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Snowden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
Political Leaning
Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize.....

A Swedish sociology professor named Stefan Svallfors has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee that was also published in Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Svallfors said that Snowden had "helped to make the world a little bit better and safer."

As Svallfors is a professor at Umeå University, he is entitled to nominate candidates for the prize. However, as Tal Kopahn at Politico notes, it is unclear if Snowden could be considered for the 2013 prize.

Nominations are supposed to be postmarked February 1 to be included, though the Nobel Peace Prize website says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list if the shortlist has not yet been finalized.....snip~

Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize - SFGate

Well there you have it.....this is just how much the Swedes are out of reality. Does anyone else think that Snowden should be given a Nobel Peace Prize? This guy has docs on how the Entire NSA works and goes about their business. Not to mention names.

Although Susan Rice is already known throughout the world as an Incompetent. Which is why Russia and Putin were having a good chuckle with Obama's Appointment of the Idjit. we wont have to worry about Snowden saying to much about her being the NSA Chief. Which at least she cannot be confused over any issues coming out of the NSA.

Now those other names he holds, those are truly the people that matter. Someone should send this Swedish Professor a letter telling him he has been Nominated as one of the major laughing-stocks of the World. Course explaining that in basic English to him. As in.....he is a Joke. Just not all that funny.
Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize.....

A Swedish sociology professor named Stefan Svallfors has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee that was also published in Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Svallfors said that Snowden had "helped to make the world a little bit better and safer."

As Svallfors is a professor at Umeå University, he is entitled to nominate candidates for the prize. However, as Tal Kopahn at Politico notes, it is unclear if Snowden could be considered for the 2013 prize.

Nominations are supposed to be postmarked February 1 to be included, though the Nobel Peace Prize website says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list if the shortlist has not yet been finalized.....snip~

Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize - SFGate

Well there you have it.....this is just how much the Swedes are out of reality. Does anyone else think that Snowden should be given a Nobel Peace Prize? This guy has docs on how the Entire NSA works and goes about their business. Not to mention names.

Although Susan Rice is already known throughout the world as an Incompetent. Which is why Russia and Putin were having a good chuckle with Obama's Appointment of the Idjit. we wont have to worry about Snowden saying to much about her being the NSA Chief. Which at least she cannot be confused over any issues coming out of the NSA.

Now those other names he holds, those are truly the people that matter. Someone should send this Swedish Professor a letter telling him he has been Nominated as one of the major laughing-stocks of the World. Course explaining that in basic English to him. As in.....he is a Joke. Just not all that funny.

The NPP should go every year to the USN. But color me unsurprised that someone wold nominate that fool.
The NPP should go every year to the USN. But color me unsurprised that someone wold nominate that fool.

Heya CPW :2wave: .....yeah I just don't see it. Give some guy a Nobel Peace Prize for leaking out classified information against his own Country. Course now the media will play on it. Wonder how the Swedes would view one of their own giving up their Country's classified intel. For the Physical Security of itself.
expose its networks to russia, maybe. under the "all information should be free" banner.
Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize.....

A Swedish sociology professor named Stefan Svallfors has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee that was also published in Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Svallfors said that Snowden had "helped to make the world a little bit better and safer."

As Svallfors is a professor at Umeå University, he is entitled to nominate candidates for the prize. However, as Tal Kopahn at Politico notes, it is unclear if Snowden could be considered for the 2013 prize.

Nominations are supposed to be postmarked February 1 to be included, though the Nobel Peace Prize website says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list if the shortlist has not yet been finalized.....snip~

Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize - SFGate

Well there you have it.....this is just how much the Swedes are out of reality. Does anyone else think that Snowden should be given a Nobel Peace Prize? This guy has docs on how the Entire NSA works and goes about their business. Not to mention names.

Although Susan Rice is already known throughout the world as an Incompetent. Which is why Russia and Putin were having a good chuckle with Obama's Appointment of the Idjit. we wont have to worry about Snowden saying to much about her being the NSA Chief. Which at least she cannot be confused over any issues coming out of the NSA.

Now those other names he holds, those are truly the people that matter. Someone should send this Swedish Professor a letter telling him he has been Nominated as one of the major laughing-stocks of the World. Course explaining that in basic English to him. As in.....he is a Joke. Just not all that funny.

IMO, the NPP has pretty much become cheap as an award. The other Noble Prizes seem to have retained their integrity.
Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize.....

A Swedish sociology professor named Stefan Svallfors has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee that was also published in Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Svallfors said that Snowden had "helped to make the world a little bit better and safer."

As Svallfors is a professor at Umeå University, he is entitled to nominate candidates for the prize. However, as Tal Kopahn at Politico notes, it is unclear if Snowden could be considered for the 2013 prize.

Nominations are supposed to be postmarked February 1 to be included, though the Nobel Peace Prize website says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list if the shortlist has not yet been finalized.....snip~

Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize - SFGate

Well there you have it.....this is just how much the Swedes are out of reality. Does anyone else think that Snowden should be given a Nobel Peace Prize? This guy has docs on how the Entire NSA works and goes about their business. Not to mention names.

Although Susan Rice is already known throughout the world as an Incompetent. Which is why Russia and Putin were having a good chuckle with Obama's Appointment of the Idjit. we wont have to worry about Snowden saying to much about her being the NSA Chief. Which at least she cannot be confused over any issues coming out of the NSA.

Now those other names he holds, those are truly the people that matter. Someone should send this Swedish Professor a letter telling him he has been Nominated as one of the major laughing-stocks of the World. Course explaining that in basic English to him. As in.....he is a Joke. Just not all that funny.

Well, at least it puts him in good and deserving company: Barack Obama.

Puke. And puke again.
IMO, the NPP has pretty much become cheap as an award. The other Noble Prizes seem to have retained their integrity.

Hiya GG.
I think they just want to make sure they include all in getting that award. Criminals to be included. Later they will give out the Meritorious Ribbon for those that tried real hard. Course in Purple all to honor that Bipartisanship. :lol:
Well, at least it puts him in good and deserving company: Barack Obama.

Puke. And puke again.

<<<<< Hands Maggie a Special Obama towel to clean up the mess.

No.....its nothing like Bounty-The quicker picker upper. :lol:
Snowden deserves the punch in the mouth award. Actually, he deserves quite a few of them. This Nobel crap will put him right up there with Yassir Arafat. What esteemed company that is.
Snowden deserves the punch in the mouth award. Actually, he deserves quite a few of them. This Nobel crap will put him right up there with Yassir Arafat. What esteemed company that is.

Heya HB
.....I just started thinking about Arafat too. Already Salon and Huffington have something up on it as well. So the media will jump all over it. Even tho Snowden is still in Russia and a man without a home or country.
Heya HB
.....I just started thinking about Arafat too. Already Salon and Huffington have something up on it as well. So the media will jump all over it. Even tho Snowden is still in Russia and a man without a home or country.
I have no pity at all for Snowden. It was his choice to abandon his country and set himself up in enemy camps. The man has no honor. The Swedes have their own problems distinguishing between horror and honor. In addition to his absolutely disgusting personal life, his promotion of terrorism for personal gain and other little jewels of vice, Arafat walked away from a Palestinian state. Snowden fits right in there with him.
I have no pity at all for Snowden. It was his choice to abandon his country and set himself up in enemy camps. The man has no honor. The Swedes have their own problems distinguishing between horror and honor. In addition to his absolutely disgusting personal life, his promotion of terrorism for personal gain and other little jewels of vice, Arafat walked away from a Palestinian state. Snowden fits right in there with him.

Well on this one.....I agree with Obama. Snowden has to be bought back. He gives up any names he will be putting other American lives at risk. Let alone the workings of the Agency. As well as the Physical Security of the Country.

Which truthfully has been placed at Risk already.....with just the Appointment of Susan Rice. Who has ABSOLUTELY no business being in the Intelligence world for anything. Who has absolutely no experience in gathering intel. Or knowing anything about the fight within that Community. She is nothing more than a waste a space for this country and she should be driven from the Entire Workings of the Country.

No need to keep and incompetent blunder always round just to have an excuse to lay the blame on the scapegoat.
Well on this one.....I agree with Obama. Snowden has to be bought back. He gives up any names he will be putting other American lives at risk. Let alone the workings of the Agency. As well as the Physical Security of the Country.

Which truthfully has been placed at Risk already.....with just the Appointment of Susan Rice. Who has ABSOLUTELY no business being in the Intelligence world for anything. Who has absolutely no experience in gathering intel. Or knowing anything about the fight within that Community. She is nothing more than a waste a space for this country and she should be driven from the Entire Workings of the Country.

No need to keep and incompetent blunder always round just to have an excuse to lay the blame on the scapegoat.
MMC, I agree. Snowden should be brought back by whatever means is necessary. Rice isn't fit to run a McDonalds. She's just one of the latest examples of Obama's version of the Peter Principle. Obama would be better served to ditch that crap, and get somebody in some of these high level positions that actually knows what they're doing. I'd say the country would be better off too, which is far, far more important - but I don't think the idea of "America first" is anywhere at all on Obama's radar.
MMC, I agree. Snowden should be brought back by whatever means is necessary. Rice isn't fit to run a McDonalds. She's just one of the latest examples of Obama's version of the Peter Principle. Obama would be better served to ditch that crap, and get somebody in some of these high level positions that actually knows what they're doing. I'd say the country would be better off too, which is far, far more important - but I don't think the idea of "America first" is anywhere at all on Obama's radar.

Well, he did Tell Mandela's people his daughters would grow up being responsible Citizens of the World.....just sayin! :roll:
Well, it looks like Snowden has come to terms with Russia.....48 mins ago. It would appears Putin will be wanting to have several talks with him afterwards, I think. Tells you how much Putin is worried about Team Obama.....huh?

He thinks Obama will torture him or have him killed.....Imagine That!

Snowden submits request for asylum in Russia.....

National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden on Tuesday submitted a request for temporary asylum in Russia, his lawyer said, claiming he faces persecution from the U.S. government and could face torture or death.

WikiLeaks, the secret-spilling site that has been advising Snowden, and Russia's Federal Migration Service both confirmed the application request. The service is required by law to consider the application within three months, but could do it faster.

Snowden, who revealed details of a U.S. intelligence program to monitor Internet activity, argued in his application that the reason he needs asylum is "he faces persecution by the U.S. government and he fears for his life and safety, fears that he could be subjected to torture and capital punishment," lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said on Rossiya 24 television.

Kucherena told The Associated Press that he met the former NSA systems analyst in the transit zone of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport to give him legal advice and that Snowden made the request after the meeting.....snip~

Snowden submits request for asylum in Russia
Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize.....

A Swedish sociology professor named Stefan Svallfors has nominated NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize.

In a letter to the Norwegian Nobel Committee that was also published in Swedish newspaper Västerbottens-Kuriren, Svallfors said that Snowden had "helped to make the world a little bit better and safer."

As Svallfors is a professor at Umeå University, he is entitled to nominate candidates for the prize. However, as Tal Kopahn at Politico notes, it is unclear if Snowden could be considered for the 2013 prize.

Nominations are supposed to be postmarked February 1 to be included, though the Nobel Peace Prize website says the committee may sometimes add nominations to the list if the shortlist has not yet been finalized.....snip~

Here's The Letter From A Swedish Professor Nominating Edward Snowden For The Nobel Peace Prize - SFGate

Well there you have it.....this is just how much the Swedes are out of reality. Does anyone else think that Snowden should be given a Nobel Peace Prize? This guy has docs on how the Entire NSA works and goes about their business. Not to mention names.

Although Susan Rice is already known throughout the world as an Incompetent. Which is why Russia and Putin were having a good chuckle with Obama's Appointment of the Idjit. we wont have to worry about Snowden saying to much about her being the NSA Chief. Which at least she cannot be confused over any issues coming out of the NSA.

Now those other names he holds, those are truly the people that matter. Someone should send this Swedish Professor a letter telling him he has been Nominated as one of the major laughing-stocks of the World. Course explaining that in basic English to him. As in.....he is a Joke. Just not all that funny.

While I personally think that Snowden did the right thing I dont think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Of course I also think that the Nobel Peace Prize has become a running joke. I still can't understand why the gave it to Obama as he has done nothing (either before he got it or afterwards) to promote actual peace. Even got the US into a few more wars. Hardly someone that deserves what the Nobel Peace Prize USE to mean.
The NPP should go every year to the USN. But color me unsurprised that someone wold nominate that fool.

hes more deserving than obama...
While I personally think that Snowden did the right thing I dont think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

Of course I also think that the Nobel Peace Prize has become a running joke. I still can't understand why the gave it to Obama as he has done nothing (either before he got it or afterwards) to promote actual peace. Even got the US into a few more wars. Hardly someone that deserves what the Nobel Peace Prize USE to mean.

Heya KS
Why would you think Snowden did the Right thing? He knew what he was talking would be something to make sure that if captured he would not be outright killed. So that would also be added on to what he released about anything else overseas. Meaning that extra measure he took to pad himself.
Heya KS
Why would you think Snowden did the Right thing? He knew what he was talking would be something to make sure that if captured he would not be outright killed. So that would also be added on to what he released about anything else overseas. Meaning that extra measure he took to pad himself.


Because Americans deserve to have thier privacy protected from its own government. The ONLY people that should be investigated are those where LEO's have a reasonable suspicion of either having committed a crime or are planning to commit a crime.

Edit: As for the rest...everyone has a Right to defend themselves in any way possible when they are in the right...even against the government.

Because Americans deserve to have thier privacy protected from its own government. The ONLY people that should be investigated are those where LEO's have a reasonable suspicion of either having committed a crime or are planning to commit a crime.

Edit: As for the rest...everyone has a Right to defend themselves in any way possible when they are in the right...even against the government.

I could see that point of view and don't have to much of a problem with that. But to threaten to release the workings of the Agency and or Names. Places others at risk and their lives. Including Contacts, Drop Spots, etc etc. Including those peoples families. As well as the physical security of the Country.
Nobel Peace Prize, huh. Wow. That's something.
Another $50 and I can get one of 'em at the nearby Ace Hardware.
They have a little display and everything.
It's in the plumbing supplies aisle.
I heard some people get 'em for the right combination of ethnicity & badmouthing of their own country.

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