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State Attorney Angela Corey Fires IT Director (1 Viewer)


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Mar 25, 2010
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I know we talked about this elsewhere, but it needs its own thread so we don't derail the other one.

State Attorney Angela Corey fires information techonology director who raised concerns in Trayvon Martin case | jacksonville.com

I can see this as being a slam-dunk appeal and acquittal if he's convicted.

How so? It sounds to me like this was an issue that involved the extraction of meta-data from a computer file. If the original file was turned over, and the defense apparently extracted the data themselves, then it is irrelevant, and arguably that metadata extraction was protected work-product anyway. At either way, it would just mean that Zimmerman could get a new trial if convicted and he wins on appeal.
Sounds like that office is very poorly run. I will be curious to see if the judge penalizes the prosecutor for not disclosing the evidence discovered. I have my doubts.
Sounds like that office is very poorly run. I will be curious to see if the judge penalizes the prosecutor for not disclosing the evidence discovered. I have my doubts.

The case on sanctions will be brief.

Judge Nelson: We're ready to hear the case on sanctions for the state with regards to the meta data of a cell phone belonging to TM.

State's rep: We didn't do it.

Judge Nelson: I've heard enough, NO SANCTIONS will be issued.

Defense team: You're honor you've not ev.........

Judge Nelson interrupting: I've made my ruling court dismissed <she gets up and walks out>

Don West: Your honor I cannot continue this case at this pace.......<throwing up hands in exasperation>
At either way, it would just mean that Zimmerman could get a new trial if convicted and he wins on appeal.

That's what I said. :)
That's what I said. :)

No, if he is acquitted he cannot get a new trial because of double jeopardy. His conviction would be vacated which is not the same thing.
No, if he is acquitted he cannot get a new trial because of double jeopardy. His conviction would be vacated which is not the same thing.

I didn't mean he would get a new trial if acquitted. I said if he's convicted he would easily appeal and be acquitted. Sorry for the confusion.
Really? Tell that to the cops who best on Rodney King. BamaHolder is probably itching to charge Zimmer with federal child abuse (sarcasm).

No, if he is acquitted he cannot get a new trial because of double jeopardy. His conviction would be vacated which is not the same thing.
I hope the full text of Peek's termination letter will be made public. I still can't believe she put into writing some of what she did. Ill-considered decision and very unprofessional. Curious too about whether hand-delivering the letter to Kruidbos at 7:30 in the morning is SOP. I doubt it.
Really? Tell that to the cops who best on Rodney King. BamaHolder is probably itching to charge Zimmer with federal child abuse (sarcasm).

That would be a different sovereign. The double jeopardy rule applies to the same sovereign. IIRC the underlying principle case on that involved a murder that started on one side of a state line and ended on the other so both states could pursue the murder charge. If he were found not guilty in one state he could be found guilty in the other still or he could be found guilty in both states or found not guilty in both states. Likewise, if you are found not guilty in a state court you can still be charged and found guilty in federal court but that is a rarity outside of civil rights era cases.
I hope the full text of Peek's termination letter will be made public. I still can't believe she put into writing some of what she did. Ill-considered decision and very unprofessional. Curious too about whether hand-delivering the letter to Kruidbos at 7:30 in the morning is SOP. I doubt it.

The article makes a good point...

How does one get a meritorious pay raise in May 16, before his name surfaced during the trial proceedings, and then get fired for "poor supervision" of the IT department AFTER his name was mentioned in the trial...

Sounds fishy to me.
It's not that fishy really. Look around. Liberals have been making up facts to suit them for years now.

The article makes a good point...

How does one get a meritorious pay raise in May 16, before his name surfaced during the trial proceedings, and then get fired for "poor supervision" of the IT department AFTER his name was mentioned in the trial...

Sounds fishy to me.

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