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Stuff From a Lunatic TV Preacher (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Pat Robertson is not the only certified Lunatic in America. There are many more of them. Take Tilton for instance. This guy, in a former life, would have been the guy selling snake oil in the old west. Here is some stuff he sent to a guy who got on his mailing list. Send him money, and he will send you a few trinkets, along with promises he will never keep. This is the same buy who got busted by 60 Minutes a few years ago for taking money out of prayer requests, then throwing away the requests without reading them.

Now this may seem funny, but the Bible has a lot to say about people who would have an appearance of Godliness, but inwardly, are ravening wolves. I would put most TV Evangelists (although not all) in the wolf category.
danarhea said:
... the Bible has a lot to say about people who would have an appearance of Godliness, but inwardly, are ravening wolves. I would put most TV Evangelists (although not all) in the wolf category.

Yes, most, and at the very least!
Some guy handing out religious tracts in a nearby mall had a hissy fit when I politely declined and told him I'm Jewish. Apparently, I'm a "harlot". :mrgreen:

Good times.
Pat Robertson is not the only certified Lunatic in America. There are many more of them. Take Tilton for instance. This guy, in a former life, would have been the guy selling snake oil in the old west. Here is some stuff he sent to a guy who got on his mailing list. Send him money, and he will send you a few trinkets, along with promises he will never keep. This is the same buy who got busted by 60 Minutes a few years ago for taking money out of prayer requests, then throwing away the requests without reading them.

Now this may seem funny, but the Bible has a lot to say about people who would have an appearance of Godliness, but inwardly, are ravening wolves. I would put most TV Evangelists (although not all) in the wolf category.

I do not know why people trust these televangelist.As far as I am concenred these people are nothing more than conartist.The way I look at it a priest should do God's work because he desires to teach men and women God's word and not for profit.I bet if these Religious channels such as TBN did their own version of MTV cribs many of these televangelist would be exposed for the frauds they are.It sickens me that these frauds sell trinkets.When I was looking on the net for a free bible I came across this one site where televangilist was selling prayer clothes.

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