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Story in need of a punchline.... (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
Reaction score
Political Leaning

[h=1]An alpaca walks into a French optician's and....[/h]
An alpaca has confused and delighted residents of a small French town after wandering into an optician's.
The fuzzy creature spent half an hour quietly browsing lenses in the town of Hennebont in Brittany ~

Staff at Les Opticiens Mutualistes on Hennebont's Rue Nationale first saw the alpaca wandering outside late on Friday morning. "We saw him walk past the shop, he stopped in front of the automatic doors that opened, and he walked in very quietly,"
.........with specs I wouldn't have confused this place with the zoo.
I have to agree the story literally begs for a punchline.
To think, once upon a time the French were an important world power.
And look at where they are now!

An alpaca in a shop makes them no longer a world power? Do you ever say anything that isn't moronic and is actually on topic?
An alpaca in a shop makes them no longer a world power? Do you ever say anything that isn't moronic and is actually on topic?

I have given up for the New Year those who cant/wont man up and make statements.
An alpaca in a shop makes them no longer a world power? Do you ever say anything that isn't moronic and is actually on topic?
Hawkeye walks into a shop in Paris, saying "I'd like a bottle of Muscadet très sec, some pâté de foie de porc peut contenir des œufs, du lard, des oignons, des échalotes, de la farine, des épices et du thym, ...........................a demi baguette, some quiche lorraine and a portion of Escargots au Beurre".

Le "patron", having identified his accent, replies in English "Son, this is a haberdashery".

"Ce lama veut faire un spectacle de lui-même, littéralement."

"This alpaca wants to make a spectacle of itself, literally."

What a llam-attempt!

Please forgive me.

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..........so the optician asks a passing "flic", "what shall I do with this alpaca?"

"Take it to the zoo" says the "flic".

Next day the "flic" sees the optician walking the alpaca in the park.

"I told you to take it to the zoo" he berates the optician.

"Oh" replies the optician, "we went to the zoo yesterday, today we're on our way to the cinema".
under consideration.

But probably will find denial.:2razz:


Puns may be the lowest form of humour but alas they are the best I can do. I'll pack a bag and leave now.;)

Heart felt apologies.

Puns may be the lowest form of humour but alas they are the best I can do. I'll pack a bag and leave now.;)

Heart felt apologies.
Truth be told, didn't find yours at all bad.

But jibe season be jibe season.;)

Puns may be the lowest form of humour but alas they are the best I can do. I'll pack a bag and leave now.;)

Heart felt apologies.

I thought sarcasm was the lowest form of humour? Don't be put off by Mr Grumpy - he's OK actually.

I have to agree the story literally begs for a punchline.

I tried with my partner today but every time I said "an alpaca walks into an opticians and...." she falls about laughing and we get no further.

I have a few half scenarios but it's not easy.
I thought sarcasm was the lowest form of humour? Don't be put off by Mr Grumpy - he's OK actually.

I tried with my partner today but every time I said "an alpaca walks into an opticians and...." she falls about laughing and we get no further.

I have a few half scenarios but it's not easy.

Infinite Chaos:

So an alpaca in an opticians lens itself to humour, eh? What about a vicuña at an obstetrician? Or is that too dirty for DP?:)

Lord, I'xe got to stop. This is an addiction!

Infinite Chaos:

So an alpaca in an opticians lens itself to humour, eh? What about a vicuña at an obstetrician? Or is that too dirty for DP?:)

Lord, I'xe got to stop. This is an addiction!


A vicuña walking into an obstetricians will just bring out the kid in you....

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