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So what do you think??? Millennials???? (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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So what do you think???
I don't know why the older generation talks so poorly about us. We are eventually going to be in charge, and that's the older generations real problem. They want to lose power to anybody.

I don't think most millennials think they are going to millionaires. We are pretty much graduating from college with tons of debt, and as a result live with our parents. We are not getting married, buying houses, or having kids at the rate of previous generations because we are loaded down with debt. In fact, most millennials I know don't even want kids because they are another cost, and having a kid is going to put you in medical debt.

As for the part about posting selfies and inspirational quotes on Instagram.... I found that to be true in many cases. Social media accounts is more about presenting yourself to others in the way you want to be seen versus a reflection of reality. It's all really pretentious.

Getting trophies for just participating... I never got a trophy for anything, and I never wanted a trophy for anything. I was in martial arts, never got a trophy. If you wanted me to do something for money, I would do it. If you said, wash my car, and if you do it right, I'll give you $50. If you do half assed job, I'll give you $5. I would have washed the **** out of that car. To me trophies are actually worthless.
That guy is a really good singer. Thats a funny little video.

His name is Micah Tyler. He does these videos as part of Watermark Church(which wiki tells me is out of Dallas). He is really impressive. Here is another of his:

I don't know why the older generation talks so poorly about us. We are eventually going to be in charge, and that's the older generations real problem. They want to lose power to anybody.

I don't think most millennials think they are going to millionaires. We are pretty much graduating from college with tons of debt, and as a result live with our parents. We are not getting married, buying houses, or having kids at the rate of previous generations because we are loaded down with debt. In fact, most millennials I know don't even want kids because they are another cost, and having a kid is going to put you in medical debt.

As for the part about posting selfies and inspirational quotes on Instagram.... I found that to be true in many cases. Social media accounts is more about presenting yourself to others in the way you want to be seen versus a reflection of reality. It's all really pretentious.

Getting trophies for just participating... I never got a trophy for anything, and I never wanted a trophy for anything. I was in martial arts, never got a trophy. If you wanted me to do something for money, I would do it. If you said, wash my car, and if you do it right, I'll give you $50. If you do half assed job, I'll give you $5. I would have washed the **** out of that car. To me trophies are actually worthless.

My sense is that the blue collar melinium crew is doing OK, but is underemployed. Many of the others are being denied entry level experience because the economy is moribund and barely replacing retirements and deaths, yet they lack guidance gleaned from work experience.

IMO, we are putting too much emphasis on the outliers.
I don't know why the older generation talks so poorly about us.

It's actually only a few people and they're not very bright, they're just tacking onto what a few in previous generations have done:

"Back in my Day we walked to school through machine gun fire with bread for shoes! These kids are ******s!"

And so on and so on.

We are eventually going to be in charge, and that's the older generations real problem. They want to lose power to anybody.

I don't know if the people that look down on millennials are actually smart enough to think that far ahead.

I don't think most millennials think they are going to millionaires. We are pretty much graduating from college with tons of debt, and as a result live with our parents. We are not getting married, buying houses, or having kids at the rate of previous generations because we are loaded down with debt. In fact, most millennials I know don't even want kids because they are another cost, and having a kid is going to put you in medical debt.

And that's the burden the previous generations have left you guys, previous generations have compounded a system, a capitalistic system that is at this point extremely predatory, only extracting value from consumers without giving much back.

Not only that but they gave us the following terrible, terrible things as a few examples:

Iraq War
War on terror in the context of the infringement of civil liberties to feel "safe".
War on Drugs
Predatory HMO's instead of UHC

Just as a couple of examples, so they really have no right to piss on a generation that has yet to really vote its conscience.

As for the part about posting selfies and inspirational quotes on Instagram.... I found that to be true in many cases. Social media accounts is more about presenting yourself to others in the way you want to be seen versus a reflection of reality. It's all really pretentious.

I can dig that, I mean crap there was one girl I knew who took 2000 photos and seemingly uploaded them in the space of a year if I remember the count correctly.

But how many people actually do that?

Not many.
I don't know why the older generation talks so poorly about us. We are eventually going to be in charge, and that's the older generations real problem. They want to lose power to anybody.

I don't think most millennials think they are going to millionaires. We are pretty much graduating from college with tons of debt, and as a result live with our parents. We are not getting married, buying houses, or having kids at the rate of previous generations because we are loaded down with debt. In fact, most millennials I know don't even want kids because they are another cost, and having a kid is going to put you in medical debt.

As for the part about posting selfies and inspirational quotes on Instagram.... I found that to be true in many cases. Social media accounts is more about presenting yourself to others in the way you want to be seen versus a reflection of reality. It's all really pretentious.

Getting trophies for just participating... I never got a trophy for anything, and I never wanted a trophy for anything. I was in martial arts, never got a trophy. If you wanted me to do something for money, I would do it. If you said, wash my car, and if you do it right, I'll give you $50. If you do half assed job, I'll give you $5. I would have washed the **** out of that car. To me trophies are actually worthless.

I'm definitely the older generation, but I agree with your post. It looks like opportunity for millenials is hamburger flipping or some part time, low paid service job. It is the result of poor planning and fiscal policies by our government. School loans have financed huge building programs and scams for education and have perhaps failed at the educational end. Edgy buildings, huge wasted spaces and adjunct professors are the state of the art. How many students were offerred the education funds, school loans, to start an entreprenueral endeavor creating work and jobs? I hope millenials get interested in politics and choose change until something changes, sorta like what might be behind the Bernie Sanders phenomena. Democratic Socialism, government monies directed to the people instead of CORPORATISM, government monies directed to the Corporations. Learn from the Amish culture and work ethic.
There are milliennials out there doing just fine that never attended college.

There are many trades out there that pay just as well as many college required professions.
This guy is awesome...


So what do you think???

Every generation talks poorly of the previous.

Heck even Aristotle lamented about the younger generation.

What some folks fail to realize is that they were immature at one time too.
There are milliennials out there doing just fine that never attended college.

There are many trades out there that pay just as well as many college required professions.

Many pay more.
What is underemployed? Is that where you don't have the great job you think you deserve?

"We became a great nation not because we are a nation of cynics. We became a great nation because we are a nation of believers - Lindsey Graham"
Nonsense. We need more skeptics. Believers? Germany, 1938, was full of believers. The people who still think Venezuela and Cuba are the future are believers. ISIS is chock full of believers and so was Salem, Massachusetts. The people supporting Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama are believers without a single skeptical bone in their body. Skeptics just whine. Believers at least kill people.
What does the OP have to do with bias in the media?
Or "news" in general for that matter?
Every generation talks poorly of the previous.

Heck even Aristotle lamented about the younger generation.

What some folks fail to realize is that they were immature at one time too.

It should be pointed out that the intention of the video is not to make fun of Millennials, but is making fun of the views people have of millennials.
There are milliennials out there doing just fine that never attended college.

There are many trades out there that pay just as well as many college required professions.

Are you kidding?

That would require th em getting their hands dirty.
Don't worry millenials, your gen, my xgen, will be dead and gone and the baby boomers will still be in charge. They will find a way to outlive us. :lol:
Don't worry millenials, your gen, my xgen, will be dead and gone and the baby boomers will still be in charge. They will find a way to outlive us. :lol:

Damn right we will!

I don't know why the older generation talks so poorly about us. We are eventually going to be in charge, and that's the older generations real problem. They want to lose power to anybody.

I don't think most millennials think they are going to millionaires. We are pretty much graduating from college with tons of debt, and as a result live with our parents. We are not getting married, buying houses, or having kids at the rate of previous generations because we are loaded down with debt. In fact, most millennials I know don't even want kids because they are another cost, and having a kid is going to put you in medical debt.

As for the part about posting selfies and inspirational quotes on Instagram.... I found that to be true in many cases. Social media accounts is more about presenting yourself to others in the way you want to be seen versus a reflection of reality. It's all really pretentious.

Getting trophies for just participating... I never got a trophy for anything, and I never wanted a trophy for anything. I was in martial arts, never got a trophy. If you wanted me to do something for money, I would do it. If you said, wash my car, and if you do it right, I'll give you $50. If you do half assed job, I'll give you $5. I would have washed the **** out of that car. To me trophies are actually worthless.

I have 3 kids age 22-28, ran a restaurant employing many millennials, and listened to my wife tell stories of the millennials under her leadership as a First Sergeant, plus I talk to everybody......my take is that exactly 23.8% of the millennials are worth a damn.

The rest should be written off as a loss.

U are one of the good ones..Hooray!

THE OTHERS are like Haitians.

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I have 3 kids age 22-28, ran a restaurant employing many millennials, and listened to my wife tell stories of the millennials under her leadership as a First Sergeant, plus I talk to everybody......my take is that 23.8% of the millennials are worth a damn.

The rest should be written off as a loss.

U are one of the good ones..Hooray!

THE OTHERS are like Haitians.


Seriously, Haitians?? lol
Seriously, Haitians?? lol

Used for emphasis, like an exaggeration, which you of course know damn well because you are smarter than the average bear.

But despite the freak citizens of Lake Wobegon, not everybody is above average!

Speaking from experience as apparently I am part of this group. Part of the problem is that we were sold the dream that all you need is a college degree and you are good to go.

It doesn't help that the colleges sell their amazing programs and that we are supposedly guaranteed all their resources and they tell us we will get a high paying job regardless of majors. So many people don't really think about what the top paying jobs actually are before they go to school and they end up picking something they are interested in. Sports business was a big major at my school and all the jocks took that because they, "liked sports." Or rather something that they do as a hobby like "fashion," or writing. Then, there are the utterly insane majors out there like liberal arts or my all time favorite Women's Studies!

If you aren't training for a background in Nursing, Teaching, Science, Engineering, or Technology. Your major will be just a degree and not mean much with a few exceptions.
Speaking from experience as apparently I am part of this group. Part of the problem is that we were sold the dream that all you need is a college degree and you are good to go.

It doesn't help that the colleges sell their amazing programs and that we are supposedly guaranteed all their resources and they tell us we will get a high paying job regardless of majors. So many people don't really think about what the top paying jobs actually are before they go to school and they end up picking something they are interested in. Sports business was a big major at my school and all the jocks took that because they, "liked sports." Or rather something that they do as a hobby like "fashion," or writing. Then, there are the utterly insane majors out there like liberal arts or my all time favorite Women's Studies!

If you aren't training for a background in Nursing, Teaching, Science, Engineering, or Technology. Your major will be just a degree and not mean much with a few exceptions.

You were ****ing lied to AND ROBBED, let's not sugar coat it.

You know that $21 trillion and growing fast debt?

It's on you pal.

Have FUN!
Speaking from experience as apparently I am part of this group. Part of the problem is that we were sold the dream that all you need is a college degree and you are good to go.

It doesn't help that the colleges sell their amazing programs and that we are supposedly guaranteed all their resources and they tell us we will get a high paying job regardless of majors. So many people don't really think about what the top paying jobs actually are before they go to school and they end up picking something they are interested in. Sports business was a big major at my school and all the jocks took that because they, "liked sports." Or rather something that they do as a hobby like "fashion," or writing. Then, there are the utterly insane majors out there like liberal arts or my all time favorite Women's Studies!

If you aren't training for a background in Nursing, Teaching, Science, Engineering, or Technology. Your major will be just a degree and not mean much with a few exceptions.
Amazing to me is how many people absolutely know this but yet still borrow $100K to get a degree in crap like Humanities, Psych, Soc, or one of the other "ologies" that does not translate into a decent job without having at least a Master's Degree attached.
Amazing to me is how many people absolutely know this but yet still borrow $100K to get a degree in crap like Humanities, Psych, Soc, or one of the other "ologies" that does not translate into a decent job without having at least a Master's Degree attached.

They have not a lick of common sense, they are the least ready to be adults adults in like forever, and they tend to be generally stupid.

I blame the parents and the education system.

They both suck.

Amazing to me is how many people absolutely know this but yet still borrow $100K to get a degree in crap like Humanities, Psych, Soc, or one of the other "ologies" that does not translate into a decent job without having at least a Master's Degree attached.

A lot of people with that mentality have the "I'll do this until I'm 30," dream and then realize they should have went back and got a real degree. Sure, it's not too late but it only gets harder.

That and also people tend to put relationships above their education/careers to be with their significant other, which might have worked for the baby-boomers because they got married younger but I think that's also a huge factor because with the divorce rate the way it is...That also isn't working in their favor.

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