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South Carolina brings back firing squad executions (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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South Carolina has given the green light for condemned prisoners in the state to be executed by firing squad.

Final approval came Friday after the state Department of Corrections said renovations had been completed on a new death chamber where the executions can take place in the state capital of Columbia.

The electric chair is the state’s primary method of execution, but a May 2021 law now allows prisoners to choose to die by lethal injection or firing squad, the state said in a press release.
No fooling around with armed men whose job is to kill you.
Are you not pro-choice?

South Carolina has given the green light for condemned prisoners in the state to be executed by firing squad.

Final approval came Friday after the state Department of Corrections said renovations had been completed on a new death chamber where the executions can take place in the state capital of Columbia.

The electric chair is the state’s primary method of execution, but a May 2021 law now allows prisoners to choose to die by lethal injection or firing squad, the state said in a press release.
No fooling around with armed men whose job is to kill you.

Are you not pro-choice?
We are going backwards, again.
We are going backwards, again.
Simple politics, though a bit dated. Politicians used to check the "law and order" box by saying they supported the death penalty. One asshole even had blown up photos of those he had sent to their death behind him in a campaign ad. Makes us feel good, like we are actually doing something. And the ceremony itself is a complex liturgy, much like the old Catholic high mass: preacher, congregation, last words, solemn faces all around, even a Deus ex machina on occasion in the form of a governor's last minute commutation. DeSade would approve.
A government should not be legally empowered to execute its citizens.
We are going backwards, again.
States could balance their budgets by putting executions on pay-for-view. They could beat the lottery on income.

I personally feel we should bring back public hangings. With streaming closeup of subject's face.
States could balance their budgets by putting executions on pay-for-view.

Great... next thing you know, Republicans will sink more money into PPVs of hangings and firing squads over everyone else sinking money into UFC fights.

South Carolina has given the green light for condemned prisoners in the state to be executed by firing squad.

Final approval came Friday after the state Department of Corrections said renovations had been completed on a new death chamber where the executions can take place in the state capital of Columbia.

The electric chair is the state’s primary method of execution, but a May 2021 law now allows prisoners to choose to die by lethal injection or firing squad, the state said in a press release.
No fooling around with armed men whose job is to kill you.
The state of colombia...:poop:
The black population of South Carolina is 26.7% of the state population. What do you suppose the racial makeup of the executed will be? First hint, the black percentage on SC death row is over 41%.
States could balance their budgets by putting executions on pay-for-view.
I re-post that comedian Lenny Bruce had a better idea: instead of scheduling executions throughout the year and letting bleeding hearts protest every few weeks, he suggested executing everyone on one day, any day, say on the evening of December 24. When the lights go on the tree in Rockefeller Center, that could be the signal to drop the pellets, turn on the current, release the trap, and pull the triggers. Brilliant.
States could balance their budgets by putting executions on pay-for-view. They could beat the lottery on income.

I personally feel we should bring back public hangings. With streaming closeup of subject's face.
Whoa there - we just want the State to kill condemned citizens, we don't need to behave like savages! ;)
A government should not be legally empowered to execute its citizens.
A French equivalent of our Attorney General made the point during the Cold War years: "trace a map of freedom in the world," he said, and you would find that free countries don't execute. Exception at the time being the US. In Latin America, I believe that the only country that still kills is Cuba. Who says we have nothing in common?
Yet another way in which Republicans align with Russia.
The state of colombia...:poop:
The black population of South Carolina is 26.7% of the state population. What do you suppose the racial makeup of the executed will be? First hint, the black percentage on SC death row is over 41%.
I am going to bet that the population of South Carolina is more than 26.7% black...those are just the ones that white folks decided to count. A visual look at the landscape and populations in South Carolina suggest that the black and Latino populations are much higher than are stated on paper. Also, its Columbia(the capitol of South Carolina...not Colombia, the country)

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