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Star Wars Movies Ranked (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 8, 2011
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I was thinking recently about how I actually rank the star wars movies. So here are my rankings:

1: Revenge of the Sith. This was the first one I ever saw and I thought that the darkness and the action was awesome.

2: Empire Strikes Back. Nothing needs to be said here.

After these two it gets a bit tougher:
3: Star Wars. The movie is really dated which is why I don't absolutely love it. But it was a marvel for its time and has a timeless story.

4: The Last Jedi. I love that they played with some interesting ideas about the force. However there are some major plot problem here.

5: The Force Awakens. I love the characters and the story is fun in places. But it does get boring in places and I hate they undid the Return of the Jedi.

6: Rogue One. This one is kind of boring in a lot of places but there isn't a lot to hate. It does have a good finale.

7: Rise of Skywalker. This one is really fun and would be my #3. But I hate how they violated the mythology and past of the series.

8: Attack of the Clones. This one is entertaining in some places but suffers from really bad writing and a poor plot.

9. Phantom Menace. I don't actually hate this one but I watched this one so may times as I kid I got bored with it. But I'm ok with the story in general even if the characters are bland.

10: Solo: A Star Wars Story. I tried watching it on a plane and didn't finish it. It seemed like bland action but there was nothing horribly wrong with it. But others have said that its better than its given credit for and I'll give it another try one day. Maybe I'll rank it higher.

11. Return of the Jedi. I found this one really really boring. The first half was in a dark cave and I hated the teddy-bear people. The throne room scene is the best part but I wish that Dark Vader had been more of bad-a**. Han Solo and Lea are all really lame in this one.
1: Star Wars
2: The Empire Strikes Back
3: Return of the Jedi
Other movies
I honestly liked all of them, including the Clone Wars movie (not to be confused with “Attack of the Clones”), but the Original Trilogy is best and always will be. Even the two Ewok movies were good (though I liked ROTJ, I’m not talking about that one.) The only Star Wars movie that I didn’t really like wasn’t even released in theaters, “The Star Wars Holiday Special”. (The two Ewok movies were released in theaters in Europe.)

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1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Solo
6. The Force Awakens AND The Last Jedi (these are equal to me)
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Rise of Skywalker
10. The Phantom Menace
For me:

1. Star Wars: A New Hope / The Mandalorian
2. Rogue One
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the Clones
6. Empire Strikes Back
7. Phantom Menace
8. SW Holiday Special
9. Solo
10. The Last Jedi
11. The Force Awakens
12. The Rise of Skywalker (absolute turds, these last three or four movies)
11. Return of the Jedi. I found this one really really boring. I hated the teddy-bear people.

LOL at the Ewok "teddy bear people" comment.

Hey, you can't deny this was a great scene.

For me:

1. Star Wars: A New Hope / The Mandalorian
2. Rogue One
3. Revenge of the Sith
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Attack of the Clones
6. Empire Strikes Back
7. Phantom Menace
8. SW Holiday Special
9. Solo
10. The Last Jedi
11. The Force Awakens
12. The Rise of Skywalker (absolute turds, these last three or four movies)

You must really hate those Disney sequels if you like the Holiday Special more. I really really hated the fleet of basically death stars. Remember when it took decades to build a death star? One good thing I can say about Last Jedi is that it at least didn't have a death star.
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars
3. Return of Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Solo
6. The Force Awakens AND The Last Jedi (these are equal to me)
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Attack of the Clones
9. Rise of Skywalker
10. The Phantom Menace

I have heard that Solo is actually better than many people give it credit for.
I honestly liked all of them, including the Clone Wars movie (not to be confused with “Attack of the Clones”), but the Original Trilogy is best and always will be. Even the two Ewok movies were good (though I liked ROTJ, I’m not talking about that one.) The only Star Wars movie that I didn’t really like wasn’t even released in theaters, “The Star Wars Holiday Special”. (The two Ewok movies were released in theaters in Europe.)

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I really need to see the holiday special some time.
1: Star Wars
2: The Empire Strikes Back
3: Return of the Jedi
Other movies

You definitely didn't grow up with the prequels like I did lol.
The first film was novel and somewhat entertaining. It wasn't as good as Lawrence of Arabia, but it was in the theater pretty cool with all of the new special effects and the dolby sound..

and then after that they all sucked, and sucked worse and worse seemingly now forever.
You must really hate those Disney sequels if you like the Holiday Special more. I really really hated the fleet of basically death stars. Remember when it took decades to build a death star? One good thing I can say about Last Jedi is that it at least didn't have a death star.

Oh yeah, the new trilogy is the worst 3 ever- they just regurgitated the plots of the previous movies, and then disrespected all the old, beloved characters by killing them off in silly ways or by completely castrating what made them great. I hope to never see those things again. The Solo movie was completely pointless.
I have heard that Solo is actually better than many people give it credit for.

Solo is fine and quite fun for a smaller scale movie. I think most people didn't like it because they decided to hate Star Wars after The Last Jedi, or they didn't like the idea of a smaller scale mid range Star Wars movie.
Empire Strikes Back (AKA "how to subvert expectations without sucking").
Return of the Jedi (AKA "most epic turning the bad guy good in cinema history moment is enough to make up for the teddy bears").
A New Hope (AKA "how to reinvent the Flash Gordon genre").
Rogue One (AKA "how to retcon SW to having been gritty before it was high fantasy").
Revenge of the Sith (AKA "kill some kids in attempt to make our bad guy memorable").
Attack of the Clones (AKA "put in as many platform game references as possible!")
The Phantom Menace (AKA "attack of the annoying, slightly racist characters").
Rise of Skywalker (AKA "I am your grandfather and for once the super weapon isn't a death star").
Solo (AKA "this should have been a stand alone film, not part of the continuity").
The Force Awakens (AKA "all right, but they better have a phenomenal explanation for all this crap in the next movie").
The Last Jedi (AKA "no explanations, just absolute sh*tty storytelling hiding behind pretty graphics").
I forgot one, mainly because I trained myself to forget it. But someone reminded me recently.

WAAAAY on the bottom of the list: Star Wars Holiday Special
1. A New Hope (the original 'Star Wars' and will always be my favourite, as I was there in '77, and I had never seen anything like it)
2. Rogue One ( a compelling movie lacking the mythological component of the others)
3. Revenge of the Sith (I love Anakin's journey to the Dark Side)
4. The Empire Strikes Back (a good film that broke the sequel mould, but contained some points that interfered with one's suspension of disbelief)
5. Attack of the Clones (some very poor dialogue, but overall, a good film that related Palpatine's journey to absolute power)
6. Solo (entertaining and I found it very good despite the critiques it received)
7. The Force Awakens (a rewrite of ANH, but good in its own right)
8. The Phantom Menace (a little slow and Jar Jar Binks just annoyed the hell out of me)
9. The Last Jedi (not bad for a 'road' movie, but redeemed by the final scene. The Canto Byte scenes truly spoiled an otherwise interesting film)
10. The Return of the Jedi (stupid: the plan to save Han was moronic and the Ewoks defeating the 501st Legion was pathetic)
11. The Rise of Skywalker. (like a video game)

The cartoons:

1. The Clone Wars (esp. series 7) including the movie.
2. Rebels (the death of Kanan and Hera's reaction is one of the most powerful arcs in the entire canon)
3. Resistance

The Ewok films were for kids, as were the Droids cartoons, Ewok cartoons and the appallingly bad Holiday Special, and as I haven't seen them for years, I can't really rate them, or desire to. I have never bothered with the Lego series, or the Forces of Destiny shorts.

I truly love The Mandalorian and rate if over much of the existing canon (except for ANH & RO) and I can hardly wait for series 2 out on Disney+ at the end of October.
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I like the one where Khan comes back and kills Kirk's son.
Here's an excerpt from my top 1000 movie rankings:
3. Pulp Fiction
477. Dogma
478. Empire Strikes Back
577. Mrs. Doubtfire
578. Star Wars: A New Hope
i'm partial to the first one i saw at the theater : The Empire Strikes Back. my parents took me to see it, and i remember how thrilling it was.

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