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Some of Trump's greatest lies (1 Viewer)

And some still support this ignoramus maggot?


Another regurgitation of past Trump hating spin and nonsense.

Thread dismissed.

Another regurgitation of past Trump hating spin and nonsense.

Thread dismissed.

Your "dismissal" doesnt change reality...that's the lying narcissistic con man you choose to still follow.
And some still support this ignoramus maggot?

Let's not overload the forum and slow down the whole experience for all of us just for one thread. Maybe post a couple of pages today, and then a few more tomorrow, then the next, until you get through the list of his 'greatest lies's

Another regurgitation of past Trump hating spin and nonsense.

Thread dismissed.
What happened? Tres got here before you. Don't you still have that alarm that signals you when an anti-Trump thread is posted so you get to dismiss it in the second post?
What happened? Tres got here before you. Don't you still have that alarm that signals you when an anti-Trump thread is posted so you get to dismiss it in the second post?

You care more about me than you do about Trump.

That's pathetic.

Another regurgitation of past Trump hating spin and nonsense.

Thread dismissed.
I have a simple question. How can you watch that video and still find a way to support such a clear-cut imbecile?

I'm being serious.
I have a simple question. How can you watch that video and still find a way to support such a clear-cut imbecile?

I'm being serious.
It's easy. I dismiss out of context spin, lies and nonsense.
It's easy. I dismiss out of context spin, lies and nonsense.
What BS. It's his own 'effin words. That's really a pretty lame response.

You care more about me than you do about Trump.

That's pathetic.
You're theatre. You and Trump. Neither of you matter but you're more immediately available so I address you.

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