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St. Louis Couple Loses their AR15 (1 Viewer)

Clearly you have no concept of what the moral OBLIGATION to defend yourself or others is about.

No, it was really about your signature of "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) being represented by a fist

Hence my sarcastic comment: "That's how to become great, let's tell the Russians and Chinese..."
Looks like a 42 USC 1983 suit that should be worth about 250K. These people are aggressive and smart lawyers. Probably much smarter than the Soros backed prosecutor. Plus the state AG is on their side.

Sure, but did they commit a crime or were their civil rights violated?

You don't seem to know...

SS 571.030. — Unlawful use of weapons--exceptions--penalties. :: Chapter 571 — Weapons Offenses :: Title XXXVIII — CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT; PEACE OFFICERS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS :: 2005 Missouri Revised Statutes :: Missouri Revised Statutes :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia

2005 Missouri Revised Statutes - § 571.030. — Unlawful use of weapons--exceptions--penalties

(4) Exhibits, in the presence of one or more persons, any weapon readily capable of lethal use in an angry or threatening manner; or

So I don't think they're going to win anything but a fine; jail would be nice.

well you are on record saying they shouldn't be even able to own an AR 15, so you see them as criminals to start with. On top of that, there is an anti-gun prosecutor who is funded by Soros, who is instigating this nonsense. I guess we will see how it plays out.
well you are on record saying they shouldn't be even able to own an AR 15, so you see them as criminals to start with. On top of that, there is an anti-gun prosecutor who is funded by Soros, who is instigating this nonsense. I guess we will see how it plays out.

I'm betting the charges will be quietly dismissed once all the "outrage" dies down.
No, it was really about your signature of "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) being represented by a fist

Hence my sarcastic comment: "That's how to become great, let's tell the Russians and Chinese..."

And again, how is that particular fist in my signature triggering you? Other members have RAISED fists as their avatars and you don't seem to be bothered by that.
And again, how is that particular fist in my signature triggering you? Other members have RAISED fists as their avatars and you don't seem to be bothered by that.

Because of who coined MAGA and your coupling of a fist (indicating establishment through force). It reminded me of Trump's assertion to claim back the streets through force...

And what with his recent denigration of China - and the general perception of Russia (not by Trump obviously), I sarcastically asked if you felt that Make China/Russia Great Again, coupled with a fist, might seem appropriate.
I'm betting the charges will be quietly dismissed once all the "outrage" dies down.

Well there is the case of these people being defense attorneys. And most of what they do entails defending people who had dealings with the police. So because the police disregarded their second amendment rights I smell a lawsuit. And there should be, city and state governments should not be allowed to confiscate your firearms because of something they deem to be bad PR.
Because of who coined MAGA and your coupling of a fist (indicating establishment through force).

Are you 100% sure what that means?

It reminded me of Trump's assertion to claim back the streets through force...

In other words it triggered your feelings in a certain way. So what does that have to do with me?

And what with his recent denigration of China - and the general perception of Russia (not by Trump obviously), I sarcastically asked if you felt that Make China/Russia Great Again, coupled with a fist, might seem appropriate.

I'm not really concerned about Russia. Russia is only a regional power with certain energy interests in a very limited part of the middle east--- mostly in some parts of Syria.

China on the other hand has GLOBAL aspirations of power and is in a economic position to achieve that goal unless held in check. Russians will always act like Russians, that isn't anything new. But it is China who a stealing intellectual property, military secrets, and attempting to attack or corrupt our vital information systems.

Everything with you liberal Jan Bradys is always "Russia, Russia, Russia!"
So you have no argument. Ther weren't threatened and, like you, they're cowards.


are they cowards because they decided to confront far more people than two, with arms? or are they cowards for not cutting down the protestors?
are they cowards because they decided to confront far more people than two, with arms? or are they cowards for not cutting down the protestors?

People seem to think that it's cowardly to have guns. I guess you are supposed to just stand there and take whatever anybody wants to inflict on you.
People seem to think that it's cowardly to have guns. I guess you are supposed to just stand there and take whatever anybody wants to inflict on you.

They have the mobs and street thugs. We have the vast majority of people who are well trained shooters
It seems weird that no other neighbors on this street felt threatened.

Things that make you go hmmmmm
It seems weird that no other neighbors on this street felt threatened.

Things that make you go hmmmmm
Oh they felt threatened alright - by the McCloskeys.
What I posted earlier, it seems that, that lawyer's defense was that his AR-15's safety was on the whole time...

No, I don't see why it would. Either they felt they were being threatened and were defending themselves, or they weren't.
well you are on record saying they shouldn't be even able to own an AR 15, so you see them as criminals to start with. On top of that, there is an anti-gun prosecutor who is funded by Soros, who is instigating this nonsense. I guess we will see how it plays out.

What really surprises me here is that big gummit did indeed enter someone's home and take their AR15 away, and you aren't screamin about it...

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