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Something that tweaks me... (1 Viewer)


Jan 20, 2005
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Alot of people are complaining about the war. About 70% of the people I talk to do not agree with the war. There is a point I would like to say. The fact in a way it is your choice.

You >(You vote for your represenative)>(You vote for your senator)>(You Vote for your president)

Then they sit there and compain yet do nothing. Its fine to complain and not agree, but do something about it. Just a thought.
Around here it's the exact opposite. About 90% of the folks I talk to agree with the war.

Its fine to complain and not agree, but do something about it. Just a thought.
:applaud Right on!
vauge said:
Around here it's the exact opposite. About 90% of the folks I talk to agree with the war.

Its fine to complain and not agree, but do something about it. Just a thought.
:applaud Right on!
See, i dont know what age group you talk to. The people I talk to are between the age of 16-19. See, i think some of the kids I speak to, disagree just to disagree. Some of my friends have good arguements, such as different views. But with others, I think they hate them, just for the sake of it.
Chaos10187 said:
Alot of people are complaining about the war. About 70% of the people I talk to do not agree with the war. There is a point I would like to say. The fact in a way it is your choice.

You >(You vote for your represenative)>(You vote for your senator)>(You Vote for your president)

Then they sit there and compain yet do nothing. Its fine to complain and not agree, but do something about it. Just a thought.

As American realize the truth about this war, they slowly begin to think rationally and rightfully oppose this war. Now, Chaos, you claim we have a choice. Well, talk to any European and you'll find out that our two major parties are so similar that who you vote for really doesn't matter. Just look at the Iraq war. A lot of Dems voted for it (in fact, I believe it was a majority). So do we have a choice? It may be easy for you to reply "vote for a 3rd party" but we know that they won't get elected. In our electoral system it is very difficult for 3rd party candidates to gain power.
anomaly said:
As American realize the truth about this war, they slowly begin to think rationally and rightfully oppose this war. Now, Chaos, you claim we have a choice. Well, talk to any European and you'll find out that our two major parties are so similar that who you vote for really doesn't matter. Just look at the Iraq war. A lot of Dems voted for it (in fact, I believe it was a majority). So do we have a choice? It may be easy for you to reply "vote for a 3rd party" but we know that they won't get elected. In our electoral system it is very difficult for 3rd party candidates to gain power.
It really depends on the issue. If THAT MANY PEOPLE were opposed to an issue that the Rep/Dem were in favor of, the 3rd party could very well come into power.
anomaly said:
It may be easy for you to reply "vote for a 3rd party" but we know that they won't get elected. In our electoral system it is very difficult for 3rd party candidates to gain power.

And that becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Nobody will vote for them because they can't win - they can't win because nobody will vote for them.
Naughty Nurse said:
And that becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Nobody will vote for them because they can't win - they can't win because nobody will vote for them.
It really depends on the issues and what the american people want. But, in this election some of the topics were the same.

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