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Stock declines signal a bear market; here’s what that means (1 Viewer)

Why are you ignoring what I said? My husband is very much involved in the minutia. We are more than comfortable with the money we have made while using her as an FA. She, I conjunction with my husband has ensured us a very comfortable retirement and a very healthy inheritance for our children...although their inheritance was not our focus.
What the 'f' are you getting so bugged about?
I gave you advice.
You don't like it - don't take it?

Frankly - you sound like some 1950's, empty-headed, housewife commercial.
'My husband handles everything. I have no idea what he does with our money. And our FA is wonderful.
I let my husband handle all the money things because I am only a woman'.

Blah blah blah.
Make me ill.
And I am a dude.

Why don't you get off your ass and find out EXACTLY what your husband and FA are doing?
And read - for yourself - every, single monthly report so you can understand what the hell is going on with your money?
How is it going to kill you to be informed?
It won't.
Besides, if he croaks before you - you are going to have to learn about all that.
Might as well start now.

Enjoy your 1955, blissful ignorance.

We are done here.
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What the 'f' are you getting so bugged about?
I gave you advice.
You don't like it - don't take it?

Frankly - you sound like some 1950's, empty-headed, housewife commercial.
'My husband handles everything. I have no idea what he does with our money. And our FA is wonderful.
I let my husband handle all the money things because I am only a woman'.

Blah blah blah.
Make me ill.
And I am a dude.

Why don't you get off your ass and find out EXACTLY what your husband and FA are doing?
And read - for yourself - every, single monthly report so you can understand what the hell is going on with your money?
How is it going to kill you to be informed?
It won't.
Besides, if he croaks before you - you are going to have to learn about all that.
Might as well start now.

Enjoy your 1955, blissful ignorance.

We are done here.
First of all if you read what I posted, I said my husband handles the minutia (paperwork etc) of our portfolio, I am involved in every decision and always attend any meetings or calls with our FA . On the other hand, I am the one that handles all the minutia of our other financials including our taxes. There is nothing remotely 1950's about me.

Your post was rude, condescending and uncalled for.

Now we are done.
The rally today did not accomplish anything though it may give some false hopes that a recovery is to occur. That is not likely to be the case. Using the SPX as the main index to watch, the announcement today did not surprise so the bears did not get any "new" ammunition but they are still in control. As such, the rally today is likely to become a retest of the 3838 level, which is the level that generated the signal that the trend had changed to a bear trend. Testing that level is normal and expected. The SPX closed today at 3789 and likely will close higher tomorrow and likely around the 3838 level (another 49 points higher above today's close. Nonetheless, on Friday, it is likely to generate a red day and a close below 3811, would would be a signal that the downtrend continues with the 3500 level as the objective, to be reached over the next 1-3 weeks.
What a day we are having today! I sort of thought that little up mood the market experienced from the Fed finally taking (needed) stronger action, would hold up for a few days, but nope. Heck, we might hit that 3500 level in two days rather than 1-3 weeks (which would have been my guess too).
Blood flowing freely at the corner of Broad and Wall today, eh

My man on the Street (Stovall) thinks that the 500 could fall to 3,500, and possibly as low as 3,400, in his opinion.

Good six-minute clip worth a look...


Got plenty of "dry powder" for deployment...

Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own. – Baron Rothschild
Tough to say but I do not believe inflation will go down to the levels Powell mentioned. By the same token, even if it does, we are likely to have stagflation which can be worse.

As to why inflation got a hold on the economy, it is without a doubt the stimulus program that was put together to help combat the pandemic. Too much money was printed to cover the stimulus and you cannot put that much money into the economy and not suffer inflation, especially since the Fed did not address it at the right time because they feared causing a downturn in the economy during the pandemic.

It really is no one's fault. The pandemic was a unique situation that no one had any previously established guidelines on what to do. On top of that, Global Warming and the push to green energy coupled with Putin invading Ukraine and Russia being a world power in oil caused a one-time situation that was impossible to address with any degree of competence or certainty.

One of those things that happen in life that cannot be blamed directly on anyone or anything. Like the old adage of "when it rains, it pours".
I actually, with respect, have to disagree with you a bit here (highlighted part).

Yes, the Covid-19 outbreak was more or less unavoidable.
But how it was handled was not.

There is no conclusive proof that lockdowns saved even one life.
Sweden did not lockdown and many countries that did, have far, higher death rates per 1M population.
Like USA, GB, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc..

(btw - I am NOT an anti-vaxxer and I wore a mask)

All the government had to do is offer assistance to those who were in danger of croaking from Covid (people over 55 and those with weakened systems).
And let everyone else go about their lives as per normal.
There was no need whatsoever to destroy the economy and cause the 'Covid Depression'.
But, the politicians and big bureaucrats could not resist all the incredible amount of power the lockdowns gave them.
And the MSM could not resist all the extra ad revenue the lockdowns gave them.
So they backed them to the hilt.

I say the lockdowns did FAR more harm than good.
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What a day we are having today! I sort of thought that little up mood the market experienced from the Fed finally taking (needed) stronger action, would hold up for a few days, but nope. Heck, we might hit that 3500 level in two days rather than 1-3 weeks (which would have been my guess too).
I thought the same thing.
I actually, with respect, have to disagree with you a bit here.

Yes, the Covid-19 outbreak was more or less unavoidable.
But how it was handled was not.

There is no conclusive proof that lockdowns saved even one life.
Sweden did not lockdown and many countries that did, have far, higher death rates per 1M population.
Like USA, GB, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc..

(btw - I am NOT an anti-vaxxer and I wore a mask)

All the government had to do is offer assistance to those who were in danger of croaking from Covid (people over 55 and those with weakened systems).
And let everyone else go about their lives as per normal.
There was no need whatsoever to destroy the economy and cause the 'Covid Depression'.
But, the politicians and big bureaucrats could not resist all the incredible amount of power the lockdowns gave them.
And the MSM could not resist all the extra ad revenue the lockdowns gave them. SO they backed them to the hilt.

I say the lockdowns did FAR more harm than good.
My post (and your answer to it) has nothing to do with the fact that the U.S. used stimulus programs (printed money) to help the population. This is not about whether the steps taken by this country versus other countries made a difference to inflation. It was about what the U.S. did that caused inflation.
My post (and your answer to it) has nothing to do with the fact that the U.S. used stimulus programs (printed money) to help the population. This is not about whether the steps taken by this country versus other countries made a difference to inflation. It was about what the U.S. did that caused inflation.
You typed in said post: 'As to why inflation got a hold on the economy, it is without a doubt the stimulus program that was put together to help combat the pandemic.'

Sweden did not lockdown (though even they overreacted, IMO) and their country did not suffer a yearly loss in GDP.
But just about every country that locked down, like America, did.

Thus, there would not have been no, economic justification for a 'stimulus' had the lockdowns never occurred.
That is my point.
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You typed in said post: 'As to why inflation got a hold on the economy, it is without a doubt the stimulus program that was put together to help combat the pandemic.'

Sweden did not lockdown (though even they overreacted, IMO) and their country did not suffer a yearly loss in GDP.
But just about every country that locked down, like America, did.

Thus, there would not have been no, economic justification for a 'stimulus' had the lockdowns never occurred.
That is my point.
Where did I mention the word "lockdown" anywhere? I mentioned stimulus due to the pandemic. I don't understand where you got "lockdown" out of that?

Sweden's stimulus package due to the pandemic was $30 billion. Ours was $5 trillion.........almost 200 times more than Sweden's. That is a lot of new printed money..........inflationary to say the least.

Where do lockdowns fit into this scenario?
Where did I mention the word "lockdown" anywhere? I mentioned stimulus due to the pandemic. I don't understand where you got "lockdown" out of that?

Sweden's stimulus package due to the pandemic was $30 billion. Ours was $5 trillion.........almost 200 times more than Sweden's. That is a lot of new printed money..........inflationary to say the least.

Where do lockdowns fit into this scenario?
Because without the lockdowns - there would not be a need for a stimulus.
This is not the Fed's fault completely...though they went along with it (when they should not have).
But it is also many, other government's faults - municipal, state and federal.
Plus the MSM which massively supported the lockdowns for obvious, financial benefit.

Almost everyone who croaked from Covid was either an old fart or already weakened.
Few of these people were in the work force.
Thus, without the lockdowns, there would have been only a small effect on the economy.
Certainly not enough to need massive, government stimuli.

Why are you not understanding this?
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Because without the lockdowns - there would not be a need for a stimulus.
This is not the Fed's fault completely...though they went along with it (when they should not have).
But it is also many, other government's faults - municipal, state and federal.
Plus the MSM which massively supported the lockdowns for obvious, financial benefit.

Almost everyone who croaked from Covid was either an old fart or already weakened.
Few of these people were in the work force.
Thus, without the lockdowns, there would have been only a small effect on the economy.
Certainly not enough to need massive, government stimuli.

Why are you not understanding this?
No, it is you that is not understanding. The lockdown was not totally what caused the stimulus to be given. The pandemic caused the stimulus to be given. Sweden did not lockdown but still gave $30 billion in stimulus. We would have given stimulus even if we had no lockdown. The entire world was shutting down and as such, businesses were having trouble keeping employees. Businesses also got a big part of the stimulus package. If they had not, they would have shut down totally and not because of the lockdowns. Keep in mind that people were dying and even if no lockdown would have been given, people would have stayed home. My wife and I stayed home and it had nothing to do with the lockdowns. We were not going to go out for fear of our lives.

In addition, if there had been no lockdowns, deaths would have been worse. Look how China and Japan and Korea locked down even stronger than we did and how many less deaths occurred in those countries. We were among the top (if not the top) of deaths in the world in spite of having some lockdown. Imagine how much worse it would have been if we had had no lockdown.

Geez, I am surprised that you have keyed on this like you have..
No, it is you that is not understanding. The lockdown was not totally what caused the stimulus to be given. The pandemic caused the stimulus to be given. Sweden did not lockdown but still gave $30 billion in stimulus. We would have given stimulus even if we had no lockdown. The entire world was shutting down and as such, businesses were having trouble keeping employees. Businesses also got a big part of the stimulus package. If they had not, they would have shut down totally and not because of the lockdowns.
Yes, the lockdowns are TOTALLY what caused the stimulus.

1) Check out the 1968 Hong Kong flu and the late 1958 Asian flu.

BOTH killed up to 4 million people...EACH.
And there were FAR less humans at those times than today.
Thus - those pandemic's were FAR worse (in terms of % of all humans killed).
And...did they lockdown then?
For 'f' sakes - they had Woodstock happening right in the middle of the Hong Kong Flu epidemic.

Did their economies collapse?

The bottom line is the only reason that people locked down is because a) the governments wanted us to. And b) the MSM wanted us to (greater ad revenues - as I showed earlier).

Keep in mind that people were dying and even if no lockdown would have been given, people would have stayed home. My wife and I stayed home and it had nothing to do with the lockdowns. We were not going to go out for fear of our lives.
In addition, if there had been no lockdowns, deaths would have been worse. Look how China and Japan and Korea locked down even stronger than we did and how many less deaths occurred in those countries. We were among the top (if not the top) of deaths in the world in spite of having some lockdown. Imagine how much worse it would have been if we had had no lockdown.
1) You have ZERO, factual proof of this.
And as I already showed you - the fact that Sweden did NOT lockdown and America did.
Yet Sweden's, Covid deaths per 1 million population was FAR less than America's and dozens of other countries?
Makes it is IMPOSSIBLE to accurately say that 'lockdowns DO save lives' when Sweden proves the exact opposite.

So until you post a link to UNBIASED, FACTUAL PROOF that lockdowns ALWAYS save lives - your point is ERRONEOUS.

1) there is growing evidence that the lockdowns actually KILLED more people than they saved.

3) plus, the lockdowns were causing huge starvation problems in their world countries that depended on charitable foundations to supply them with food.
Even from the UN:

Geez, I am surprised that you have keyed on this like you have..

And the fact that both flu epidemics in the mid 20'th century killed far more humans (in terms of percentage of the total population) and yet few - if anyone - locked down and the economies were barely affected....PROVES IT.

The lock downs were TOTALLY unnecessary.

We are done here until you post links to UNBIASED, FACTUAL evidence that disproves this - with data ONLY (not opinions).

And since you cannot - we are done here.

Good day.
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Yes, the lockdowns are TOTALLY what caused the stimulus.

1) Check out the 1968 Hong Kong flu and the late 1958 Asian flu.

BOTH killed up to 4 million people...EACH.
And there were FAR less humans at those times than today.
Thus - those pandemic's were FAR worse (in terms of % of all humans killed).
And...did they lockdown then?
For 'f' sakes - they had Woodstock happening right in the middle of the Hong Kong Flu epidemic.

Did their economies collapse?

The bottom line is the only reason that people locked down is because a) the governments wanted us to. And b) the MSM wanted us to (greater ad revenues - as I showed earlier).

You have ZERO, factual proof of this.
And as I already showed you - the fact that Sweden did NOT lockdown and America did.

And since you cannot - we are done here.

Good day.
First of all let me say that using Bold capital letters and overwhelming amount of links is an insult. I do not need to be yelled at. I am an intelligent person in search of knowledge (not just to prove my opinions) so I do read articles. I did not appreciate the approach you took.

I did read several of your articles as well as some of the ones I found and I do agree that lockdowns are not a solution as much as being a decision that brings more problems. By the same token, it is not as clear as you seem to think they are as far as being totally bad. They do save a fair amount of lives and there really is no price you can put on the value of a life.



I do not agree that the lockdowns are "TOTALLY" the cause of the stimulus. They are a good part of it but not ALL. Stimulus is always needed when a catastrophe occurs if for no other reason than to help those affected by the damage caused by the catastrophe. Such as money given to the people that lost their homes in a hurricane in order to eat, have a place to live, recover..........and I do not mean the insurance money. I mean government help.

Anyhow, I will agree that you have been more right than wrong but I will tell you that your approach to the debate was so insulting to me that I really have lost desire to continue to communicate. We have only talked about 10 times and only on this (and the market) subject but you have already said that I am blind by choice. Lack of information is something that can be solved but not necessarily immediately, especially when a different opinion was in place. You showed no patience and started being insulting from almost the first post. That is patently showing a lack of common sense or even more so being a debater. Debaters make their points using facts and data and not trying to "force" their knowledge unto others. Facts and data are enough (at least with me) but I respond very negatively to people who try to bully that information unto others.

In addition, at no time did I try to force any of my opinions on you, meaning you did NOT show the same respect for me as I showed for you as a debater on opposite sides. You treated me as if I was a dumb child that had to be taught by beating the information into my head.

As such, I will agree you won the debate (not totally though) but you lost someone to debate with for the future.

Have a good day.
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First of all let me say that using Bold capital letters and overwhelming amount of links is an insult. I do not need to be yelled at. I am an intelligent person in search of knowledge (not just to prove my opinions) so I do read articles. I did not appreciate the approach you took.

I did read several of your articles as well as some of the ones I found and I do agree that lockdowns are not a solution as much as being a decision that brings more problems. By the same token, it is not as clear as you seem to think they are as far as being totally bad. They do save a fair amount of lives and there really is no price you can put on the value of a life.



I do not agree that the lockdowns are "TOTALLY" the cause of the stimulus. They are a good part of it but not ALL. Stimulus is always needed when a catastrophe occurs if for no other reason than to help those affected by the damage caused by the catastrophe. Such as money given to the people that lost their homes in a hurricane in order to eat, have a place to live, recover..........and I do not mean the insurance money. I mean government help.

Anyhow, I will agree that you have been more right than wrong but I will tell you that your approach to the debate was so insulting to me that I really have lost desire to continue to communicate. We have only talked about 10 times and only on this (and the market) subject but you have already said that I am blind by choice. Lack of information is something that can be solved but not necessarily immediately, especially when a different opinion was in place. You showed no patience and started being insulting from almost the first post. That is patently showing a lack of common sense or even more so being a debater. Debaters make their points using facts and data and not trying to "force" their knowledge unto others. Facts and data are enough (at least with me) but I respond very negatively to people who try to bully that information unto others.

In addition, at no time did I try to force any of my opinions on you, meaning you did NOT show the same respect for me as I showed for you as a debater on opposite sides. You treated me as if I was a dumb child that had to be taught by beating the information into my head.

As such, I will agree you won the debate (not totally though) but you lost someone to debate with for the future.

Have a good day.
I am not wasting any more time with you on this.
As clearly your mind is closed on it.
Which is strange for an economist/investor.
As you should know that investors can NEVER have closed minds on ANYTHING related to investing.
Because closed minds lead to arrogance.
And arrogance leads to ignorance.
But whatever.

I read your two links.

The first one tries to poke holes at just one of the links I posted.
And the second one did not even MENTION the Asian Flu and the Hong Kong Flu which - combined - killed as many as 8 million people.
So that is garbage.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove that a past event would have been different under different circumstances.

But two things I will stand besides.

1) The fact that Sweden did not lock down and had a lower death rate than many countries that did proves conclusively that lockdowns do not always work.
That is 100% certain.

2) the fact that the Asian Flu and the Hong Kong flu both (possibly) killed a FAR higher percentage of humans than Covid-19 did. And both killed the same types of people - old farts and the weak (whereas the Spanish Flu actually killed more young people than old, I read). And yet in neither instance, back then, were their mass lockdowns or huge bailouts. And in both cases - the world got on fine and their was no, huge economic downturn.

When history looks back on Covid-19.
I guarantee you future historians will say how much we INCREDIBLY blew it and WAY overreacted to it.

Oh...and one more link?

'More than 32,000 medical doctors and health scientists from around the world have signed a petition against lockdowns put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19, saying the measures are causing “irreparable damage.”'

Have a nice day.
I am not wasting any more time with you on this.
As clearly your mind is closed on it.
Which is strange for an economist/investor.
As you should know that investors can NEVER have closed minds on ANYTHING related to investing.
Because closed minds lead to arrogance.
And arrogance leads to ignorance.
But whatever.

I read your two links.

The first one tries to poke holes at just one of the links I posted.
And the second one did not even MENTION the Asian Flu and the Hong Kong Flu which - combined - killed as many as 8 million people.
So that is garbage.

And it is IMPOSSIBLE to prove that a past event would have been different under different circumstances.

But two things I will stand besides.

1) The fact that Sweden did not lock down and had a lower death rate than many countries that did proves conclusively that lockdowns do not always work.
That is 100% certain.

2) the fact that the Asian Flu and the Hong Kong flu both (possibly) killed a FAR higher percentage of humans than Covid-19 did. And both killed the same types of people - old farts and the weak (whereas the Spanish Flu actually killed more young people than old, I read). And yet in neither instance, back then, were their mass lockdowns or huge bailouts. And in both cases - the world got on fine and their was no, huge economic downturn.

When history looks back on Covid-19.
I guarantee you future historians will say how much we INCREDIBLY blew it and WAY overreacted to it.

Oh...and one more link?

'More than 32,000 medical doctors and health scientists from around the world have signed a petition against lockdowns put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19, saying the measures are causing “irreparable damage.”'

Have a nice day.
Wow, my respect for you just plummeted to the floor:


You did not even bother to address (much less apologize) for the main topic of my post to you, where I was "man enough" to admit to being wrong and you being right. The lack of respect that you showed in your posts to me. A lack of respect that I did not earn as I never debased you in any way (like you have done to me). That certainly puts you in my book of people that belong in the gutter along with the rats living there. A person that I have no interest in ever communicating with again.


I do admit to the mistake that I originally made in thinking you were a worthwhile person when we first started communication and to my second mistake where I thought you were man enough to acknowledge the acceptance of my defeat without again debasing back. I guess it goes to prove that all of us are fallible. That at any time we can make a gigantic error of judgement. I am surprised though at the speed that the realization occurred.

Then again, I am happy that I discovered who you are in such a fast way so I don't continue to make the same mistake and waste my time where there is nothing of value to obtain. At 76 years of age, I need to spend the time remaining in talking and befriending people that add something to my life. Not sicken it.
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