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Smollett Released from Jail (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 17, 2020
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New Jersey Shore
Political Leaning
The left's 'woke' convicted felon poster boy has been released from Chicago's Cook County jail pending appeal after just 6 days in the jail's psych ward (with a bed!) -

Brother's video - https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/vide...435043667/640x360_MP4_6933534765435043667.mp4

The sentencing judge had denied a defense motion that day for release pending appeal. Had Smollett just stayed in jail and gotten it over with, the original 150-day sentence would have been reduced to just ~75 days with good behavior. His brother in the video claimed Jussie was appalled by the conditions in the jail cell because it lacked a proper bed. No shit, Sherlock... It's jail!

Why are democrats continuing the lie of innocence and still standing up for this loser?

The left's 'woke' convicted felon poster boy has been released from Chicago's Cook County jail pending appeal after just 6 days in the jail's psych ward (with a bed!) -

Brother's video - https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/vide...435043667/640x360_MP4_6933534765435043667.mp4

The sentencing judge had denied a defense motion that day for release pending appeal. Had Smollett just stayed in jail and gotten it over with, the original 150-day sentence would have been reduced to just ~75 days with good behavior. His brother in the video claimed Jussie was appalled by the conditions in the jail cell because it lacked a proper bed. No shit, Sherlock... It's jail!

Why are democrats continuing the lie of innocence and still standing up for this loser?

What democrats are you referring to?
The left's 'woke' convicted felon poster boy has been released from Chicago's Cook County jail pending appeal after just 6 days in the jail's psych ward (with a bed!) -

Brother's video - https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/vide...435043667/640x360_MP4_6933534765435043667.mp4

The sentencing judge had denied a defense motion that day for release pending appeal. Had Smollett just stayed in jail and gotten it over with, the original 150-day sentence would have been reduced to just ~75 days with good behavior. His brother in the video claimed Jussie was appalled by the conditions in the jail cell because it lacked a proper bed. No shit, Sherlock... It's jail!

Why are democrats continuing the lie of innocence and still standing up for this loser?

Who gives a shit?
Could we just not do the thing where people who give no shits about and perhaps in fact support disparate treatment of black and white people try to convert this whole insult into a generic smear of claims of hate crimes?

Smollett can go **** himself with the most awful thing you could **** yourself with. Ok? He did real damage, has almost delusional hubris, and has not accepted guilt. Ok. But true hate crimes are real, not as uncommon as the agenda'd would tell you, and not one of them should be looked at askance because of Smollett. Yet that is exactly what the people pumping Smollett's conviction want.

At the very least, if you criticize Smollett as I have, you need to be careful not to let the ****ers try to turn that into "see what I mean when I attack the idea of hate crimes?!"

There's only one general motive behind the specific, whatever it is. And both are ugly, perhaps evil.
Why are democrats continuing the lie of innocence and still standing up for this loser?

Step 1: Quote "Democrats" doing this "continuing" of this "lie of innocence".

Step 2: Explain why anyone you might find should be considered representative of all Democrats, or what you're really dishonestly crapping at, the entire non-Trupmist population.

But you won't, because youre jcgriff2. And all jcgriff2 does is post hyperpartisan lie-attacks. So we can expect any further post you make is just as underhanded as the OP. See?
Why are democrats continuing the lie of innocence and still standing up for this loser?
Who? I thought pretty much everyone wanted to see him get jail time. Hell, I had at least one conservative saying that him getting jail time was wrong....

Why nt make this about Jussie instead of trying to partisan hack it?

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