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Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous ... (1 Viewer)


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Dec 1, 2017
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  1. www.timesnownews.com › health › stop-press-studiesSTOP PRESS! Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous ...

    Mar 09, 2022 · Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous COVID variant ever, already wreaking havoc in HK, US. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the sister strain of the BA.1variant viz. the BA.2 was found to be 30 per cent more vaccine-resistant than BA.1 and 17 times more vaccine-resistant than the Delta variant. It has significantly more mutations than BA.1, and as the world begins to open up and reconnect, are we courting lethal danger?
  2. www.fox5ny.com › news › what-is-the-new-ihu-variantWhat is the new IHU variant found in France?

    Jan 06, 2022 · NEW YORK - A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in France. The varianthas been named IHU. Here is what you need to know about it. IHU is also known as B.1.640.2.
  1. Chainsawmassacre

    New omicron variant is one of the most infectious diseases ever known
Yeah, it's been around for a little while now but so far, it's far less deadly than what we saw before.
These surges are not history and won't be until the millions of antivax and no mask crowd decide to jump on board aka playing it safe.

That being said masks are here to stay which I say the least everyone could do is wear a mask indoors always.
Better send mask over to Ukraine. Talking about a super spreader event
These surges are not history and won't be until the millions of antivax and no mask crowd decide to jump on board aka playing it safe.

That being said masks are here to stay which I say the least everyone could do is wear a mask indoors always.
Yeah, wear a mask, buy an electric car, embrace the criminals, hate Trump, and beholding to the government are all the "least everyone could do" in the minds of a liberal.
There will be no end to the wrath that China has brought to the world.
The GOP is the culprit responsible for the invasion of COVID 19 IN AMERICA and an economy that has gone down the tubes. The GOP has been responsible for 3 previous destructions of our economy that has cost millions upon millions upon millions of citizens their homes, retirement plans, medical insurance and too many young people could never finish college or even start college as result of their parents misfortune.

Millions have lost their jobs, More than 250,000 should not have died and thousands of employers are going out of business all due to the negligence of the right wing radical anti american GOP.

The employed did not ask the government to treat the coronavirus threat as if there was no reason for concern. TRUMP LIED MANY TIMES ABOUT THIS SITUATION ACCORDING TO TRUMP.

Why did Capitol Hill GOP funnel billions upon billons of tax dollars from the COVID relief fund to white collar industries as we speak? This is reckless use of our tax dollars. Wealthy corporations do NOT need bailed out.

House and Senate and White House are completely out of touch with America.

To be fair USA Congress owes USA Citizens needs to be $2400 twice a month until the economy is booming again which may take years. Politicians have no idea .

Elected officials pay themselves generously plus a variety of expense accounts while millions of everyday people struggle. Regardless of their overall performance.

Ideally taxpayers should receive stimulus money @ $ 2400 twice a month until further notice to spend in the economy = economic growth. WE know how to keep small business employers in business and we know that we create economic growth with our spending which in effect creates new jobs and secures existing jobs.

We taxpayers do spend big time in the economy which insures job security and plenty of economic growth. Home improvement, tires, food, mortgage or rent, books, school supplies, winter coats, shoes, utility bills, medical bills etc etc. After all tax dollars do belong to the taxpayers.
Yeah, wear a mask, buy an electric car, embrace the criminals, hate Trump, and beholding to the government are all the "least everyone could do" in the minds of a liberal.
There are many who benefited socially from having to mask up. Likely kept them in conversations when their appearance and breath would have otherwise dismissed them
Forget the predictions for the fourth wave which might come in June in India, the BA.1 variant of Omicron that drove the third wave is now being replaced by its closest cousin the BA.2 variant. Many studies have also mentioned that the BA.2 variant is NOT ONLY more transmissible than BA.1, it is also MORE LETHAL than Omicron BA.1.

BA.2 is coming and it "doesn't look good!"

The scary part is that BA.2 is quickly supplanting the previous variant in the country after country, writes Patrick Martin in WSWS.com. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/03/08/omic-m08.html) The findings directly contradict the claims of governments around the world that the pandemic is ending, that Omicron is “mild,” and that public health measures to fight to pandemic can be relaxed or eliminated altogether.

Patrick Martin's WSWS.com report states that these findings come as the recent drop in COVID infections worldwide has slowed, and seems to have hit a plateau. He points out that all previous such plateaus have been followed by a new and more widespread and deadly upsurge, usually associated with a new variant, such as Alpha (originating in Britain), Delta (first detected in India) and Omicron (first identified in South Africa). A new surge may well be triggered by the spread of BA.2.

World's attention deflected from pandemic:

Especially with the Russian army marching into Ukraine, wreaking destruction and deaths, the world's attention is divided. The subject of COVID-19 has virtually disappeared from the news. In a country as developed as the United States, 1,500 people on average are dying each day, with 61,000 total COVID deaths in February despite nearly three-quarters of the eligible population being vaccinated.

Patrick Martin's WSWS.com report ALSO states that the most alarming report has come in a study at the University of Tokyo, which compared Omicron BA.1 and BA.2, and concluded that BA.2 is so different that it should be classified as a full-fledged new variant, the most dangerous yet to emerge in the COVID-19 pandemic, now in its third year.

www.wsws.org › en › articlesStudies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous COVID variant ...

The GOP is the culprit responsible for the invasion of COVID 19 IN AMERICA and an economy that has gone down the tubes. The GOP has been responsible for 3 previous destructions of our economy that has cost millions upon millions upon millions of citizens their homes, retirement plans, medical insurance and too many young people could never finish college or even start college as result of their parents misfortune.

Millions have lost their jobs, More than 250,000 should not have died and thousands of employers are going out of business all due to the negligence of the right wing radical anti american GOP.

The employed did not ask the government to treat the coronavirus threat as if there was no reason for concern. TRUMP LIED MANY TIMES ABOUT THIS SITUATION ACCORDING TO TRUMP.

Why did Capitol Hill GOP funnel billions upon billons of tax dollars from the COVID relief fund to white collar industries as we speak? This is reckless use of our tax dollars. Wealthy corporations do NOT need bailed out.

House and Senate and White House are completely out of touch with America.

To be fair USA Congress owes USA Citizens needs to be $2400 twice a month until the economy is booming again which may take years. Politicians have no idea .

Elected officials pay themselves generously plus a variety of expense accounts while millions of everyday people struggle. Regardless of their overall performance.

Ideally taxpayers should receive stimulus money @ $ 2400 twice a month until further notice to spend in the economy = economic growth. WE know how to keep small business employers in business and we know that we create economic growth with our spending which in effect creates new jobs and secures existing jobs.

We taxpayers do spend big time in the economy which insures job security and plenty of economic growth. Home improvement, tires, food, mortgage or rent, books, school supplies, winter coats, shoes, utility bills, medical bills etc etc. After all tax dollars do belong to the taxpayers.
Razoo- you can blather on and blame who ever you want but that virus was brought to us courtesy of CHINA. The Fauci knows!
Razoo- you can blather on and blame who ever you want but that virus was brought to us courtesy of CHINA. The Fauci knows!
WTF? He has posted scientific evidence and that is your response? Oh wow another self-proclaimed Conservative.
Forget the predictions for the fourth wave which might come in June in India, the BA.1 variant of Omicron that drove the third wave is now being replaced by its closest cousin the BA.2 variant. Many studies have also mentioned that the BA.2 variant is NOT ONLY more transmissible than BA.1, it is also MORE LETHAL than Omicron BA.1.

BA.2 is coming and it "doesn't look good!"

The scary part is that BA.2 is quickly supplanting the previous variant in the country after country, writes Patrick Martin in WSWS.com. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/03/08/omic-m08.html) The findings directly contradict the claims of governments around the world that the pandemic is ending, that Omicron is “mild,” and that public health measures to fight to pandemic can be relaxed or eliminated altogether.

Patrick Martin's WSWS.com report states that these findings come as the recent drop in COVID infections worldwide has slowed, and seems to have hit a plateau. He points out that all previous such plateaus have been followed by a new and more widespread and deadly upsurge, usually associated with a new variant, such as Alpha (originating in Britain), Delta (first detected in India) and Omicron (first identified in South Africa). A new surge may well be triggered by the spread of BA.2.

World's attention deflected from pandemic:

Especially with the Russian army marching into Ukraine, wreaking destruction and deaths, the world's attention is divided. The subject of COVID-19 has virtually disappeared from the news. In a country as developed as the United States, 1,500 people on average are dying each day, with 61,000 total COVID deaths in February despite nearly three-quarters of the eligible population being vaccinated.

Patrick Martin's WSWS.com report ALSO states that the most alarming report has come in a study at the University of Tokyo, which compared Omicron BA.1 and BA.2, and concluded that BA.2 is so different that it should be classified as a full-fledged new variant, the most dangerous yet to emerge in the COVID-19 pandemic, now in its third year.

www.wsws.org › en › articlesStudies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous COVID variant ...

Perhaps you should watch a few Hallmark movies instead of dabbling in the macabre of Omicron.
Razoo reminds me of the guys with the cardboard signs that say "The end of the world is near!"
Wait you question science but believed trickle down economics would work.
When The Fauci IS Science, one must question Science,
Yea, he has been a dedicated public servant who could be a multi-millionaire if he wanted to 20 years ago. You guys make zero sense, this is what you guys do best, question everything and never have an answer. It gets boring

  1. www.timesnownews.com › health › stop-press-studiesSTOP PRESS! Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous ...

    Mar 09, 2022 · Studies warn Omicron BA.2 is the most dangerous COVID variant ever, already wreaking havoc in HK, US. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the sister strain of the BA.1variant viz. the BA.2 was found to be 30 per cent more vaccine-resistant than BA.1 and 17 times more vaccine-resistant than the Delta variant. It has significantly more mutations than BA.1, and as the world begins to open up and reconnect, are we courting lethal danger?
  2. www.fox5ny.com › news › what-is-the-new-ihu-variantWhat is the new IHU variant found in France?

    Jan 06, 2022 · NEW YORK - A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in France. The varianthas been named IHU. Here is what you need to know about it. IHU is also known as B.1.640.2.
The name of this variant leaves a lot to be desired.

Seriously... "Omicron BA.2"? It sounds like the reboot of a forgettable character from a Transformers movie. If we seriously want to scare the shit out of people and drive them back into compliance then we're going to have to come up some better names.

Instead of calling it "Omicron BA.2 variant", I suggest we call it the "Genitalia Instant Mutilation" variant. Nobody wants their genitals mutilated so the name alone should drive most people back into a state of eager compliance with any and all Covid protocols.
Yeah, it's been around for a little while now but so far, it's far less deadly than what we saw before.
Reading is fundamental,
. In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the sister strain of the BA.1variant viz. the BA.2 was found to be 30 per cent more vaccine-resistant than BA.1 and 17 times more vaccine-resistant than the Delta variant.
The name of this variant leaves a lot to be desired.

Seriously... "Omicron BA.2"? It sounds like the reboot of a forgettable character from a Transformers movie. If we seriously want to scare the shit out of people and drive them back into compliance then we're going to have to come up some better names.

Instead of calling it "Omicron BA.2 variant", I suggest we call it the "Genitalia Instant Mutilation" variant. Nobody wants their genitals mutilated so the name alone should drive most people back into a state of eager compliance with any and all Covid protocols.
Yes coming from the Q peeps who thought MAGA was creative and then onto MAGAA. Genius

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