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St. Louis Couple Loses their AR15 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 19, 2012
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So that lawyer couple that brandished guns at peaceful protesters lost their AR15 -

St. Louis Cops Seize Gun That Couple Pointed At Black Lives Matter Protesters | HuffPost

St. Louis police on Friday executed a search warrant at the home of a local lawyer and seized a semiautomatic AR-15 rifle that he pointed at Black Lives Matter protesters last month, according to media reports.Mark McCloskey, and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, who work together as personal injury attorneys, were captured on video brandishing guns as demonstrators walked past their palatial home on June 28. While critics called for their arrest, the two were embraced as heroes by gun lovers after the video went viral.

“We complied with the search warrant. They took my AR,” Mark McCloskey told the conservative Todd Starnes radio show. “I’m absolutely surprised by this.

And apparently they are also a real pain for their neighbors. I knew that there was more to this than appeared. Stupid people with guns should be separated.
Those lawyers knew exactly what to say.

They said: "300 hundred of them [black demonstrators] broke into our gated community. They said they were going to rape my husband and kill me. They were picking out the rooms they were going to live in in our house. They said they were going to kill our dog." And on and on.

Lawyer speak.

We could all take lessons.
You are factually incorrect, there were no peaceful protestors

Uh, I am NOT factually incorrect and the St. Louis cops know it. How about the topic?
Uh, I am NOT factually incorrect and the St. Louis cops know it. How about the topic?

Incorrect, there is video of the incident. No peaceful protestors are seen
So that lawyer couple that brandished guns at peaceful protesters lost their AR15 -

St. Louis Cops Seize Gun That Couple Pointed At Black Lives Matter Protesters | HuffPost

And apparently they are also a real pain for their neighbors. I knew that there was more to this than appeared. Stupid people with guns should be separated.

The DA looted them of their guns. Notice no one demands the DA’s offices get defunded? DA’s determine what to do after the cops get done with the paperwork.
Incorrect, there is video of the incident. No peaceful protestors are seen

Wrong again: the videos of the incident area very very clear. YOU just don't like the outcome. How about addressing the outcome instead of ducking behind untruthful conjecture.
The DA looted them of their guns. Notice no one demands the DA’s offices get defunded? DA’s determine what to do after the cops get done with the paperwork.

The DA did his job, so did the officers. Louisiana is a red state, so they would know right?
Wrong again: the videos of the incident area very very clear. YOU just don't like the outcome. How about addressing the outcome instead of ducking behind untruthful conjecture.

It’s a traditional fascist tactic to use mobs to intimidate people then prosecute those who threaten the brown shirts
The homeowners were on THEIR OWN private property while the protesters were on SOMEONE ELSE'S private property. There has been ample evidence that these "peaceful protests" can and often do turn into violent riots involving property damage and physical violence. There is equal evidence that the police either don't, won't or can't respond to a lot of these situations until after they get out of control.

While "brandishing" a weapon is a crime in Missouri there are exceptions to that crime as well. A person IS NOT unlawfully brandishing a weapon when they do so with the reasonable belief that someone else is going to harm them and they DO NOT have a duty to retreat when they are on their own private property.
The homeowners were on THEIR OWN private property while the protesters were on SOMEONE ELSE'S private property. There has been ample evidence that these "peaceful protests" can and often do turn into violent riots involving property damage and physical violence. There is equal evidence that the police either don't, won't or can't respond to a lot of these situations until after they get out of control.

While "brandishing" a weapon is a crime in Missouri there are exceptions to that crime as well. A person IS NOT unlawfully brandishing a weapon when they do so with the reasonable belief that someone else is going to harm them and they DO NOT have a duty to retreat when they are on their own private property.

They have a history of threatening neighbors with guns. They weren't in any danger.

Not that you would know or care.

Portland Place couple who confronted protesters have a long history of not backing down | Metro | stltoday.com
It’s a traditional fascist tactic to use mobs to intimidate people then prosecute those who threaten the brown shirts

Now you’re moving the goal post. Can you comment on the topic instead of diverting?
The homeowners were on THEIR OWN private property while the protesters were on SOMEONE ELSE'S private property. There has been ample evidence that these "peaceful protests" can and often do turn into violent riots involving property damage and physical violence. There is equal evidence that the police either don't, won't or can't respond to a lot of these situations until after they get out of control.

While "brandishing" a weapon is a crime in Missouri there are exceptions to that crime as well. A person IS NOT unlawfully brandishing a weapon when they do so with the reasonable belief that someone else is going to harm them and they DO NOT have a duty to retreat when they are on their own private property.

They brandished and aimed weapons at peaceful people. They had their rifle seized as it should have been for a criminal act.
The homeowners were on THEIR OWN private property while the protesters were on SOMEONE ELSE'S private property. There has been ample evidence that these "peaceful protests" can and often do turn into violent riots involving property damage and physical violence. There is equal evidence that the police either don't, won't or can't respond to a lot of these situations until after they get out of control.

While "brandishing" a weapon is a crime in Missouri there are exceptions to that crime as well. A person IS NOT unlawfully brandishing a weapon when they do so with the reasonable belief that someone else is going to harm them and they DO NOT have a duty to retreat when they are on their own private property.
There was no reasonable belief that the protesters were going to harm them.

Mrs McCloskey repeatedly pointed her pistol (finger on trigger) directly at unarmed protesters. If charged with brandishing or assault, it’ll be interesting to see what defense she puts forth.
There was no reasonable belief that the protesters were going to harm them.

Mrs McCloskey repeatedly pointed her pistol (finger on trigger) directly at unarmed protesters. If charged with brandishing or assault, it’ll be interesting to see what defense she puts forth.

Other than that the Peaceful protesters had broken down the gate to private property and yelling that they were going to burn the home and do them harm.
Other than that the Peaceful protesters had broken down the gate to private property and yelling that they were going to burn the home and do them harm.
1. All of the protesters didn’t damage the gate.
2. There’s no proof that any protesters threatened the McCloskeys or their home, whereas there is clear proof, in the form of numerous videos, of Mrs. McCloskey pointing her pistol at numerous unarmed protesters.
“We complied with the search warrant. They took my AR,” Mark McCloskey told the conservative Todd Starnes radio show. “I’m absolutely surprised by this.”

What kind of attorney are you? You chose to go outside to confront people and you pointed guns at them despite a complete lack of force or threat of force being aimed at you. You can't go brandishing firearms at people.

And if you were even a semi-responsible owner, you would know you do not even take the gun out until you are ready to use it.

They have sued neighbors for making changes to their gravel road, sued a former employer for wrongful termination, sued others for defamation, and asserted “squatters’ rights” on common neighborhood property, according to the newspaper. This was apparently part of the land they claimed to be guarding with their firearms. McCloskey said in an affidavit last year that he had once challenged a neighbor cutting through that property “at gunpoint.”

Karen and Karen, sitting in a tree...

Lock them up!
1. All of the protesters didn’t damage the gate.
2. There’s no proof that any protesters threatened the McCloskeys or their home, whereas there is clear proof, in the form of numerous videos, of Mrs. McCloskey pointing her pistol at numerous unarmed protesters.

And the homeowners knew that how?

Fact is, the protesters being stopped from proceeding were on the wrong side of the gate. On private property. There is no public street bordering the property. Front or side.

Homeowners had every right to protect their property. Particularly in light of the fact that peaceful protesters have burned and looted thousands of properties.
“We complied with the search warrant. They took my AR,” Mark McCloskey told the conservative Todd Starnes radio show. “I’m absolutely surprised by this.”

What kind of attorney are you? You chose to go outside to confront people and you pointed guns at them despite a complete lack of force or threat of force being aimed at you. You can't go brandishing firearms at people.

And if you were even a semi-responsible owner, you would know you do not even take the gun out until you are ready to use it.

They have sued neighbors for making changes to their gravel road, sued a former employer for wrongful termination, sued others for defamation, and asserted “squatters’ rights” on common neighborhood property, according to the newspaper. This was apparently part of the land they claimed to be guarding with their firearms. McCloskey said in an affidavit last year that he had once challenged a neighbor cutting through that property “at gunpoint.”

Karen and Karen, sitting in a tree...

Lock them up!

Very well said. Thanks for contributing.

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