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Strange thing about clothing sizes (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2018
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Men buy pants sized, for example, 34 inches X 34 inches. Women's are sized 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or whatever non-specific measurement they use. I can wrap my head around 34 inches by 34 inches. What does 0, 2, 6 etc. even mean?

Imagine if scales worked that way or if there existed no concrete specification of how fast your automobile was travelling and there was absolutely no way to calculate how long it would take you to arrive at your destination.

It makes no sense.
Men buy pants sized, for example, 34 inches X 34 inches. Women's are sized 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or whatever non-specific measurement they use. I can wrap my head around 34 inches by 34 inches. What does 0, 2, 6 etc. even mean?

Imagine if scales worked that way or if there existed no concrete specification of how fast your automobile was travelling and there was absolutely no way to calculate how long it would take you to arrive at your destination.

It makes no sense.

I gave up trying to figure out sizes a long time ago; and it gets worse as you travel around the world....I simply try on the clothes before purchasing, and never, ever, even attempt to purchase clothing for my wife.

That way lies madness and a quick trip to the doghouse. :neutral:
Men buy pants sized, for example, 34 inches X 34 inches. Women's are sized 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or whatever non-specific measurement they use. I can wrap my head around 34 inches by 34 inches. What does 0, 2, 6 etc. even mean?

Imagine if scales worked that way or if there existed no concrete specification of how fast your automobile was travelling and there was absolutely no way to calculate how long it would take you to arrive at your destination.

It makes no sense.

Size labels (e.g. S, M, L, XL or XXL) give you a basic idea or starting point - you try on a (randomly selected or prior decent fit) size and go up or down from there after *gasp* trying the clothing on. When buying clothing for a woman (gifting) I buy what is likely sized too small, for a another man (gifting) what is likely too large - they feel flattered and can later exchange it for the size and style that actually fits them and that they like.
Size labels (e.g. S, M, L, XL or XXL) give you a basic idea or starting point - you try on a (randomly selected or prior decent fit) size and go up or down from there after *gasp* trying the clothing on. When buying clothing for a woman (gifting) I buy what is likely sized too small, for a another man (gifting) what is likely too large - they feel flattered and can later exchange it for the size and style that actually fits them and that they like.

A pair of men's 34X34 pants made in 1958 are the same size as a pair of 34X34 pants made in 2018. Let's look at women's clothing.


"Most remarkably, a size 8 in 1958 fits measurements smaller than a size 00 in 2011."

I'll admit, I use personal shoppers now for most clothes (the free ones that are part of the store). The breaking point was exactly that. My daughter hated shopping, my wife hates it, and I had no idea what all those girl sizes meant, because it's not just either.
It's also the cut.
And the brand, some brands "run large" or "run small". It's all a giant mind game to fool people into thinking they aren't fat or something.
But is she a Jr.? Or women's?
No idea, I used a shopper, looked at what she tried on, and was out of there in an hour, with an armful of clothes.
Men buy pants sized, for example, 34 inches X 34 inches. Women's are sized 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 or whatever non-specific measurement they use. I can wrap my head around 34 inches by 34 inches. What does 0, 2, 6 etc. even mean?

Imagine if scales worked that way or if there existed no concrete specification of how fast your automobile was travelling and there was absolutely no way to calculate how long it would take you to arrive at your destination.

It makes no sense.

I will put it simple, women do not want to feel fat or let anyone in a store know their actual waste size. So for women you get these absurd sizes designed to not specify waste or length.

As far as an automobile with no way to calculate speed of travel, well that kinda exists in england, where miles are used as markers and mph, but many cars are listed in kph, and I doubt they carry a calculator with them to figure out the math. More confusing in ireland part of the uk are in metric, so now everyone in the whole uk is confused.

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