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Special counsel Durham wants to bring up Trump-Russia dossier at trial against Clinton campaign lawyer (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
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Oct 13, 2016
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Special counsel Durham wants to bring up Trump-Russia dossier at trial against Clinton campaign lawyer
WashingtonCNN —
Special counsel John Durham wants to bring up the infamous Trump-Russia dossier and might even call its author Christopher Steele as a witness at the upcoming criminal trial of Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, according to court papers filed on Monday.

Two late-night filings from Sussmann and Durham provided the first indication that the special counsel plans to introduce Steele and his politically fraught dossier from 2016 into the case.

Sussmann was charged with lying in regard to a September 2016 meeting with a senior FBI official, where he provided a tip about strange cyberactivity between the Trump Organization and a major Russian bank. Prosecutors say Sussmann falsely denied providing the tip on behalf of a client – and was really working for the Clinton campaign at the time. He has pleaded not guilty.

The new filings on Monday suggest that instead of narrowly focusing on Sussmann’s alleged lie and the specific meeting where it allegedly occurred, Durham plans to describe at the trial how the Clinton campaign tried to dig up dirt about then-candidate Donald Trump and his ties to Russia.

Here comes the Boom!

Nothing about Sussman is a "boom!"

Do any of you think OP even knows what it's about? It's nothing to do with their "fake!" claims. It's basically the dumbest fight on Earth about whether someone was still working for the Clinton campaign when they told the FBI they weren't, and I'm pretty sure I read that the time of the talk was after the election was over, etc., and it's based on a fair amount of guess work. That it's going to a trial means a judge thought there was probable cause. Big whoop.

Either way, even if he did everything Durham said, it's basically like trying to cast doubt on a murder investigation because one of the detectives lied about having spent an hour at the scene extra when he was really at a bar, where he happened to mention that he'd recently seen someone killed while they were smoking a cigarette. Nothing about Sussman casts doubt on the investigation.
Nothing about Sussman casts doubt on the investigation.

Or the fact that Russia hacked Hillary's emails within 24h of being asked.

Or the fact that they just did it again with fake Hunter "Kompromat".

Or that he withheld military aid for Ukraine in an attempt to extort production fake Hunter "Kompromat".

Or that he publicly announced greater trust for Putin than our intelligence agencies.

Or the fact that he called Putin's war crime heavy war "genius", followed dutifully by Carlson et. al.

Or any of the other horrid criminal/corrupt shit Trump got up to. Now consider the fact that his biggest supporters claim to be the biggest patriots. You know, the people who tried to decapitate a bunch of the legislature and install an unelected person as Dear Leader in the executive.

This isn't even "but her emails!"

It's "but the way the light reflected off the pimple cream Hillary put on that pimple that you could kinda just see barely when she turned her head the right way at 14:22 in the second debate! LOOK AT THAT!"
Sounds desperate.
Sounds desperate.
Sounds like a deluge of "Huh-uhs" on the left. Between Durham and Mr Person which is an experienced lawyer familiar with the entire scope and detail of the case?
AOC must be sitting around thinking "damn, at least they're off my jock strap for a while. Sorry Hunter. Sorry Hillary".
Here are a couple of issues I find more interesting about this latest stuff from Durham:

1. Up till now, there has only been testimony that Sussman lied to Baker. But now, we have written evidence...from Sussman himself...that he lied. He sent a text to Baker.


2. Sussman's attorneys want Rodney Joffe (Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment) to be granted immunity. That means Joffe is still under criminal investigation.

Of course, all of this is just going after the small fry. The REAL criminals won't be indicted. Those are people like Hillary, the Obama DOJ and FBI, various House members and Senators...not to mention people in the Obama White House and Obama, himself.
Or the fact that Russia hacked Hillary's emails within 24h of being asked.

Or the fact that they just did it again with fake Hunter "Kompromat".

Or that he withheld military aid for Ukraine in an attempt to extort production fake Hunter "Kompromat".

Or that he publicly announced greater trust for Putin than our intelligence agencies.

Or the fact that he called Putin's war crime heavy war "genius", followed dutifully by Carlson et. al.

Or any of the other horrid criminal/corrupt shit Trump got up to. Now consider the fact that his biggest supporters claim to be the biggest patriots. You know, the people who tried to decapitate a bunch of the legislature and install an unelected person as Dear Leader in the executive.

This isn't even "but her emails!"

It's "but the way the light reflected off the pimple cream Hillary put on that pimple that you could kinda just see barely when she turned her head the right way at 14:22 in the second debate! LOOK AT THAT!"
^^^ so desperate to brush this away he's replying to his own posts.

"Ya, ya, and another thing ..."
I certainly hope so... With this level of political corruption, there has to be some accountability or the country is doomed.

That is so ferrous.
Here are a couple of issues I find more interesting about this latest stuff from Durham:

1. Up till now, there has only been testimony that Sussman lied to Baker. But now, we have written evidence...from Sussman himself...that he lied. He sent a text to Baker.

View attachment 67384063

2. Sussman's attorneys want Rodney Joffe (Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment) to be granted immunity. That means Joffe is still under criminal investigation.

Of course, all of this is just going after the small fry. The REAL criminals won't be indicted. Those are people like Hillary, the Obama DOJ and FBI, various House members and Senators...not to mention people in the Obama White House and Obama, himself.
So you have two statements and the assumption that they’re lies.

Do you have some proof that he was actually working for the campaign and not just a concerned citizen?

Of course you don’t. Or you would have posted that instead.
So you have two statements and the assumption that they’re lies.

Do you have some proof that he was actually working for the campaign and not just a concerned citizen?

Of course you don’t. Or you would have posted that instead.
Durham has the proof. Billing statements.
Durham has the proof. Billing statements.

So he said he was off-duty at the bar when he was on-duty at the crime scene. This case is not about anything that casts any doubt on what Trump actually did.

It's just rotting meat for people who would love to eat shit if it dropped out of Trump's ass.
I'm waiting for the trial...until then It's just passing time speculating.
So he said he was off-duty at the bar when he was on-duty at the crime scene. This case is not about anything that casts any doubt on what Trump actually did.

It's just rotting meat for people who would love to eat shit if it dropped out of Trump's ass.
The Trump/Russia nonsense has already been debunked. The guy Steel supposedly got his information from already debunked it. This Sussman/DNC/Clinton campaign stuff isn't about casting doubt on "what Trump actually did". It's about holding crooked people responsible for pushing the nonsense...for trying to get the FBI/DOJ involved in the nonsense.
The Trump/Russia nonsense has already been debunked. The guy Steel supposedly got his information from already debunked it. This Sussman/DNC/Clinton campaign stuff isn't about casting doubt on "what Trump actually did". It's about holding crooked people responsible for pushing the nonsense...for trying to get the FBI/DOJ involved in the nonsense.

Durham's shit is the nothingburger of the century. Even if dickhead Sussman gets convicted, it casts no doubt on what did. It doesn't even cast doubt on IMPEACHMENT because he wasn't impeached for that.

He was impeached for ****ing Ukraine to extort fabrication of dirt on Hunter, and he was impeached for getting you people to try to destroy America. Do you know what the word "dismissed" means?

But of course you're gonna make noise about it. You haven't got anything else. Your ****-ass bastard called Putin's genocidal war "genius" and his second biggest cheerleader, Carlson, kept carrying water. Of course you're gonna make noise about anything.
Durham's shit is the nothingburger of the century. Even if dickhead Sussman gets convicted, it casts no doubt on what did. It doesn't even cast doubt on IMPEACHMENT because he wasn't impeached for that.

He was impeached for ****ing Ukraine to extort fabrication of dirt on Hunter, and he was impeached for getting you people to try to destroy America. Do you know what the word "dismissed" means?

But of course you're gonna make noise about it. You haven't got anything else. Your ****-ass bastard called Putin's genocidal war "genius" and his second biggest cheerleader, Carlson, kept carrying water. Of course you're gonna make noise about anything.

This has nothing to do with impeachment. Don't worry, that corruption won't ever be addressed...except in the voting booth.
Durham has the proof. Billing statements.
Just being employed by someone doesn’t prove anything about anything except who they work for.

What you are trying to push is assumption elevated to certainty.

If someone finds something that looks illegal they can report it. Doesn’t matter where they work.

All this time and all Durham has is a couple of nothingburgers posing as filet mignon.

And y’all are wolfing it down and can’t figure out why you’re still hungry.

Not you. We all know you don’t actually believe what you post here.
Durham's shit is the nothingburger of the century. Even if dickhead Sussman gets convicted, it casts no doubt on what did. It doesn't even cast doubt on IMPEACHMENT because he wasn't impeached for that.

He was impeached for ****ing Ukraine to extort fabrication of dirt on Hunter, and he was impeached for getting you people to try to destroy America. Do you know what the word "dismissed" means?

But of course you're gonna make noise about it. You haven't got anything else. Your ****-ass bastard called Putin's genocidal war "genius" and his second biggest cheerleader, Carlson, kept carrying water. Of course you're gonna make noise about anything.

Trump didn't do anything.
The whole Sussman issue is about the conspiracy theory being baseless and cooked up by the Clinton campaign.

BTW-- when Trump spoke to Zelensky, H Biden was already under investigation for his activities with respect to Ukraine.

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