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Susan B. Anthony Museum Rejects Trump Pardon (1 Viewer)

Old 'N Chill

DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2019
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Too bad Donnie, your selfish empty gesture is REJECTED. :roll:

Susan B. Anthony Museum Rejects Trump Pardon, Tells How He Can Really Honor Her

“Objection! Mr. President, Susan B. Anthony must decline your offer of a pardon today!” tweeted the national museum dedicated to the women’s suffrage leader.

The museum dedicated to the memory of Susan B. Anthony has on her behalf declined President Donald Trump’s pardon of the late women’s suffrage leader.

The National Susan B. Anthony Museum and House in Rochester, New York, explained in a Twitter thread Tuesday why it objected to Trump’s pardon for Anthony, who was charged in 1872 with voting illegally.

It also suggested ways the president could truly honor the women’s rights pioneer.

Trump announced the pardon Tuesday on the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote.

Critics accused Trump of performing an empty gesture with the pardon, given his relentless attacks on mail-in voting and baseless allegations of fraud in the 2020 election. The president has repeatedly said he could only lose to Democratic nominee Joe Biden if the vote is “rigged.”

The museum, where Anthony (who is now regarded as a divisive figure) lived and was arrested, noted she was “outraged to be denied a trial by jury” and thought paying a fine would validate the unfair trial. “To pardon Susan B. Anthony does the same,” the museum wrote.

It added: “If one wants to honor Susan B. Anthony today, a clear stance against any form of voter suppression would be welcome.”

“Support for the Equal Rights Amendment would be well received,” it continued. “Advocacy for human rights for all would be splendid.”

Susan B. Anthony Museum Rejects Trump Pardon, Tells How He Can Really Honor Her | HuffPost
Don't know whether this is extreme TDS, cutting off the nose to spite the face or an idiotic "resistance" display of the left ... I think I'll go with the last one. :lol:

Why don't you try reading slowly. Maybe the meaning will sink in.
If that's a victory. No wonder the opposition is so weak.

You going to stick around after early november? Cause I want to show you what weak looks like.
If one wants to honor Susan B. Anthony today, a clear stance against any form of voter suppression would be welcome.”

“Support for the Equal Rights Amendment would be well received,” it continued. “Advocacy for human rights for all would be splendid.”

Narrator: Susan B. Anthony and her dear friend Elizabeth Cady Stanton ferociously fought against the the 15th amendment and engaged in a racist public appeal against the worthiness of black men voting after it they were told that there was not enough political support for including [white] women's suffrage.
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Here is the jest of the reason put forth:

The museum, where Anthony (who is now regarded as a divisive figure) lived and was arrested, noted she was “outraged to be denied a trial by jury” and thought paying a fine would validate the unfair trial. “To pardon Susan B. Anthony does the same,” the museum wrote.

It added: “If one wants to honor Susan B. Anthony today, a clear stance against any form of voter suppression would be welcome.”

Some unnamed people in the museum pretend to know what Susan Anthony would want now, mind reading the deceased I suppose. The next line tells real reason, they want impose their own views about taking stance against voter suppression as they see it. They can say they reject it when, in fact, they do not even have the authority to accept it. It was given and that is that, the rest is totally a political grandstand by some individuals who have the hutzpah to think because they say no, it did not happen.
Don't know whether this is extreme TDS, cutting off the nose to spite the face or an idiotic "resistance" display of the left ... I think I'll go with the last one. :lol:
How about:

"Don't insult us by patronizing us"

That would be my guess ...
Why don't you try reading slowly. Maybe the meaning will sink in.

Oh, I understand all right ... the law man screwed her over and then denied her access to an appeal ... and people like you believe that's how she wanted it to end. :roll:

"... Justice Hunt then directed the jury to return a guilty verdict and imposed a $100 fine on Susan B. Anthony as her sentence. Although the suffragette steadfastly refused to pay the unjust fine, Justice Hunt did not have her imprisoned, preventing her from appealing her sentence to a higher court. ..."
Don't know whether this is extreme TDS, cutting off the nose to spite the face or an idiotic "resistance" display of the left ... I think I'll go with the last one. :lol:

Why not all 3?
Don't know whether this is extreme TDS, cutting off the nose to spite the face or an idiotic "resistance" display of the left ... I think I'll go with the last one. :lol:

Who cares what you 'go with' just stop trolling and go, you are obviously a brainwashed Trump Klan Party cultist.
Don't know whether this is extreme TDS, cutting off the nose to spite the face or an idiotic "resistance" display of the left ... I think I'll go with the last one. :lol:

On the contrary, it's rejecting a transparent and entirely insincere campaign maneuver that only insults Susan B. Anthony's real fight for women's rights. You GO ladies!

(This is what happens when Trump tries messing with people with brains and convictions.)
Why don't you try reading slowly. Maybe the meaning will sink in.

First you have to know how to read in order to read slowly, Trump worshipers are as illiterate as the ignorant bully in the white house.
How about:

"Don't insult us by patronizing us"

That would be my guess ...

My grandma marched for Women's right to vote. She was a Republican. Ninety-one percent of Republicans in Congress voted for women to have the right to vote compared to only 59 percent of Democrats. On June 4, 1919, it passed the Senate 56-25. Eighty-two percent of Republicans voted in favor of the amendment while 41 percent of Democrats continued their War on Women.

It is a window in history when Woodrow Wilson was president. A man that set back race relations decades after the Civil War with his racist policies and the same party that had many that also did not want to give women the right to vote..... By 1919 the people in general had had enough of the Progressive Era and Harding easily won.
My grandma marched for Women's right to vote. She was a Republican. Ninety-one percent of Republicans in Congress voted for women to have the right to vote compared to only 59 percent of Democrats. On June 4, 1919, it passed the Senate 56-25. Eighty-two percent of Republicans voted in favor of the amendment while 41 percent of Democrats continued their War on Women.

It is a window in history when Woodrow Wilson was president. A man that set back race relations decades after the Civil War with his racist policies and the same party that had many that also did not want to give women the right to vote..... By 1919 the people in general had had enough of the Progressive Era and Harding easily won.
If you're trying to equate anti-feminism to the modern day parties, it's a fallacy. The Southern & rural conservative demographics that were the anti-feminists & racists of the day, are now part & parcel of the Republican Party.

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