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Temperatures in eastern Antarctica are 70 degrees warmer than usual (1 Viewer)


Dark Brandon Acolyte
Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2017
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left
Temperatures in the eastern part of the continent have soared 50 to 90 degrees above normal, raising concern from the scientific community.
A researcher studying polar meteorology at the Université Grenoble Alpes Dr. Jonathan Wille also tweeted that this heatwave was "never supposed to happen."

From another source:
Officials at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, have been watching the Arctic, which has been warming two to three times faster than the rest of the globe.
That same day temperatures hit 0 degrees at the even-higher Vostok station, beating the all-time record by about 27 degrees

Horrifying. I don't really know what else to say. It is worth pointing out that the arctic melting is a positive feedback loop;
In the Arctic, where more than 1 trillion tons of carbon are locked within its frozen soil
Temperature alone could have a big effect on emissions, too. If temperatures warm by 18°F (10°C), carbon emissions from thawing permafrost could double, the study says.

So the warmer it gets the more carbon is released from the soil...which makes it warmer...which releases more carbon...

This unexpected heat wave could unexpectedly accelerate global warming in a way models didn't predict.
So the warmer it gets the more carbon is released from the soil...which makes it warmer...which releases more carbon...

This unexpected heat wave could unexpectedly accelerate global warming in a way models didn't predict.

Considering every model has overestimated the warming effect carbon has, they might get to be right for a change
Considering every model has overestimated the warming effect carbon has, they might get to be right for a change

Typical full of bull conservative science denier. You have no evidence of your claim that "...every model has overestimated the warming effect carbon has...", making your claim unfounded and dismissed without need for further debate. No research for proof. Lazy.
Typical full of bull conservative science denier. You have no evidence of your claim that "...every model has overestimated the warming effect carbon has...", making your claim unfounded and dismissed without need for further debate. No research for proof. Lazy.

Typical know nothing liberal. Just because you are happy to be willfully ignorant does mean that everyone else is.

You have also made a claim with nothing to back it up yet you call me lazy.

The fact is scientific papers are not written in crayon so you are going to have trouble reading any evidence I present.

From another source:

Horrifying. I don't really know what else to say. It is worth pointing out that the arctic melting is a positive feedback loop;

So the warmer it gets the more carbon is released from the soil...which makes it warmer...which releases more carbon...

This unexpected heat wave could unexpectedly accelerate global warming in a way models didn't predict.

I saw this a few days ago and read the source. If I recall correctly, the 70F (39C) increase is above the normal average. Not above the normal seasonal high.

I'll have to find the actual source again.
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How much misinformation is there in this telephone game?

The Hill reports on what the Washington Post says who reports what some twit on twitter says...
I saw this a few days ago and read the source. If I recall correctly, the 70F (21C) increase is above the normal average. Not above the normal seasonal high.

I'll have to find the actual source again.
Well from the source I linked there is this blurb which does still make it sound exceptionally high.
"In about 65 record years in Vostok, between March and October, values above -30°C were never observed," climate journalist Stefano Di Battista told the news outlet in an email.
However, if what you say is the case and you do take the time to find that source I would appreciate it.
How much misinformation is there in this telephone game?

The Hill reports on what the Washington Post says who reports what some twit on twitter says...
That's a fair point. If I have time I will try to find a more primary source.
Here is what the AP reported:

Weather stations in Antarctica shattered records Friday as the region neared autumn. The two-mile high (3,234 meters) Concordia station was at 10 degrees (-12.2 degrees Celsius),which is about 70 degrees warmer than average, while the even higher Vostok station hit a shade above 0 degrees (-17.7 degrees Celsius), beating its all-time record by about 27 degrees (15 degrees Celsius), according to a tweet from extreme weather record tracker Maximiliano Herrera.

Notice they say higher than average, rather than higher than a weekly high, monthly or daily high, etc.

Notice also the temperture is still well below freezing.
The article goes on to say:

The Antarctic continent as a whole on Friday was about 8.6 degrees (4.8 degrees Celsius) warmer than a baseline temperature between 1979 and 2000, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, based on U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration weather models. That 8-degree heating over an already warmed-up average is unusual, think of it as if the entire United States was 8 degrees hotter than normal, Meier said.
At the same time, on Friday the Arctic as a whole was 6 degrees (3.3 degrees) warmer than the 1979 to 2000 average.

Now can't find the source. It seems to be the twit from twitter.
Consider this:

Both Lazzara and Meier said what happened in Antarctica is probably just a random weather event and not a sign of climate change. But if it happens again or repeatedly then it might be something to worry about and part of global warming, they said.

same article I linked.
Well from the source I linked there is this blurb which does still make it sound exceptionally high.

However, if what you say is the case and you do take the time to find that source I would appreciate it.

its helpful to understand the location where dome c is, along with historical scientific measurements AND planetary dynamics (i.e. where is the planet in relationship to the sun)

at the moment the earth is ever so slowly drifting away from the sun, so the atmosphere should be slowly cooling down BUT that isn't happening according to various news reports

to understand the context perhaps this graphic mashup of a map showing the location AND an annual plot of temperatures @ dome c

(4x6 PC) Antarctica Dome C.png

to show the bigger picture of what is happening in the polar regions I've created other info graphics and put them in a doodley YouTube video

PS science knows the Antarctic climate is getting warmer because of flower blooming

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From another source:

Horrifying. I don't really know what else to say. It is worth pointing out that the arctic melting is a positive feedback loop;

So the warmer it gets the more carbon is released from the soil...which makes it warmer...which releases more carbon...

This unexpected heat wave could unexpectedly accelerate global warming in a way models didn't predict.

Consider the source. You are basing this nonsense from a Tweet published by the Washington Post. Furthermore, the temperature data in the Tweet shows the temperatures are all below the maximum recorded temperature. Once again you are publishing Fake News. There was never any 70°C temperature increases in Antarctica. That is complete BS.
Consider this:

Both Lazzara and Meier said what happened in Antarctica is probably just a random weather event and not a sign of climate change. But if it happens again or repeatedly then it might be something to worry about and part of global warming, they said.

same article I linked.
They are also claiming that Antarctica is losing 25 minutes of sunlight per day, which is ridiculous. The Spring Equinox just passed on March 20th, which meant that the entire planet experienced 12 hour days and 12 hour nights. Antarctica is losing daylight as quickly as the Arctic is gaining daylight, which is just under 10 minutes per day. From the beginning of March until the last day of March everything within the Antarctic Circle will lose a total of 4 hours, 42 minutes of daylight. Currently, everyone within the Antarctic Circle is experiencing days that are ~30 minutes shorter than those experienced at the equator. Tomorrow they will be ~40 minutes shorter. Some time in June there will be no daylight south of the Antarctic Circle which will last for ~90 days until September.
Consider the source. You are basing this nonsense from a Tweet published by the Washington Post. Furthermore, the temperature data in the Tweet shows the temperatures are all below the maximum recorded temperature. Once again you are publishing Fake News. There was never any 70°C temperature increases in Antarctica. That is complete BS.
The Antarctic station was only 65 F higher than the March average. I did some checking around. See my post here:

The Antarctic station was only 65 F higher than the March average. I did some checking around. See my post here:

You know that 70°F discrepancy is based upon a computer model and not actual observation, right? Based upon actual observations all the temperatures from each of the stations are below record levels. This is a big nothing, Fake News based upon obviously faulty computer models.

Wait for it. This coming September, when the sun finally returns to Antarctica these freaks will make a big deal about the ozone hole that developed over the 90 days Antarctica was in complete darkness. It never fails, they do it every year hoping some moron will panic.
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You know that 70°F discrepancy is based upon a computer model and not actual observation, right? Based upon actual observations all the temperatures from each of the stations are below record levels. This is a big nothing, Fake News based upon obviously faulty computer models.

Wait for it. This coming September, when the sun finally returns to Antarctica these freaks will make a big deal about the ozone hole that developed over the 90 days Antarctica was in complete darkness. It never fails, they do it every year hoping some moron will panic.
No. The 65 F increase from normal was an actual recorded temperature. The 70 F was a bloviated reporting. I had earlier assumed myself that this was above the annual average, but it is above the March average. My current assumption is it was skewed because of the direction the wind was blowing, and/or equipment operations in the nearby area. It seldom blows in a general NE direction. I don't know where the temperature monitoring equipment is from the permanent settlements there, but if the general NE wind direction is taking the heat loss from the building and equipment running, then this will be seen by monitoring station. I had liiked at previous data for March, and there is a rise in temerature anytime the wind blows from the north to east direction. this is a good indication for me that the extra heat being seen is from that remote outpost.

Did you look at my post in the other thread I linked?

This is a relatively new outpost, and they are expanding it. I assume the antropogenic warming they saw was from new constructiuon, or something similar.
No. The 65 F increase from normal was an actual recorded temperature. The 70 F was a bloviated reporting. I had earlier assumed myself that this was above the annual average, but it is above the March average. My current assumption is it was skewed because of the direction the wind was blowing, and/or equipment operations in the nearby area. It seldom blows in a general NE direction. I don't know where the temperature monitoring equipment is from the permanent settlements there, but if the general NE wind direction is taking the heat loss from the building and equipment running, then this will be seen by monitoring station. I had liiked at previous data for March, and there is a rise in temerature anytime the wind blows from the north to east direction. this is a good indication for me that the extra heat being seen is from that remote outpost.

Did you look at my post in the other thread I linked?

This is a relatively new outpost, and they are expanding it. I assume the antropogenic warming they saw was from new constructiuon, or something similar.
From the original Washington Post source:
Wille said the warm conditions over Antarctica were spurred by an extreme atmospheric river, or a narrow corridor of water vapor in the sky, on its east coast. According to computer models, the atmospheric river made landfall on Tuesday between the Dumont d’Urville and Casey Stations and dropped an intense amount of rainfall, potentially causing a significant melt event in the area.
None of these temperatures were observed. They are based entirely upon bogus computer models. The actual temperature data, shown in the Tweet, shows that observed temperatures were well within their maximum range. There is no such thing as "anthropogenic" warming. Only a complete idiot could concoct such stupidity.
You know that 70°F discrepancy is based upon a computer model and not actual observation, right? Based upon actual observations all the temperatures from each of the stations are below record levels. This is a big nothing, Fake News based upon obviously faulty computer models.

Wait for it. This coming September, when the sun finally returns to Antarctica these freaks will make a big deal about the ozone hole that developed over the 90 days Antarctica was in complete darkness. It never fails, they do it every year hoping some moron will panic.

I assume the antropogenic warming they saw was from new constructiuon, or something similar.

new construction?! perhaps the construction workers left the sauna door open which was right by "the official thermometer" opps!!

sigh,... computer models are not just made up bull$hit there is some well understood science being used,... take for example the very real temperature readings at "dome c"

(4x6 PC) Antarctica Dome C.png

note the spike (as well as the elevation coordinates in the graphic)

I've never been employed as a working climate scientist but I do have a physics degree and also learned how to fly while still in high school so just thinking out loud that working the problem backwards using the idea of a "lapse rate" from pilot training is what was used to get the 70F being discussed by main stream media like The Washington Post

For unsaturated air, the lapse rate is 3°C per 1000 feet; this is called the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR). However, when the parcel of air reaches the Dew Point and becomes saturated, water vapour condenses, latent heat is released during the condensation process, which warms the air, and the lapse rate reduces. The Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR), or Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate (MALR), is therefore the rate at which saturated air cools with height and is, at low levels and latitudes, 1.5°C per thousand feet. At higher altitudes and latitudes, where there is generally less water content in the air, and therefore less latent heat to release, the SALR is closer to 3°C per thousand feet.


then there is pretty solid technical details about the antarctic heat wave event,...

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new construction?! perhaps the construction workers left the sauna door open which was right by "the official thermometer" opps!!

sigh,... computer models are not just made up bull$hit there is some well understood science being used,... take for example the very real temperature readings at "dome c"

View attachment 67381936

note the spike (as well as the elevation coordinates in the graphic)

I've never been employed as a working climate scientist but I do have a physics degree and also learned how to fly while still in high school so just thinking out loud that working the problem backwards using the idea of a "lapse rate" from pilot training is what was used to get the 70F being discussed by main stream media like The Washington Post

For unsaturated air, the lapse rate is 3°C per 1000 feet; this is called the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate (DALR). However, when the parcel of air reaches the Dew Point and becomes saturated, water vapour condenses, latent heat is released during the condensation process, which warms the air, and the lapse rate reduces. The Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate (SALR), or Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate (MALR), is therefore the rate at which saturated air cools with height and is, at low levels and latitudes, 1.5°C per thousand feet. At higher altitudes and latitudes, where there is generally less water content in the air, and therefore less latent heat to release, the SALR is closer to 3°C per thousand feet.


then there is pretty solid technical details about the antarctic heat wave event,...

I know the spike is there. Yesterday, I traced the valid information. I posted it in a different thread, bit should have posted it here, and referred to it here. There is my previous post:

I was asking for the source of your graph, which you apparently are ashamed of your source.
This is a relatively new outpost, and they are expanding it. I assume the antropogenic warming they saw was from new constructiuon, or something similar.


65 degrees worth?


That's funny, LoP!
The good thing is over 70 percent of the American citizenry is concerned about global warming.
The politicians, not so much.
'concerned'. Well that can mean anything.
We see how 'concerned' people are when gas prices go to $4.50.

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