Many in the media along with the socialism loving politicians are acting like the virus is SO so scary..
Well, it is scary..for those who get it, especially those who are obese, have diabetes or hypertension
But 99.99 percent LITERALLY do not have the virus
Msm seems to hate that kind of positive news..didn't get that figure from them.
You take the number of people who have died, subtract that from 330 million, the population of the US, divide that number by the same 330 million
Yes, at any given moment it's probably accurate to say that maybe 99.99 don't have the virus at that moment, though I'd have to do some deeper analysis to be sure.
But "at any given moment" isn't relevant.
What's relevant is how many in America have contracted COVID-19 so far: about 5-6 percent of us.
In addition to those who are obese, diabetic, and hypertensive for whom the virus is scary, add elderly and others with other infirmities.
The bottom line with COVID-19 is threefold: 1) how strong is your endothelium, the virus's primary target, 2) is your immune system weakened from fending off something else (like cancer, etc., and 3) do you have a super strong immune system.
If you have a strong endothelium, the lining of vessels, lymphatic and other organs, then you have a good chance of fending off COVID-19 with at most minor symptoms. Young people have a strong endothelium. Older people's endothelium is ravaged by age.
If you're already fighting off something like cancer, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases, or even a case of the flu, your immune system might be too compromised to fight off the virus.
And, if you have a super strong immune system, you could be toast, because if you get a large viral load of contagion then the virus could make its way into your lungs quickly, and then your super strong immune system will attack it so strong that the resultant inflammation will flood your lungs with fluid .. and you'll essentially drown. Even young people have succumbed for this reason.
Even though its IFR is still about 0.58%, meaning less than one in 100 will die from it, still if one doesn't die they often have lingering adverse effects long after they've "recovered".
This is still not a disease anyone wants to contract. Indeed, you never know if you're one of those with a super strong immune system .. until you're drowning. :shock: