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Socialism as in Socialism USA style is good for the economy and good for capitalism so long as the money is NOT being used to fund corp welfare... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2017
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Political Leaning
Austerity is good for nothing ............

Socialism as in Socialism USA style keeps more of the money being spent by the people thus spreading it throughout the economy instead of hoarding the peoples' money among the few.
It's not socialist to have affordable healthcare. We just pay less because everyone pays for it, and we'd have the leverage to regulate drug prices, like everyone else in the world. It's not like the majority of the country don't want it because they're afraid.

The only reason we don't have it is those who make their profit off the health of Americans have the GOP in their pocket. As we've seen these last four years, they're easily blackmailed and bribed. There's no curtain covering their greed. We all know why we are the only first world country suffering from lack of heath care because we can't afford it.
More communist propaganda
Austerity is good for nothing ............

Socialism as in Socialism USA style keeps more of the money being spent by the people thus spreading it throughout the economy instead of hoarding the peoples' money among the few.

I wrote a whole treatise on this in another forum, I can't post it here due to the 5000 character limit (it's 16k on the other forum)


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