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Ted Cruz gives an amazing speech -- doesn't endorse Trump (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right
Excellent job, sir.
Anyone who thought he was going to endorse trump was delusional. I'm from texas, we voted him in for a reason.
Hahaha...Cruz didn't endorse Trump. I kinda thought he would...but glad to see he didn't.
Excellent job, sir.

He did a good job but I really wish he went a little farther and overtly endorsed the principle of liberty while noting that one person can lead but it takes a free nation to actually realize the full potential of liberty.
Cruz had an amazing team that did an amazing job, no one can take that away, but he is never going to get anywhere if he keeps making stupid choices, which is what he tends to do.

He should have pledged allegiance to the rebellion, and fallen in line behind our leader.

The ****er is probably hopeless based upon personality alone.

But he could try to win.

Ya Know?

I think you just missed the point.

No I didn't some like Cruz but he's a slimy snake, which is why he lost the Republican primary by 10 points when he ran for senate.
Cruz is everything that is wrong with the GOP. If he had won the nomination, I would have voted for Clinton.
Dayem, I missed it and am going to have to find it somewhere else, or in rerun.

I don't like Sen Cruz' politics, and would not vote for him.

But I will say this (and his non-endorsement speech here may be providing additional supporting evidence):

Senators Sanders & Cruz, irrespective of their disparate leans & ideologies, seem to be about the only guys in the recent bunch of hopefuls that have principles and are willing to stand for them. I might also put Sen Paul in that group, too.
Cruz is everything that is wrong with the GOP. If he had won the nomination, I would have voted for Clinton.

This was nothing more than a campaign speech.

I don't like how much he flirts with trying to create a national religion. He also seems to throw tantrums to stay in the spotlight.
I am having trouble with the idea that the Trump seminar / Republican convention, IS NOT the most humiliating experience that the Republican party has ever faced.
Heh, Newt just soothed over the fools.

As an anti-Cruz and anti-Trump voter, I am enjoying this fight between two degrading candidates.
Dayem, I missed it and am going to have to find it somewhere else, or in rerun.

I don't like Sen Cruz' politics, and would not vote for him.

But I will say this (and his non-endorsement speech here may be providing additional supporting evidence):

Senators Sanders & Cruz, irrespective of their disparate leans & ideologies, seem to be about the only guys in the recent bunch of hopefuls that have principles and are willing to stand for them. I might also put Sen Paul in that group, too.

Once I figured out that Cruz is a DICK I stopped caring about what he actually believes as opposed to what he claims to believe in.

He hurt a lot of people in striving for personal gain (the shutdowns)

He was wrong about that as he is wrong about the rebellion.

****. CRUZ.
I don't like how much he flirts with trying to create a national religion. He also seems to throw tantrums to stay in the spotlight.

He wants to create a national religion? Say wha? I wouldn't vote for him either if he wanted that. Can you cite some sources?
I actually respected Ted for not capitulating.

For a party that espouses the individual over the collective... hmmm...
Dayem, I missed it and am going to have to find it somewhere else, or in rerun.

I don't like Sen Cruz' politics, and would not vote for him.

But I will say this (and his non-endorsement speech here may be providing additional supporting evidence):

Senators Sanders & Cruz, irrespective of their disparate leans & ideologies, seem to be about the only guys in the recent bunch of hopefuls that have principles and are willing to stand for them. I might also put Sen Paul in that group, too.

add kasich for his refusal to participate in the GOP's circlejerk

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