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Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital 11 minutes ago (2 Viewers)


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Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been released from a Baltimore hospital where she had been treated for a possible infection.

The 86-year-old Ginsburg has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., and is “doing well,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Sunday.

'Ginsburg has had four occurrences of cancer, including two in the past year. She had lung cancer surgery in December and received radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas in August.'

Tough lady. Hope she holds on until we're rid of Trump.
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in before the salivating death eaters.
She should retire and enjoy her life. :mrgreen: If you genuinely care for her you should want Trump to win in 2020. That way she would forsure fight to live at least 4 more years. If a Dem wins in 2020 her will to live may not be as strong.
I doubt she will voluntarily do that till a Democrat is back in the White House.
Im not even sure she will then. Remember she turned obamas request for her to retire down. Its very possible the only way she leaves the office is by casket.

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Proof that she is non-partisan. ;)
Its perfectly fine for democrats to be partisans its those evil Republicans we hsve yo condemn for it. You have to understand when democrats do it it because they are putting up a united front for all that is good in the world while the Republicans are only interested in harming us.

You really need to get with the program.

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Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been released from a Baltimore hospital where she had been treated for a possible infection.

The 86-year-old Ginsburg has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., and is “doing well,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Sunday.

'Ginsburg has had four occurrences of cancer, including two in the past year. She had lung cancer surgery in December and received radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas in August.'

Tough lady. Hope she holds on until we're rid of Trump.

Hadn't heard of her being back in the hospital, but am glad she is doing better. No politics, just wishing a human being all the best.
Hadn't heard of her being back in the hospital, but am glad she is doing better. No politics, just wishing a human being all the best.

She had a fever so they had her in the hospital on antibiotics.
I do very much blame the game which includes "interpreting" new content into the Constitution.

They are interpreting "new content" they are just updating the old interpretations as the world changes and new situations need answers
in before the salivating death eaters.

Isn't flame baiting against the rules? If not, perhaps we should call on those who were salivating at the mere gossip that Trump had health issues recently.
Wow, really, the display of hypocritical compassion is amazing.
Supreme Court says Ginsburg released from hospital

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been released from a Baltimore hospital where she had been treated for a possible infection.

The 86-year-old Ginsburg has returned to her home in Washington, D.C., and is “doing well,” court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Sunday.

'Ginsburg has had four occurrences of cancer, including two in the past year. She had lung cancer surgery in December and received radiation treatment for a tumor on her pancreas in August.'

Tough lady. Hope she holds on until we're rid of Trump.

Way to interject vile partisanship into your own thread.


You should have stopped at tough lady.
Yes, she is a tough lady, and I hope her a speedy recovery.
They are interpreting "new content" they are just updating the old interpretations as the world changes and new situations need answers

Medical care and education are not new situations, but they have become new federal powers. The Constitution contains the ability to amend it to "keep up with the times" and does not require (or allow for) the SCOTUS doing so. Why beat around the bush when the federal government could just create the Department of Income and Wealth Distribution to issue checks (or guaranteed "loans") to those who are deemed to be in need (by the Department of Proper Priorities and All Things Green) of public assistance?

What we have devolved into is a situation whereby anything considered "important" by congress can become a new federal power.
Medical care and education are not new situations, but they have become new federal powers. The Constitution contains the ability to amend it to "keep up with the times" and does not require (or allow for) the SCOTUS doing so. Why beat around the bush when the federal government could just create the Department of Income and Wealth Distribution to issue checks (or guaranteed "loans") to those who are deemed to be in need (by the Department of Proper Priorities and All Things Green) of public assistance?

What we have devolved into is a situation whereby anything considered "important" by congress can become a new federal power.

Definitions change, problems change, but the framework stays the same. You don't need a new amendment when a current one will do. That is how you get conflicts and failure to act. Medical care and education are completely different now than when the constitution was written, basically everything is but the framework still works. The Constitution would be pretty pointless if it could not be applied to new problems without having an amendment for every little thing.
Definitions change, problems change, but the framework stays the same. You don't need a new amendment when a current one will do. That is how you get conflicts and failure to act. Medical care and education are completely different now than when the constitution was written, basically everything is but the framework still works. The Constitution would be pretty pointless if it could not be applied to new problems without having an amendment for every little thing.

Nonsense. Education and medical care are not little things - they are large (significant?) portions of GDP and now of federal spending and regulation. The Constitution clearly lists (enumerates) federal government powers leaving all else up to the several states or to the people (private industry).

Obviously, (nearly?) anything can be said to be related to taxation (federal funds are to be spent on it), commerce (is directly affected by it) and/or general welfare (some perceived public benefit is involved), but it was never the founder's intent to allow the federal government to allocate ever increasing powers to itself simply by its lawmaking powers.
You know it.

I feel sorry for Justice Ginsberg. Everybody is only interested in her health inasmuch as it pertains to her future on the Court.

On a related subject: any Sanders or Warren supporter considering not supporting the eventual Democratic nominee next year if it's Biden or Buttigieg, consider that whomever is elected will likely fill TWO SCOTUS vacancies between 2021-2025. If that's Trump, and he fills them with Federalist Society-types, a near-certainty, this means a 7-2 conservative majority on the Court for the next 30-35 YEARS.

Imagine how many cases during that time period will come before the Court concerning issues involving women's rights, gay rights, consumer rights, net neutrality, you name it. The single most profound impact a president has on the country is in the justices he puts on the Supreme Court. Nothing else even comes close.
Because the problem lies with the system. It incentivizes partisanship.

The system only works if the justices turn into political hacks rather than honest brokers. Ginsberg falls into the camp of political hack as do others on the court. That being said,I wish none of them ill.
The system only works if the justices turn into political hacks rather than honest brokers. Ginsberg falls into the camp of political hack as do others on the court. That being said,I wish none of them ill.

They are a product of the system. The problem lies with the appointment process and the lack of limits on how long justices can serve.

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