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Sould the west go to the Hague ad have utin tried for war crimes in Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
Captured russian soldiers have said they were told to shoot and bomb civilians to create panic in Ukraine. This has actually happened multiple times since the war began. Orders to do this have to come from the highest authority and that is Putin. YOu might say why since he will never be jailed or punished. think if there was a trial he would never show up or even send someone to defend him. He would thus be tried in absentia. The good thing is that if he ever landed in any country that was part of the Hague, he could be arrested and jailed, so it might limit his ability to go many places in the world. His being a leader of a nation would make no difference.

Sould the west go to the Hague ad have utin tried for war crimes in Ukraine​

Who is "the west" ??
Captured russian soldiers have said they were told to shoot and bomb civilians to create panic in Ukraine. This has actually happened multiple times since the war began. Orders to do this have to come from the highest authority and that is Putin. YOu might say why since he will never be jailed or punished. think if there was a trial he would never show up or even send someone to defend him. He would thus be tried in absentia. The good thing is that if he ever landed in any country that was part of the Hague, he could be arrested and jailed, so it might limit his ability to go many places in the world. His being a leader of a nation would make no difference.
He's never gonna leave russia.

Sould the west go to the Hague ad have utin tried for war crimes in Ukraine​

Who is "the west" ??
Sorry,I have always been dyslexic and as i get older it gets worse. Does not effect y mid, just can not always see my mistakes.
Of course they should; and the US should join the court and Bush and others should have been tried also. This 'law is something for the little people' is immoral and makes a case justifying undermining the law by others. Why should only they have to follow laws?

Sould the west go to the Hague ad have utin tried for war crimes in Ukraine​

Who is "the west" ??
It's to the left of Russia.

If he does use chemical weapons and commits mass murder of civilians I think he should be tried for war crimes. Putin may never leave Russia or pay a price for his crimes, but like Trump's impeachment, crimes need to be prosecuted on principle and recorded for history. Even if everyone knows beforehand that the perp won't pay a price...

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