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Starting out with a big lie (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

How about a person of color

Is this better?(LOL)
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

Yes she is certainly not African / American and her father’s side were also slave owners ( and boatloads of them).
To this day, I keep hearing Obama was the 1st African American Prez?
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

...this should be fun!
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian.

Let's not be technical.

The main point is that Ms. Harris is not Caucasian.

Just heard the mayor of Atlanta praise Mr. Biden's choice.

Millions of people are going to proudly vote for the Dems on November 3, just as they did in that historic 2008 election.
Let's not be technical.

The main point is that Ms. Harris is not Caucasian.

Just heard the mayor of Atlanta praise Mr. Biden's choice.

Millions of people are going to proudly vote for the Dems on November 3, just as they did in that historic 2008 election.

Millions of people are going to proudly vote for Ms. Harris on November 3, just as they did in that historic 2008 election.

Yes, like that half Asian and half black Prez BLACK Obama?
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.
"Whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and/or a different gender, but I'm not making that commitment until I know that the person I'm dealing with I can completely and thoroughly trust as authentic and on the same page [as me]," Biden said while speaking to a roundtable of black journalists.
Biden says he would prefer a person of color or a woman as his vice president - CNNPolitics

Harris and father.
Afro-Jamaicans - Wikipedia

Anymore dumbass lies you want to float?
Yes, including that little stupid face you added?(LOL)

Why did you add a question mark at the end? Were you unsure about your position? And if so, why the positive declaration on the front end? As I said previously, so much stupid in this thread.
Why did you add a question mark at the end? Were you unsure about your position? And if so, why the positive declaration on the front end? As I said previously, so much stupid in this thread.

Why did you add a question mark at the end?


Pronunciation Nazis are everywhere!(LOL)
Well, if Luther is done slapping himself in the face like hes doing a 3 stooges impression we can get back to fact that Kamala Harris is indeed African American(which I find to be a silly term but whatever).
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

Harris is not AA and not descended from slaves. Rather, she is descended from slave owners.
Some people give a **** about that identity politics and to the extent that she's incarcerated black people in droves, they should.
the Biden / Harris ticket is about as good as we could have hoped for given that the DNC finds it difficult to do competent and competitive things. look for the Russian disinformation campaign to kick into overdrive now.
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

I hear the sound of scrabbling around, looking for a point to score. Please stop, you sound embarrassingly desperate.
Biden said he was going to appoint an african American woman as his VP. Harris is not. Her heritage is Jamaican and Indian. How many people know that?

So the fact is Joe and Ho are starting out with a big lie. It can only get worse.

Where do you think most Jamaicans originated from?
Harris is not AA and not descended from slaves. Rather, she is descended from slave owners.
Some people give a **** about that identity politics and to the extent that she's incarcerated black people in droves, they should.

More ignorance from white wingers. :blink:

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