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Stay alive drive 55 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.

The 55mph speed limit was incredibly unpopular.
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
It was dropped because it was unenforceable. The 15-20mph speed difference would be deadly in traffic.
It was dropped because it was unenforceable. The 15-20mph speed difference would be deadly in traffic.
Difference? 60 should be the top speed and it should be enforced. Is America to soft and spoiled to sacrifice just a little bit to beat Russia in this economic war?
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
Why aren't Americans and Canadians unable to make these sacrifices without being told to by the government?
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.

I almost never go over 155
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.

Yeah, won't save lives. I will cause more accidents with people having to avoid the person going slow. It does save on gas mileage.

Of course, the right complains about electric cars and hybrids, which saves on gas usage, while they drive their little dick big trucks with horrible gas mileage
It was dropped because it was unenforceable. The 15-20mph speed difference would be deadly in traffic.

Traffic fatalities increased after the 55 mph national speed limit was repealed. It was repealed because it was wildly unpopular.
Yeah, won't save lives. I will cause more accidents with people having to avoid the person going slow. It does save on gas mileage.

Of course, the right complains about electric cars and hybrids, which saves on gas usage, while they drive their little dick big trucks with horrible gas mileage
So I’ll put you in the I won’t sacrifice nuthin cuz I’m an entitled soft American column.

By the way going slower saved lives.

The best estimate is that it has helped save the lives of about 36,000 people in the last five years. That reduction in highway fatalities has come about despite the reluctance of some states to enforce the 55-mph limit and despite the refusal of many drivers to abide by it.Feb 3, 1979
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ...

55 mph Saves Lives - The Washington Post

Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
You must work for the traffic camera industry
Yeah, won't save lives. I will cause more accidents with people having to avoid the person going slow. It does save on gas mileage.

Of course, the right complains about electric cars and hybrids, which saves on gas usage, while they drive their little dick big trucks with horrible gas mileage

If it wouldn't save lives, then why did traffic fatalities decrease during the 55 national speed limit and increase immediately after repeal?
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Nah. It will just mean more tickets. **** all that.
So I’ll put you in the I won’t sacrifice nuthin cuz I’m an entitled soft American column.

By the way going slower saved lives.

The best estimate is that it has helped save the lives of about 36,000 people in the last five years. That reduction in highway fatalities has come about despite the reluctance of some states to enforce the 55-mph limit and despite the refusal of many drivers to abide by it.Feb 3, 1979
View attachment 67378895
https://www.washingtonpost.com › ...

55 mph Saves Lives - The Washington Post

Yeah, won't save lives. I will cause more accidents with people having to avoid the person going slow. It does save on gas mileage.

Of course, the right complains about electric cars and hybrids, which saves on gas usage, while they drive their little dick big trucks with horrible gas mileage
I drive a big truck because I have to carry around a gigantic package. Goes to show what you know. 😆
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.

Here in God's country, we drive 75 MPH, unless we're on I-19, in which case we drive 120 KPH, because interstate 19 is in metric, and we're better than people.

You can save that 55 MPH business for the communists in South Dakota and Oregon.
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
YOu do realize it was RWNJs who wanted to get rid of that policy, right?
You must work for the traffic camera industry
And one more person who says they aren’t going to make any sacrifice at all to fight this economic war with Russia.
And one more person who says they aren’t going to make any sacrifice at all to fight this economic war with Russia.
Are you seriously choosing to be so stupid as to say that this is THE sacrifice to make?
Here in God's country, we drive 75 MPH, unless we're on I-19, in which case we drive 120 KPH, because interstate 19 is in metric, and we're better than people.

You can save that 55 MPH business for the communists in South Dakota and Oregon.
I knew this idea would be wildly unpopular with both liberals and conservatives. We are a fat, entitled and soiled bunch aren’t we.
Are you seriously willing to be so stupid as to say that this is THE sacrifice to make?
A sacrifice to make. It would go a very long way towards negating the sanctions on Russia oil and be a way of signaling Putin we stand united against him. What’s your better idea?
I knew this idea would be wildly unpopular with both liberals and conservatives. We are a fat, entitled and soiled bunch aren’t we.

Cars were meant for driving fast. It's a thing.

Also, everything here is 100+ miles from everything else (except on I-19, where it's 160 KM from everything else).
Lots of liberal kids in here don’t remember that but it saved lives and gas. 55 was a bit slow and people complained but how about 60mph? A mile a minute seems a reasonable speed. Save lives and gas as we stop importing Russian oil.
If Biden was a leader and he would propose this and convince Americans it was a war effort we should all be willing to participate in. The gas saved would go a long way in making up for lost Russian oil and people on both sides of the isle could at least unite behind this one thing.
Driving 55 wouldn't save much and certainly wouldn't affect the price of oil. We would have to cut back on EVERYTHING...because EVERYTHING is affected by the price of oil.
Cars were meant for driving fast. It's a thing.

Also, everything here is 100+ miles from everything else (except on I-19, where it's 160 KM from everything else).
Poor baby. Might have to drive a little longer. Such a sacrifice.

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