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Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital 11 minutes ago (1 Viewer)

Bulllll****. Obama could have nominated Jesus himself and the GOP run Senate would not approve.

Sent from my Honor 8X
"Elections have consequences"

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What was the vote tally?
Total rejection. Like impeachment is totally the Houses business and Nancy made up the rules confirmation is totally the Senates business and McConnel makes the rules. Elections have consequences.
Bulllll****. Obama could have nominated Jesus himself and the GOP run Senate would not approve.

Sent from my Honor 8X

All Dems had to do was elect Hillary.
Bulllll****. Obama could have nominated Jesus himself and the GOP run Senate would not approve.

Sent from my Honor 8X
Nope the religious right would have pressured McConnel to confirm Jesus.
Obama should have pick a better nominee like Gorsuch. The Republicans had the responsibility to confirm who they thought was appropriate for the SC. Merrick wasn't appropriate.
From my perspective the courts have made the process partisan. When you have 9 judges that mostly vote down party lines it really leaves the senate very limited options on who they can put on the bench.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
"Elections have consequences"

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

As did the ones after the Civil War.

Can't wait for the young folks to take over (after watching all this Republican corruption) and "consequencing" corrupt Republican voters back into the dark.

You guys brought what's about to happen on yourselves by sacrificing your collective integrity.

20-30somethings. Rise up!!
Obama should have pick a better nominee like Gorsuch. The Republicans had the responsibility to confirm who they thought was appropriate for the SC. Merrick wasn't appropriate.

It wouldn't have mattered who Obama picked. The point wasn't to get an Obama pick through, it was to stonewall Obama's pick, regardless of who it was, in the hopes that the GOP would pick up the WH and then be able to put in their partisan judge instead. Gorsuch would have gone through the nominal proceedings if we had been in middle of an Obama term instead of at the end.

No amount of dishonesty will erase the tactic used by the GOP here. It wasn't about Gorsuch as much as it was about avoiding an Obama pick and hoping for a Republican one instead.
From my perspective the courts have made the process partisan. When you have 9 judges that mostly vote down party lines it really leaves the senate very limited options on who they can put on the bench.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Yep you only need to look at how many votes each of the justices received for confirmation from both parties The more recent the Justice was confirmed the more partisan the vote.
As did the ones after the Civil War.

Can't wait for the young folks to take over (after watching all this Republican corruption) and "consequencing" corrupt Republican voters back into the dark.

You guys brought what's about to happen on yourselves by sacrificing your collective integrity.

20-30somethings. Rise up!!
Thats absolutely true, the next generation will get their turn to run things. Right now its babyboomers and gen x that have control. Every generation thinks they know more than the previous one and each genration gets its turn to prove it.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
It wouldn't have mattered who Obama picked. The point wasn't to get an Obama pick through, it was to stonewall Obama's pick, regardless of who it was, in the hopes that the GOP would pick up the WH and then be able to put in their partisan judge instead. Gorsuch would have gone through the nominal proceedings if we had been in middle of an Obama term instead of at the end.

No amount of dishonesty will erase the tactic used by the GOP here. It wasn't about Gorsuch as much as it was about avoiding an Obama pick and hoping for a Republican one instead.
It was about which side had the political influence of the court. I think if the court had a more conservative slant it would of been more likely garland would of gotten his vote.

Theres no doubt in my mind that if dems controlled the senate when Scalia passed Garland would not of been the nominee. They would of put in a more progressive judge and the gop would of cried foul.
I also have no doubt that if Ginsburg leaves off in august 2020, mitch will keep the senate in session to get another conservative on the bench before the new Congress takes over even if they lost control in november.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Y'all are too funny.

OF COURSE the SCOTUS nominee is political. OF COURSE the senate is political and OF COURSE the rules are subject to change based on the ruling party at the time. What...did you think when the leftists were gleefully dancing about after Harry Reid implemented the Nuclear Option that the other side WASNT going to pull the same kind of maneuvers?

We have long seen the changing stances of leftist politicians on opposition party SCOTUS nominees. They blocked Bush nominees but whined when the GOP blocked Obama's nominees. Its like they forget that everything nowadays is on video. Y'all should stop pretending that 'fair' is something that you care about. You only care about it when it doesnt adversely impact your side.

SO of COURSE if something happens to Ginsberg Trump will nominate a new justice. Hell...that candidate is already selected and waiting. And yes...as long as Trump is still in office, McConnell will put the process in place and she will be selected.
Turtle I understand completely where you come from on your thinking. Truly I do. What I have seen what the left has engaged in the last 3 1/2 years has been the worst I have ever seen in politics .Kavanaugh's treatment was probably the worst of all. Their comrades in the media trash the president, Republicans in general and anyone who supports them with over 95% of negative coverage.

I've never seen anything like this in my lifetime. Never. Viciously ugly and counterproductive.

In my most scary mom voice: I don't care which one of you started it--it stops NOW!

Hear is hoping none of them pass away.

I hope for Justice Ginsberg's speedy recovery. And not because she's "needed" or needs to "hang on" until Trump is gone. ;)
It was about which side had the political influence of the court. I think if the court had a more conservative slant it would of been more likely garland would of gotten his vote.

Theres no doubt in my mind that if dems controlled the senate when Scalia passed Garland would not of been the nominee. They would of put in a more progressive judge and the gop would of cried foul.
I also have no doubt that if Ginsburg leaves off in august 2020, mitch will keep the senate in session to get another conservative on the bench before the new Congress takes over even if they lost control in november.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

If Ginsburg leaves, the GOP Senate will do whatever they can to rush through a nominee as soon as possible, just in case Trump loses the election. There is certainly no doubt to that. It's not about finding an appropriate candidate and vetting well, it's about creating the partisan slant one desires.
As did the ones after the Civil War.

Can't wait for the young folks to take over (after watching all this Republican corruption) and "consequencing" corrupt Republican voters back into the dark.

You guys brought what's about to happen on yourselves by sacrificing your collective integrity.

20-30somethings. Rise up!!

and put down game consoles? not for another 20 years and by then they'll vote GOP
and put down game consoles? not for another 20 years and by then they'll vote GOP

Yeah it's not like older voters are passing away from old age every day and other people aren't turning 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 in massive numbers either. All those kids will eventually pass away as well.

Hell, even if you were right and nothing changed for 20 or 30 years, which is totally ignorant to think, all of the ancient ideas of your generation are eventually going to pass. None of this stuff that you guys are trying to do is going to stick around forever. All you're doing is stringing it out. You're just stringing out the hate.
Yeah it's not like older voters are passing away from old age every day and other people aren't turning 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 in massive numbers either. All those kids will eventually pass away as well.

Hell, even if you were right and nothing changed for 20 or 30 years, which is totally ignorant to think, all of the ancient ideas of your generation are eventually going to pass. None of this stuff that you guys are trying to do is going to stick around forever. All you're doing is stringing it out. You're just stringing out the hate.

You think Black and Hispanic Democratic voters are in line with Senator Warren's idea to tear down wall between Mexico and America? those kind of ancient ideas?

Trump's polling rising among Black and Hispanic voters. We shall see next Nov if it translates.
Y'all are too funny.

OF COURSE the SCOTUS nominee is political. OF COURSE the senate is political and OF COURSE the rules are subject to change based on the ruling party at the time. What...did you think when the leftists were gleefully dancing about after Harry Reid implemented the Nuclear Option that the other side WASNT going to pull the same kind of maneuvers?

We have long seen the changing stances of leftist politicians on opposition party SCOTUS nominees. They blocked Bush nominees but whined when the GOP blocked Obama's nominees. Its like they forget that everything nowadays is on video. Y'all should stop pretending that 'fair' is something that you care about. You only care about it when it doesnt adversely impact your side.

SO of COURSE if something happens to Ginsberg Trump will nominate a new justice. Hell...that candidate is already selected and waiting. And yes...as long as Trump is still in office, McConnell will put the process in place and she will be selected.

Ahem. I don't know who these "leftist" you speak. The Democratic Party is a pretty moderate party and far more moderate than the same party from the 1930s to the 1960s. It may seem leftist to you because the Republican Party has shifted so far right-wing. You'd never imagine that the current Republican Party, that is antagonistic to Social Security; voted not to extend uninsurance benefits during the recession; and vote for 'right-to-work' laws; elected Eisenhower, who said “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

As for Democrats opposing Bush's nominees, Bush literally tried to put his personal lawyer on the Supreme Court, who never was a judge and was universally considered unqualified.
Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been released from a Baltimore hospital where she had been treated for a possible infection.

The 86-year-old Ginsburg has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., and is “doing well,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Sunday.

'Ginsburg has had four occurrences of cancer, including two in the past year. She had lung cancer surgery in December and received radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas in August.'

Tough lady. Hope she holds on until we're rid of Trump.

And I hope she does not!........ I would welcome Trump getting to appoint another excellent Justice like the two he has already appointed.

To be clear though.....I am not wishing her ill at all....I'm all for her retiring and enjoying whatever years she has left.
If Ginsburg leaves, the GOP Senate will do whatever they can to rush through a nominee as soon as possible, just in case Trump loses the election. There is certainly no doubt to that. It's not about finding an appropriate candidate and vetting well, it's about creating the partisan slant one desires.
This is true to both parties. The only way to really fix it is to change the nomination and conformation process to be less partisan.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
You think Black and Hispanic Democratic voters are in line with Senator Warren's idea to tear down wall between Mexico and America? those kind of ancient ideas?

Trump's polling rising among Black and Hispanic voters. We shall see next Nov if it translates.
Pssst, there is no wall between the United States and Mexico. There may be something like 100 miles of wall/fence on the 2,000 mile border.

Regarding minority support, Trump said during his first presidential campaign in the summer of 2016: "At the end of four years, I guarantee you that I will get over 95% of the African-American vote. I promise you. Because I will produce." He got 8% in 2016. According to Gallup:
Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp.

As for Hispanics:
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appears to be facing an insurmountable wall among Latino voters in the key swing state of Florida: only 12.9% support among Hispanic voters, according to a new survey. source
The New Latino Voice poll shows Trump doing only minimally better among Hispanics in Florida than the rest of the country - 12.8% - despite South Florida's large Cuban American community, a traditional bastion for the Republican party.
Ahem. I don't know who these "leftist" you speak. The Democratic Party is a pretty moderate party and far more moderate than the same party from the 1930s to the 1960s. It may seem leftist to you because the Republican Party has shifted so far right-wing. You'd never imagine that the current Republican Party, that is antagonistic to Social Security; voted not to extend uninsurance benefits during the recession; and vote for 'right-to-work' laws; elected Eisenhower, who said “Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes that you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

As for Democrats opposing Bush's nominees, Bush literally tried to put his personal lawyer on the Supreme Court, who never was a judge and was universally considered unqualified.
Its one thing to oppose a nominee, another thing entirely to be a complete hypocrite about your justification. Kagan had no bench experience but wasnt blocked even though her appointment was political.
You think Black and Hispanic Democratic voters are in line with Senator Warren's idea to tear down wall between Mexico and America? those kind of ancient ideas?

Trump's polling rising among Black and Hispanic voters. We shall see next Nov if it translates.

Again, all you guys are doing is stringing out the hate for a short period.

Just like with Civil War confederates, who influenced America for a while, many of your ideas are going to simply die with you.

So enjoy it while you can because you guys are gonna be taking all this hate to the grave and the kids, raised by soccer moms, will take over and clean up your mess.

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