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Stupidity of the American Voter? (2 Viewers)

Reason, on my part, and your unwillingness to consider it, is at the root of this. Obama could have been a capitalist instead of a Marxist using crony capitalism to launder money for his party and I would have had far less to be concerned about. Obama could have supported America's allies and sanctioned our enemies instead of toppling our allies and supporting our enemies. I would have had far, far less to be concerned over. Obama could have shunned the actions of a tyrant. Had he done all three he might have been a decent president instead of the one who willingly presided over the decline of the nation.

I suppose to a blind supporter all of that looks like hate.

More hyperbolic claims will not convince. The more you exaggerate, the less you convince anyone but the same loser choir.
Then what do you suppose this "Change" thing was all about?

A political slogan aimed at not fighting wars and forgetting the American people at home.
Anyone who believes lies may be gullible, or naive, like those who voted for Barrack Obama as an example, but that does not mean they "hate".

Do you 'hate' Barrack Obama because he is a serial and non-repentant liar?

No, when you go beyond rational thought to exaggerate ever move, hate is the most likely cause.
NEWS FLASH: Gruber will be testifying before Congress tomorrow. It seems members of the administration also called in to testify have specifically requested not to be seated next to Gruber.

No you don't. You believe what you want to believe from the sources you want to believe. Actual verifiable non partisan information is ignored by you

Says the pot. :lamo :coffeepap :lamo
A political slogan aimed at not fighting wars and forgetting the American people at home.
Yep. Nothing more than a 'slogan' but the Gruberites bought right into it. And how is all this Hope and Change working out for the country? It's not quite as counter-revolutionary as many had hoped for, right?
No, when you go beyond rational thought to exaggerate ever move, hate is the most likely cause.

When you accuse someone of 'hate' do you ever need verification that this is true? Or do you just use the term without thinking about it or analyzing or understanding what it really means?
Yep. Nothing more than a 'slogan' but the Gruberites bought right into it. And how is all this Hope and Change working out for the country? It's not quite as counter-revolutionary as many had hoped for, right?

Slogans are popular in politics, as are platitudes. Both sides do it. It's not unique to Obama. And no one said it was counter revolutionary and no one said they wanted a counter revolution. Do you even know when you're talking to another person or not?
When you accuse someone of 'hate' do you ever need verification that this is true? Or do you just use the term without thinking about it or analyzing or understanding what it really means?

I will accept a more reasonable explanation, but I haven't seen one yet. The hatred for Obama is massive and highlighted by wild, wild exaggerations.
I will accept a more reasonable explanation, but I haven't seen one yet. The hatred for Obama is massive and highlighted by wild, wild exaggerations.

Did you ever think that the so called hatred for Obama is actually disappointment and disgust over his economic results and the reality that his vision for changing America isn't the same as many Americans who voted for him believed?

Your delusion and continued support for failure is incredible and nothing more than partisan bs. Liberalism is a total and complete failure as is Obama and yet you don't seem able to admit it.

Obama won the election with 52% of the vote in 2008. He has lost over 10% of that support and I doubt those people would be called Obama haters. Why don't you tell me who those people are and why you call them haters?
Did you ever think that the so called hatred for Obama is actually disappointment and disgust over his economic results and the reality that his vision for changing America isn't the same as many Americans who voted for him believed?

Your delusion and continued support for failure is incredible and nothing more than partisan bs. Liberalism is a total and complete failure as is Obama and yet you don't seem able to admit it.

Obama won the election with 52% of the vote in 2008. He has lost over 10% of that support and I doubt those people would be called Obama haters. Why don't you tell me who those people are and why you call them haters?

You mean an improving economy? As i told you before, presidents don't control the economy. So, you must be arguing he's stupid?
You mean an improving economy? As i told you before, presidents don't control the economy. So, you must be arguing he's stupid?

You want to give Obama credit for exactly what then? Obama isn't stupid but as Gruber said the liberal base is. I am waiting for exactly what Obama has done to improve the economy, lower the debt, improve our security in the world, and make things better for those he claimed he wanted to help? You support Obama because of the rhetoric and ignore the substance which is thinking with your heart instead of your brain.
You want to give Obama credit for exactly what then? Obama isn't stupid but as Gruber said the liberal base is. I am waiting for exactly what Obama has done to improve the economy, lower the debt, improve our security in the world, and make things better for those he claimed he wanted to help? You support Obama because of the rhetoric and ignore the substance which is thinking with your heart instead of your brain.

I never Obama deserved credit. But you are, as you say presidents are responsible.
I never Obama deserved credit. But you are, as you say presidents are responsible.

You deny that Obama claimed he had the answers to the economic problems he inherited and helped create? You deny that Obama had total control of the Congress when he took office? You deny that it was Obama's economic policies that were implemented by that Democrat controlled Congress? It does appear that you have no concept of leadership at all.
You deny that Obama claimed he had the answers to the economic problems he inherited and helped create? You deny that Obama had total control of the Congress when he took office? You deny that it was Obama's economic policies that were implemented by that Democrat controlled Congress? It does appear that you have no concept of leadership at all.

I don't deny that at all. Each and every president has made such claims. Each and every has been willing to take credit and pass on blame. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether they deserve either. I say no. You say yes. So, it is you who are saying Obama deserves the credit. Not me.
I don't deny that at all. Each and every president has made such claims. Each and every has been willing to take credit and pass on blame. But that isn't the issue. The issue is whether they deserve either. I say no. You say yes. So, it is you who are saying Obama deserves the credit. Not me.

The problem with you is you don't understand leadership but then being a liberal I can understand why. Economic policies implemented by the Congress at the direction of the President destroy your argument and also show how little you know about leadership. What Obama has shown is that he lacked the experience for the job when you voted for him and still hasn't learned anything on the job other than to try and make himself king.

I know this is hard for you to understand but even Obama disagrees with you when he stated that his policies would be on the ballot in November. His policies should send a signal to you that he is responsible for the results of those policies
The problem with you is you don't understand leadership but then being a liberal I can understand why. Economic policies implemented by the Congress at the direction of the President destroy your argument and also show how little you know about leadership. What Obama has shown is that he lacked the experience for the job when you voted for him and still hasn't learned anything on the job other than to try and make himself king.

I know this is hard for you to understand but even Obama disagrees with you when he stated that his policies would be on the ballot in November. His policies should send a signal to you that he is responsible for the results of those policies

Dude, dude, stop. Address the point. This silly dance isn't helpful to anyone. If you believe what you say, you must give Obama credit. if not, then admit you don't believe what you say. It's easy.
Dude, dude, stop. Address the point. This silly dance isn't helpful to anyone. If you believe what you say, you must give Obama credit. if not, then admit you don't believe what you say. It's easy.

No, I give the American economy credit for the recovery and the strong desire for self preservation in spite of Obama. American businesses cannot print money and American businesses in order to survive have to make tough decisions. Obama just spends money. The Obama economic policies set the American economy back a couple years and the recovery has kept a lot of people dependent on liberalism and in spite of liberalism businesses today are succeeding and hiring. I do believe in the American economy, not liberal people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.
No, I give the American economy credit for the recovery and the strong desire for self preservation in spite of Obama. American businesses cannot print money and American businesses in order to survive have to make tough decisions. Obama just spends money. The Obama economic policies set the American economy back a couple years and the recovery has kept a lot of people dependent on liberalism and in spite of liberalism businesses today are succeeding and hiring. I do believe in the American economy, not liberal people like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.

You're trying to have it both ways. So, you don't really believe what you say. If you did, you'd respond like you did.
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