because its a stupid juvenile law forced down our throats by the boy king.
Because its a stupid juvenile law forced down our throats by the boy king.

Right or wrong, this law passed through the Senate, House, and was signed by the president. It went through the correct channels.

I don't like ACA, nor do I support it, but to call it anything other than law is not accepting reality. Can it be ommited, changed, or added? Yes, but right now it is the law.
Because its a stupid juvenile law forced down our throats by the boy king.

lol Thats funny, because that's what some of the stupid people said in Jimmy Kimmel's video....

lol Thats funny, because that's what some of the stupid people said in Jimmy Kimmel's video....

People who are forced to pay, and refuse to pay the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and the Enabler of Islamofascist Swinish Muslim Bros, Obummerrhoid's, ObummerCare for 13 million illegal aliens, i.e. criminals....... and paying Health Insurance under ObummerCare for an additional 10 million deadbeats and moochers who are his political core, i.e., the Occupy Wall Street human trash ...... are not the ones that should be called "STUPID PEOPLE" !!!

One would think that the mental midgits, or morons, who call 85% of our work force "STUPID PEOPLE" because they refuse the idiotic ObummerCare that forces the Small Businesses to either go bankrupt, or replace the work force with Part Time employees are the ones that should be insulted. Destroying the Small Businesses with ObummerCare is especially insane because Small Businesses employ ~75% of our Nation's work force.
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People who are forced to pay, and refuse to pay the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and the Enabler of Islamofascist Swinish Muslim Bros, Obummerrhoid's, ObummerCare for 13 million illegal aliens, i.e. criminals....... and paying Health Insurance under ObummerCare for an additional 10 million deadbeats and moochers who are his political core, i.e., the Occupy Wall Street human trash ...... are not the ones that should be called "STUPID PEOPLE" !!!

One would think that the mental midgits, or morons, who call 85% of our work force "STUPID PEOPLE" because they refuse the idiotic ObummerCare that forces the Small Businesses to either go bankrupt, or replace the work force with Part Time employees are the ones that should be insulted. Destroying the Small Businesses with ObummerCare is especially insane because Small Businesses employ ~75% of our Nation's work force.

To clarify my post above: I realize that the people interviewed didn't know that ObummerCare is, in fact, the Affordable Care Act. And when they preferred one to the other they were simply voicing their ignorance of that fact.

However, my post was focusing on the fact that the overwhelming majority of the American people are against Obummercare because it is NON-implemental and Cost-Preposterous.......and the fact that the ACA seemed to be phrased in such a manner that it sounded as the OPPOSITE to the hated Obummercare and that very fact made those "stupid people" actually wise.......for the reasons in my post.
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There are plenty of barriers, within the states, and within the country, that inhibit competition, and also inhibit profitability. You seem to think that a company that desires to make a profit, to be able to stay in business, is “utterly greedy and need to go out of business”. Any business that doesn't make a profit will go out of business. So where is the consumer left when it is no longer profitable to offer the good or service that the consumer needs?

:caution: :alert you are speaking the truth and that doesn't go over well here!
I have no problem per say with a company that wants to make a profit. I do have a problem with healthcare for profit…

Then how do you think healthcare will be made available?

No company can stay in business if it spends more money than it takes in.

The only way that it is possible for consumers to buy any goods or services is for it to be profitable for some companies to offer these goods and services for sale to us.

If no company is able to profitably offer us health care services, then no company is going to offer us health care services.

The mindless Marxist in you can take comfort in knowing that no scummy, greedy capitalist pigs are making money on the backs of us poor proletariats who only want and need health care services; but that is little comfort to those of us who need health care services that are not being made available to us.
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Then how do you think healthcare will be made available?

No company can stay in business if it spends more money than it takes in.

The only way that it is possible for consumers to buy any goods or services is for it to be profitable for some companies to offer these goods and services for sale to us.

If no company is able to profitably offer us health care services, then no company is going to offer us health care services.

The mindless Marxist in you can take comfort in knowing that no scummy, greedy capitalist pigs are making money on the backs of us poor proletariats who only want and need health care services; but that is little comfort to those of us who need health care services that are not being made available to us.

Bob Blaylock,

Your post is 100% bang on. And, pre - Obummercare, Health Insurance is/was offered in such a manner that the buyers of that insurance provide for a reasonable profit for the Insurance companies to survive.

Unfortunately, people who are forced to pay, and refuse to pay the TWENTY YEAR protege of the Black Racist Whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, and who is also the Enabler of Islamofascist Swinish Muslim Bros, Obummerrhoid's, ObummerCare because this is FINANCIAL INSANITY !!!

This 85% of the Total Population's Productive Members have to subsidize 13 million illegal aliens, i.e. criminals with Health Insurance....... and paying Health Insurance under ObummerCare for an additional 10 million deadbeats and moochers who are his political core, i.e., the Occupy Wall Street human trash.

This makes Obummercare NON-IMPLEMENTAL with all sorts of POLITICALLY DISCRIMINATING WAIVERS to the corrupt supporters of the Ex -ACORN Community Organizing Charlatan, and the unavoidable COST-PREPOSTEROUS factor when one forces 85% of the Total Population, the productive members of our Nation, as stated above, to subsidize the 13 Million Illegal criminals and the additional 10% of our Nation's deadbeats and moochers, i.e., the Occupy Wall Street nutjobs who are the core of Obummerhoid's DEM party.

What causes the Obummercare to be even more egregious is that the idiotic ObummerCare forces the Small Businesses to either go bankrupt, or replace the work force with Part Time employees. Destroying the Small Businesses with ObummerCare is especially insane because Small Businesses employ ~75% of our Nation's work force.
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