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Sussex baby: Harry and Meghan are expecting (2 Viewers)

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If they're taking suggestions for names mine is still "Megatron"
Great news. No doubt aided by modern medicine, but great news nonetheless.
The Duchess is 37, so no time to waste.

Anyway, all day long we'll hear bad/sad news, so I thought a bit of trivial-but-happy news was in order for a Monday. ("Can't trust that day.")
Congrats to Harry and Megan!
Meghan Markle is 37 years old??

Yep. I was described in my med charts as an "elderly primipara" at 28, so I guess that makes her prehistoric.
Good grief. :lol: I would have shaved 10 years off her. How old is the love of my life, Harry?

Either 34 or 35. And you cannot have Prince Hot Ginge. Move along, sister.
Oooh, Mr. Sexy Voice. :( I can hardly watch Love, Actually without him. My heart breaks every time.

I wonder how much of a surprise women thinking Rickman was hot--sooooo hot--is for the guys around here.
I wonder how much of a surprise women thinking Rickman was hot--sooooo hot--is for the guys around here.

Honestly? Probably a huge surprise. Most guys think women are after Brad Pitt looks with a hot bod.

Give me a man with a sexy voice, and that'll do it every time. Also? Smart is dead sexy to me.
Honestly? Probably a huge surprise. Most guys think women are after Brad Pitt looks with a hot bod.

Give me a man with a sexy voice, and that'll do it every time. Also? Smart is dead sexy to me.

If they're taking suggestions for names mine is still "Megatron"

If they really want to make the news they ought to name the baby after me. :mrgreen:
I wonder how much of a surprise women thinking Rickman was hot--sooooo hot--is for the guys around here.
Hot or not, to women or the otherwise disabled :2razz: (relax j/k), his performance as Sheriff of Nottingham had my sides aching for the whole next day.

They could have left the rest of the cast out of it completely for all I cared and Mastrantonio deserved to get HIM, not any bloodless twit like Costner.:lol:

He incidentally made a lot of those lines up with a couple of friends, having the unsuspecting film crew in stitches.
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