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Someone call Tariff Man! The trade deficit keeps rising! (1 Viewer)


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Well, to be fair this time, the trade deficit did grow because of Trump's tariff war, so I guess it's a "no pain, no gain!" scenario for those poor soybean farmers (who mostly voted for Trump). So not sure what Tariff Man's next move would be. He's been saying alot of stuff about the "deal" he did with Xi.

Not sure what Tariff Man's actual powers are beyond a large following (not all friendly) on Twitter.

U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in October

So, yeah, highest trade deficit since Oct '08, and the deficit has been increasing for 5 straight months.

Tariff Man is getting his ass kicked right now.
Give us a tariff, you're the tariff man
Give us a tariff tonight
'cause we're in the mood for a trade war
it feels good flexin' our might.
Well, to be fair this time, the trade deficit did grow because of Trump's tariff war, so I guess it's a "no pain, no gain!" scenario for those poor soybean farmers (who mostly voted for Trump). So not sure what Tariff Man's next move would be. He's been saying alot of stuff about the "deal" he did with Xi.

Not sure what Tariff Man's actual powers are beyond a large following (not all friendly) on Twitter.

U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in October

So, yeah, highest trade deficit since Oct '08, and the deficit has been increasing for 5 straight months.

Tariff Man is getting his ass kicked right now.

Not to mention, I'm about 2 year further away from retirement, thanks to his antics and how they have affected the markets.
Give us a tariff, you're the tariff man
Give us a tariff tonight
'cause we're in the mood for a trade war
it feels good flexin' our might.

My only suggestion would be to change "tariff" to "tax" in the 2nd line to emphasize the reality of what tariffs are. Maybe some day it will break through to the cult that he just increased their taxes.
Well, to be fair this time, the trade deficit did grow because of Trump's tariff war, so I guess it's a "no pain, no gain!" scenario for those poor soybean farmers (who mostly voted for Trump). So not sure what Tariff Man's next move would be. He's been saying alot of stuff about the "deal" he did with Xi.

Not sure what Tariff Man's actual powers are beyond a large following (not all friendly) on Twitter.

U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in October

So, yeah, highest trade deficit since Oct '08, and the deficit has been increasing for 5 straight months.

Tariff Man is getting his ass kicked right now.

Why do you insist on repeating news stories that lie to you?

...suggesting the Trump administration’s tariff-related measures to shrink the trade gap likely have been ineffective.

Trump has never said his tariffs were implemented to "shrink the trade gap". He has always said they were implemented to induce other countries to negotiate better trade deals. Those trade deals are in progress.
Why do you insist on repeating news stories that lie to you?

Trump has never said his tariffs were implemented to "shrink the trade gap". He has always said they were implemented to induce other countries to negotiate better trade deals. Those trade deals are in progress.

Hahaha....oh whew...good one.

Lying to me? Dude, Trump lies to you. Daily. You might not see the lies as such, but they are still lies.

Trump has been harping on trade deficits from day one. How else can Tariff Man tackle trade deficits? Well, you see what he's done so far.

Thanks for my first good morning laugh.
Hahaha....oh whew...good one.

Lying to me? Dude, Trump lies to you. Daily. You might not see the lies as such, but they are still lies.

Wow...so new to the forum, you haven't learned that whataboutism is a failing tactic. Oh well...hopefully you'll learn.

Trump has been harping on trade deficits from day one. How else can Tariff Man tackle trade deficits? Well, you see what he's done so far.

Thanks for my first good morning laugh.

How else? By negotiating more favorable trade deals.
Well, to be fair this time, the trade deficit did grow because of Trump's tariff war, so I guess it's a "no pain, no gain!" scenario for those poor soybean farmers (who mostly voted for Trump). So not sure what Tariff Man's next move would be. He's been saying alot of stuff about the "deal" he did with Xi.

Not sure what Tariff Man's actual powers are beyond a large following (not all friendly) on Twitter.

U.S. trade deficit hits 10-year high in October

So, yeah, highest trade deficit since Oct '08, and the deficit has been increasing for 5 straight months.

Tariff Man is getting his ass kicked right now.

Are you in favor of China looting our country with unfair trade deals? It sounds like you and XI are on the same page. Just wait Trump out and get another globalist in office so they can continue selling out the nations middle class workers.
Are you in favor of China looting our country with unfair trade deals? It sounds like you and XI are on the same page. Just wait Trump out and get another globalist in office so they can continue selling out the nations middle class workers.

So you favor protectionism?
Wow...so new to the forum, you haven't learned that whataboutism is a failing tactic. Oh well...hopefully you'll learn.

How else? By negotiating more favorable trade deals.

How is it "whataboutism" when you are literally talking about what Trump tells you? I am addressing the exact same thing: what Trump tells you.

What has he been telling you all of this time? Trade deficit bad. He wants to reduce that. What tool is he using ? Tariffs.

So point out the lie the media is telling us again?
How is it "whataboutism" when you are literally talking about what Trump tells you? I am addressing the exact same thing: what Trump tells you.

What has he been telling you all of this time? Trade deficit bad. He wants to reduce that. What tool is he using ? Tariffs.

So point out the lie the media is telling us again?


What part of "he has never said tariffs will reduce the deficit" do you not understand?

Tell you what...get back to me when you get educated.
OK, I see. You're a nitpicker poster. Has to be Trump's exact words else it's a lie.

Even Fox Business has this idea. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/us-trade-gap-widens-trump-china-tariffs

Guess you are the only one who knows the real truth.

I have no love for Fox...after all, they are part of the Mainstream Media and they are to be taken with a grain of salt like all the others. However, to their credit, they do not say that the tariffs are supposed to reduce the deficit.

Anyway, yes...when it comes to calling people liars, I'm a nitpickers...more accurately known as a person who deals in facts. Not spin, speculation, innuendo, hyperbole or...as your article in your OP pushes...lies.

It's not hard to know the truth.
So you favor protectionism?

To a point yes. I believe we should protect ourselves from counties who are mercantilists rather than capitalists.
We should avoid doing business with countries who see stealing I.P. from us as a "means to an end", rather than an illegal activity.
We should avoid countries that skew the economics by subsidizing targeted markets.
We should avoid counties who demand transfer of technology as a condition of entry to their markets.

The Chinese seem to feel they can just use their universal excuse for their behavior as "We are Chinese and you are not".
I have no love for Fox...after all, they are part of the Mainstream Media and they are to be taken with a grain of salt like all the others. However, to their credit, they do not say that the tariffs are supposed to reduce the deficit.

Anyway, yes...when it comes to calling people liars, I'm a nitpickers...more accurately known as a person who deals in facts. Not spin, speculation, innuendo, hyperbole or...as your article in your OP pushes...lies.

It's not hard to know the truth.

Let's break this down to brass tacks then.

What is Trump upset about? The trade deficit with other countries.

What action/tool is he using in response? Tariffs.

Feel free to show me otherwise.
Let's break this down to brass tacks then.

What is Trump upset about? The trade deficit with other countries.

What action/tool is he using in response? Tariffs.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

Trump is using trade negotiations to reduce the trade deficits. He is using tariffs to spur the negotiations.

The media liars want you to think the tariffs, themselves, will somehow reduce the deficits. Trump has never made that contention.

Do you understand now?
Trump is using trade negotiations to reduce the trade deficits.

That does not seem to be working. I have seen next to nothing coming out of the negotiations. This lack of progress makes me wonder if there are any real negotiations going on, or if "our" team is simply not very effective at negotiation.

He is using tariffs to spur the negotiations.

So wait...you're saying that negotiations are being spurred by tariffs, yet you want to disconnect them from the simple statement that tariffs (which are supposed to be negotiating tool to balance the trade deficit) are not effective in reducing the trade deficit?

That is all the "main stream media" articles have been saying: the tariffs aren't moving us towards their goal.

The media liars want you to think the tariffs, themselves, will somehow reduce the deficits. Trump has never made that contention.

Do you understand now?

I don't think they are saying that at all. All I see is that this appears to be your own interpretation.

So is that what we are arguing here, your own interpretation of media coverage?
That does not seem to be working. I have seen next to nothing coming out of the negotiations. This lack of progress makes me wonder if there are any real negotiations going on, or if "our" team is simply not very effective at negotiation.

Perhaps you expect him to have a magic wand? Or snap his fingers?

Negotiations take time. Don't be impatient.

So wait...you're saying that negotiations are being spurred by tariffs, yet you want to disconnect them from the simple statement that tariffs (which are supposed to be negotiating tool to balance the trade deficit) are not effective in reducing the trade deficit?

Yeah...I know you are either a liberal, a Trump hater...or both. You display the common characteristic of not being able to understand plain English.

I said that Trump is using tariffs to induce other parties to negotiate. I said that Trump has never said he is using tariffs to reduce the trade deficit.

Hint: Don't read more into what I say than exactly what I say.

That is all the "main stream media" articles have been saying: the tariffs aren't moving us towards their goal.

I don't think they are saying that at all. All I see is that this appears to be your own interpretation.

So is that what we are arguing here, your own interpretation of media coverage?

Your own linked article makes no mention of negotiations affecting the trade deficits. They speak specifically of tariffs. That is the dishonest point they want you to get. And guess what...your own OP shows that you sucked their point in hook, line and sinker.
Gosh, I really don't know how much simpler I can make this for you but this will be my last try.

Trump wants balanced trade deficits. To get us there, he is using tariffs as a negotiation tool. Yet the trade imbalance increases, despite his use of tariffs in negotiating them down.

I suppose you want someone to tell you tariffs are not a good negotiating tool in reducing trade imbalances? Is the bolded section all you need to understand?

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