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SNL Rips Fox News (1 Viewer)

Ok that was pretty amusing.
The "Ukrainian Invasion Celebration Spectacular"

Well done!

They appealed to their viewers to donate to what McKinnon called “the real victims of this invasion: the oligarchs.”

In the skit,
“I called the president of Ukraine pathetic. He stayed and fought with his people in the war, and I called him pathetic from the news desk in Washington,” Ingraham said. [Ingraham had called Salinski pathetic for imploring Putin to stop the invasion.]​
“I kept saying we should be more worried about our own border getting invaded by Mexico, but in my defense, I am racist, so I thought that was true,” Carlson said. [Carlson is a notorious racist, playing on white grievance to his financial benefit].​
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I'm just going to come out with it.

SNL is rubbish and I don't like it.
Yep, I'm a filthy liberal and I don't like SNL.
I just don't find it funny. Maybe I just don't get US humour in the same way many Americans don't get British humour.
Whether you like it or not, that was a pretty good Tucker Carlson impression.
that was hilarious.
SNL is the opposite of funny
I'm just going to come out with it.

SNL is rubbish and I don't like it.
Yep, I'm a filthy liberal and I don't like SNL.
I just don't find it funny. Maybe I just don't get US humour in the same way many Americans don't get British humour.
It was funny years ago. It's stale and trite now
it was funny when the set was awash with high grade columbian blow
"...Their last episode on the now-venerable program was the finale of the fourth season, which aired on May 26, 1979..."

Forty years ago, today....


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"...Their last episode on the now-venerable program was the finale of the fourth season, which aired on May 26, 1979..."

Forty years ago, today....


not really relevant but there has always been that discussion when a artistic genius dies of drugs-be it Belushi or Hendrix (yeah I know there is good evidence he was murdered), Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin etc. the debate being-if they didn't use drugs would their creative genius actually been able to manifest itself successfully?
I used to watch SNL once in a while years ago when I was young and dumb.
I'm just going to come out with it.

SNL is rubbish and I don't like it.
Yep, I'm a filthy liberal and I don't like SNL.
I just don't find it funny. Maybe I just don't get US humour in the same way many Americans don't get British humour.
I would rather watch an old rerun of a Benny Hill episode than watch SNL.
not really relevant but there has always been that discussion when a artistic genius dies of drugs-be it Belushi or Hendrix (yeah I know there is good evidence he was murdered), Jerry Garcia, Janis Joplin etc. the debate being-if they didn't use drugs would their creative genius actually been able to manifest itself successfully?
The most intense ones, arguably the most memorable, especially considering their brief time among us, seem more like rockets than comets, they literally flame out.

It's been typical of rock musicians to be most creative before the full impact of fame and fortune enveloped them.

FoxNews/Pravda is so ridiculous even SNL is funny.

The Carlson wasn't very good but the Ingraham was darn good.
The thing is, a Segal makeup job and a bowtie for Carlson simply isn't enough to call them good impressions.
Now, having Pelosi as Vampira and Schumer as a human vulture would write itself.
The Carlson wasn't very good but the Ingraham was darn good.
The thing is, a Segal makeup job and a bowtie for Carlson simply isn't enough to call them good impressions.
Now, having Pelosi as Vampira and Schumer as a human vulture would write itself.
Rarely ever watched SNL skits and have never watched the show for more than a few minutes in all the years it has been on but I thought that was an OK skit for SNL and had some really funny parts.

Absolutely LOVED the line, "Every time I laugh an Angel dies!"


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