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Staying Home to Teach the Dems a Lesson (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2006
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Libertarian - Left
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

CHANG: Morton is 20. She's half Filipina, half white, a student at Occidental College. And she has no intention of voting for any presidential candidate this year.

MORTON: What I would say was the last domino to fall for me was seeing Bernie get shut out this year after being shut out in 2016. I didn't think he was a perfect guy. I didn't love him or see him as, like, this cult of personality. But I saw him as, like, a very real change to what the legacy of politics in this country had been.

CHANG: And Morton says watching Sanders get shut out reminded her how far off track the Democratic Party has gotten. According to Pew, Gen Z is the country's most pro-government, anti-Trump generation. But Morton says Democrats should not count on Gen Zers to be automatic allies.

MORTON: When the Democratic Party coalesced around Joe Biden, I remember unregistering from the Democratic Party that day.

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.
Not voting only serves the personal agenda of Trump. Wrapping it in high sounding arguments only is putting lipstick on a very ugly pig.
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.

Voting 3rd party is too late. Each party has the money to select it's own candidates in the primary to assure only who they want gets enough publicity to be known enough to get a vote. A true grassroots candidate is rare, who ignores the party. The "old guard" Dem party of today is losing what they do because they abandoned Dem principles that lost them the working Americans during the Reagan era. Voters aren't leaving the Dem party, the Dem party has left them. The proof is that the wealth gap widens under Dems the same as under Reps. The median real income hshld does not better in significant wage progression under Dems than under Reps. Our elected reps don't give a **** until, yes, their jobs are threatened. The party doesn't give a **** until the people say so. The voters on the Rep side said so, and we got Trump and the Rep party had to do what their voters wanted them to do or get primaried (though, really, as usual, none of it hardly really got done except judicial appts and Amexit). The voters on the Dem side have yet to say so and Hillary was a lousy leader to rally any to speak up (vote).
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.

I will still encourage people to vote for Biden over third party to oust Trump, however, the most important thing is TO VOTE even if it is for a third party. Staying at home does nothing. At least by voting your vote is recorded and your message heard however small a voice that might be.
Voting 3rd party is too late. Each party has the money to select it's own candidates in the primary to assure only who they want gets enough publicity to be known enough to get a vote. A true grassroots candidate is rare, who ignores the party. The "old guard" Dem party of today is losing what they do because they abandoned Dem principles that lost them the working Americans during the Reagan era. Voters aren't leaving the Dem party, the Dem party has left them. The proof is that the wealth gap widens under Dems the same as under Reps. The median real income hshld does not better in significant wage progression under Dems than under Reps. Our elected reps don't give a **** until, yes, their jobs are threatened. The party doesn't give a **** until the people say so. The voters on the Rep side said so, and we got Trump and the party to do what they, the voters, wanted. The voters on the Dem side have yet to say so and Hillary was a lousy leader to rally any to speak up (vote).

I agree, I think that what we've seen in the Democrats trying to rally around Biden is a declaration that they are comfortable with their Oligarchy, the control, power, and money that brings to the Party.

Is it too late for 3rd party voting? Maybe, but if so, then it's too late for the Republic and we're sliding into the Corporate-State Fascist government the Republocrats have been pushing for. The establishment of the new Aristocracy and the cementing of the Ruling class. It won't be terribly different from China on some level.

I think that 3rd parties are what we have left to apply torque to the system, it's our only lever. Those sitting out this election because they can't vote for Biden, the Democrats aren't going to produce something better than Biden next time either. I don't believe it's too late for the Republic just yet, I think we're edging closer and closer to the even horizon, but we can still impact the system enough if people will aggregate their power and invest their sovereignty behind the 3rd parties. If you can break the Republocrat stranglehold on freedom and liberty, to bring the Oligarchy to heel, we can continue this Republic for a little while longer. Staying at home will not accomplish that. I understand that people can be frustrated with Biden because he's just Old Guard, he's part of the same problem we've been having, but staying home is akin to supporting Trumden (trying to combine Trump and Biden, lol).

If you want to force change, you have to apply outside force. The only outside force we have is the 3rd Party.
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.

I dont blame the younger dems, since the party leaders once again pulled a fast one on them by manipulating the caucuses to make Biden win. When one is dishonest with your own rank and file, you dont deserve their loyalty.
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.
I agree with but about not voting but disagree with you about how you teach them a lesson. You do that by voting in the primary. Replace the old guard with new faces. Start electing more AOCs to run if thats the kind of person you want to run against the republicans.

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the youth vote hasn't been that reliable for decades. ****, even i skipped the '96 election. that was the last one i skipped, though, i think. while i think that youth outreach is still a good idea, they have more immediate priorities, and many just say "**** that ****, it's all bull**** anyway" even if they might be somewhat interested in politics or pissed off about the consequences.
I dont blame the younger dems, since the party leaders once again pulled a fast one on them by manipulating the caucuses to make Biden win. When one is dishonest with your own rank and file, you dont deserve their loyalty.

Do tell how they did this.
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.
The Democrats had a diverse set of candidates, unfortunately for supporters of the candidates outside outside of Joe or Bernie, they just didn't have name recognition to overcome their advantage going in. Bernie had the money and organization and Biden a solid base of support. Was pretty clear to me early on they were going to be the two.

Obama was special and overcame Hillary's advantage, I thought a few other candidates were good, but none had the abilty to connect with voters as Obama.

If Elizaberh had run in 2016 like Bernie wanted her to she would have lost to Hillary just like Bernie did but she would've had the progressives fully behind her this time around along the grass root organization Bernie had built. Understand why she decided to defer to Hillary but wish she had run. Think she would've been our next president.

It's going take a very special 3rd party candidate to overcome our 2 party system stranglehold. I think it's possible, it's going to take someone who has built name recognition and trust, charismatic and doesn't have too much baggage or significant ties to either party. Seemingly impossible, but growing dissatisfaction with both party's might give someone an opening in the future.

Wish more people voted, regardless of who they chose. Most have come to the conclusion it doesn't matter who's in charge and honestly I would have a very difficult time proving they're wrong. There is good reason to be cynical and not trust politicians to have our best interests.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The Democrats had a diverse set of candidates, unfortunately for supporters of the candidates outside outside of Joe or Bernie, they just didn't have name recognition to overcome their advantage going in. Bernie had the money and organization and Biden a solid base of support. Was pretty clear to me early on they were going to be the two.

Obama was special and overcame Hillary's advantage, I thought a few other candidates were good, but none had the abilty to connect with voters as Obama.

If Elizaberh had run in 2016 like Bernie wanted her to she would have lost to Hillary just like Bernie did but she would've had the progressives fully behind her this time around along the grass root organization Bernie had built. Understand why she decided to defer to Hillary but wish she had run. Think she would've been our next president.

It's going take a very special 3rd party candidate to overcome our 2 party system stranglehold. I think it's possible, it's going to take someone who has built name recognition and trust, charismatic and doesn't have too much baggage or significant ties to either party. Seemingly impossible, but growing dissatisfaction with both party's might give someone an opening in the future.

Wish more people voted, regardless of who they chose. Most have come to the conclusion it doesn't matter who's in charge and honestly I would have a very difficult time proving they're wrong. There is good reason to be cynical and not trust politicians to have our best interests.

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It's hard for 3rd parties because of the rules set by the Republocrats. But I think that if people are so frustrated that they're just going to stay home, that they're better off voting 3rd party.
It's hard for 3rd parties because of the rules set by the Republocrats. But I think that if people are so frustrated that they're just going to stay home, that they're better off voting 3rd party.
Absolutely, obstacles aplenty. A successful 3rd party candidate will have to beat all the obstacles currently in place. Will take an extraordinary candidate and circumstances to achieve.

Would encourage everyone to vote. Who you vote for is nobody's business or concern. I don't care or want to know how my wife votes, although she wanted a Biden/Harris ticket after the first debate. I told her it wasn't going to happen, which tells you I'm terrible at making predictions.

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All the links are embedded in the article. If you read it you'd know that.

Why should I trust anything that says "annihilated by the geezer"? Garbage.
I honestly believe Bernie would have run as 3rd Party if we had someone like Kasich or Hillary currently in the Oval Office instead of the dumpster fire we currently have. Just my opinion.
Elizabeth Warren helped sink Bernie by hanging on as long as she did. It's a ruthless process
Why should I trust anything that says "annihilated by the geezer"? Garbage.

Please find another article that refutes it then, if not then your opinion is garbage.

Honestly, I'm surprised that they made no mention of the biggest TSN turning point of all, and easily the venue where the party's hand was at its heaviest: Super Tuesday.

After all, Biden won ST by less than the combined delegates Klob and Pete were expected to take after his campaign and the DNC got them to drop out and endorse in a matter of days; in addition, Sanders was otherwise expected to win by every poll in the business.
Please find another article that refutes it then, if not then your opinion is garbage.

Why would I take the time to refute an opinion piece that appears to be garbage?
I agree, I think that what we've seen in the Democrats trying to rally around Biden is a declaration that they are comfortable with their Oligarchy, the control, power, and money that brings to the Party.

Is it too late for 3rd party voting? Maybe, but if so, then it's too late for the Republic and we're sliding into the Corporate-State Fascist government the Republocrats have been pushing for. The establishment of the new Aristocracy and the cementing of the Ruling class. It won't be terribly different from China on some level.

I think that 3rd parties are what we have left to apply torque to the system, it's our only lever. Those sitting out this election because they can't vote for Biden, the Democrats aren't going to produce something better than Biden next time either. I don't believe it's too late for the Republic just yet, I think we're edging closer and closer to the even horizon, but we can still impact the system enough if people will aggregate their power and invest their sovereignty behind the 3rd parties. If you can break the Republocrat stranglehold on freedom and liberty, to bring the Oligarchy to heel, we can continue this Republic for a little while longer. Staying at home will not accomplish that. I understand that people can be frustrated with Biden because he's just Old Guard, he's part of the same problem we've been having, but staying home is akin to supporting Trumden (trying to combine Trump and Biden, lol).

If you want to force change, you have to apply outside force. The only outside force we have is the 3rd Party.

Well, yeah, unless acted upon by an outside force, things will continue as is, being simple physics or the nature of things we are all subject to. But status quo is as natural as we are more risk averse than reward oriented, assuming the change is the reward. Once the change is established, that is sustained, it becomes the status quo. Right now, the outside force is that of those who became upset at the Rep party not fulfilling promise so they accepted the reward promise of Trump, being a greater reward promise than ever before that was never fulfilled, and forced a change that has yet to be sustained so as to become status quo. So, while talking about a 3rd party, one, the Trumplican party, has already emerged and taken over, just not formally. There can't be enough force of a 3rd party w/o being the majority of which is of another party or parties. An outside force, Trump and the Trump cult, has already acted upon the status quo, effecting change, though yet fully established and sustained so as to become it's own deep-state status quo.
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.

I didn't get my way so I'm not going to play. Spoiled brat. Got us Trump in 16. Might prove to be just as bad in 20
This was something I heard on NPR the other day and thought it rather interesting.

Gen Z Voters On The Issues That Matter Most To Them Ahead Of The Election : NPR

Young voters are traditionally the least likely to vote anyway, I think it's a shame that folk won't vote though, it's an important aspect to the Republic and our main tool by which we can control the government. That being said, I think this "stay at home will teach them a lesson" argument is flawed. You're not going to teach the Republocrats a lesson by sitting at home. I think 2016/2020 is a perfect example of that. After Hillary lost, the DNC should have learned a lesson, that their Old Guard isn't going to cut it anymore, they need to make changes. And then they went with Biden. For some, this was a bridge too far. A repeat of 2016 and a demonstration that the Democrat Party is not willing to move. There's a lot of lackluster support around Biden, the best the Democrats have to say about Biden is that "He's not Trump".

I don't think the people interviewed are alone, and I'm not sure if the main party really counts on the young vote anyway. But if they want to teach the Republocrats a lesson, they'd vote 3rd party. The only way to teach the Republocrats a lesson is to threaten their power, and the only way to threaten their power is to demonstrate that you are willing to vote, you will vote, but you won't vote for them. I think anyone who is just going to stay home should instead vote 3rd party. If you start to aggregate support into the 3rd parties, the main Oligarchy has to respond because they can end up losing out votes to the 3rd party and find themselves in a position where they cannot win elections. And the only way for them to get back to winning elections would be to change their platform to recapture out those votes.

Not voting at all is just as good to the Republocrats as voting for them. Lessons cannot be taught by support of the Status Quo, the only way to teach them a lesson is to threaten their reign of power.

Personally, I think stupid people should not be allowed to vote. But, I would approve of a law that only those paying federal income taxes should be allowed to vote. In fact, we could call it stock in the country. For every dollar you pay in federal income taxes, you get that many shares (votes) of the country.

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