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Ted Kennedy Dies of Brain Cancer at Age 77 (1 Viewer)

The reality is Medicare spends four per cent on overhead, while private insurance carriers spend roughly 30 per cent on overhead.

What do you think, that inconvienant fact, forces the private carriers to do?

Care to take a guess?

Clearly, the facts have escaped your understanding of the financial peril regarding Americans and their health system.

The notion that Government run programs have less overhead than private companies cannot be supported by any facts.

I believe that Medicare is a program where the Government spends humongous amounts of money paying the bills of the qualifying participants who go to physicians of their choice who are willing to wait three to six months for the Government payments. This is part of the reason it is filled with corruption and abuse and headed for insolvency. It is hardly a Government run program than a government handout to those who initially paid in very little; in other wards, a re-distribution of wealth which is headed for bankruptcy.

Now, you are free to share some credible links that would suggest that Government has lower overhead than insurance companies and I will take a look at it and get back to you. Until then, this is just another, "because you say it is so."
Very correct. The act of dancing on the grave of an individual is classless.

I knew Senator Kennedy and I refuse to allow anonymous posters with no power, no connections and no access to muddy his memory with scandalous opinions.

I knew him to how about that! Ever been to the cape? Me and catz have several times.

Search out posts, its well known.
I find it ironic that a Canadian is here telling Americans how we should act toward our own politicans.

Then you are not informed as there exist many Canadians, and many Canadian educated Americans participating in American democracy.

I personally know many.

Do you require a list?
The notion that Government run programs have less overhead than private companies cannot be supported by any facts.

I believe that Medicare is a program where the Government spends humongous amounts of money paying the bills of the qualifying participants who go to physicians of their choice who are willing to wait three to six months for the Government payments. This is part of the reason it is filled with corruption and abuse and headed for insolvency. It is hardly a Government run program than a government handout to those who initially paid in very little; in other wards, a re-distribution of wealth which is headed for bankruptcy.

Now, you are free to share some credible links that would suggest that Government has lower overhead than insurance companies and I will take a look at it and get back to you. Until then, this is just another, "because you say it is so."

You reside in a fantasy land of hyper partisan opinion.

Your "beliefs" remain irrelevent.

I asked a simple question regarding overhead costs which you have not answered.

Until you do, I see no reason to respond to the above post.

Regardless, I can prove my claim about overhead costs as I have taken this claim from a peer-reviewed academic study which was published in a prestigious scientific journal.
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Then you are not informed as there exist many Canadians, and many Canadian educated Americans participating in American democracy.

I personally know many.

Do you require a list?

there are many canadians? Oh damn, we dun done it now. Don't want to piss off the canadians.... :lol:
Then you are not informed as there exist many Canadians, and many Canadian educated Americans participating in American democracy.

I personally know many.

Do you require a list?
That's special. However, that doesn't change the fact that your opinion is irrelevant.
You reside in a fantasy land of hyper partisan opinion. Your "beliefs" remain irrelevent.

Says the busy, important, well-connected friend of the late Edward Kennedy, who is spending his afternoon anonymously on an internet forum vigorously defending the reputation of a drunken lout.

.....two most likely assasinated by crazed right-wingers.

I of course realize the rabid right have and will always hate anything Kennedy, ......

.....but once again I misunderestimated the foul vulgarity of the classless cons.

You jest caint hep yersef can you? :rofl
Says the busy, important, well-connected friend of the late Edward Kennedy, who is spending his afternoon anonymously on an internet forum vigorously defending the reputation of a drunken lout.


I find this effort extremely important.

I will not allow his memory to be stained by wacky internet posters.
The evidence suggests that Kennedy’s ideas were an abject failure;

(1) Public housing projects; fail.

(2) Food stamps; corrupt and a failure.

(3) Social Security; a joke and headed for failure.

(4) Education; a joke and a failure.

(5) Minimum wage laws; a joke.

Liberals own these programs and anyone trying to argue that the ONLY way Americans can achieve prosperity and secure their retirement is through Government largess is obviously wallowing in abject denial.

Your serious? It's easy to say it's a failure when you don't make minimum wage. You don't need social security to prevent you from dying on the streets because you medical costs skyrocketed. You've never been a single mom who needs to feed her childrenv under ANY roof. And you said and I quote "Education; a joke and a failure." So no, you can't be serious.
I find this effort extremely important.

I will not allow his memory to be stained by wacky internet posters.

His memory won't be tarnished by a few internet posters. Kennedy was a great man and a man with flaws. Some choose to focus on his humanness and flaws rather than his accomplishments.:2wave:
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Are you of the opinion that your lectures on civility are being taken seriously here? You aren't even from our country, dude. Seriously, why don't you spend your time worrying about the fact that your country could be conquered by a couple of troops of American girl scouts, versus spending your time on internet forums lecturing people on death manners.


Oh my, now THAT is damned funny. :rofl

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