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Slimy Baltimore FOX Affiliate Caught Faking "Kill a Cop" Protest Chant (1 Viewer)

Frim his yob man. :doh
You have no point.

Hopefully this firing leads to a professional analyses.
There is no need for professional analysis because most of know she didn't say "kill a cop", she said "killer cop."
There is no need for professional analysis because most of know she didn't say "kill a cop", she said "killer cop."
And you would be wrong again, as she clearly did.
Had she not said both, the chanters would not have replied with both.
And you would be wrong again, as she clearly did.
Had she not said both, the chanters would not have replied with both.
It doesn't really matter. The same types were chanting for "Dead Cops" in an earlier parade, and in Ferguson, so it's not like they are driven snow.

They certainly try to make a big deal of their innocence this time around.
First- the chant is "kill a cop"
Second- the two officers gunned down by a spineless worm were Asian and Hispanic
Third - so one conclude the blacks chanting "kill a cop' will kill black cops as well as all other races. Damn! I wish I could get their resumes to see how far in school they went and what types of careers they have.

Wrong, the chant is "killer cops" which was led by a black woman whose brother was killed by cops in Baltimore. She is seeking justice for the cop who killed her brother, not to kill them. The chant was “We won’t stop/we can’t stop/’til killer cops/are in cell blocks.”
Wrong. She said both.
Wrong. She said both.

I am not wrong by your admission that she said both. I think its clear her intent was to say "killer cops" not "kill a cops."
It doesn't really matter. The same types were chanting for "Dead Cops" in an earlier parade, and in Ferguson, so it's not like they are driven snow.

They certainly try to make a big deal of their innocence this time around.

"Those people," eh?
You can't quote properly even when there are just three words involved! Remarkable!

You being purposely obtuse now. I guess that's what we get after 10+ pages you trying to tell people that this woman said something even the OP admitted didn't make any sense as he described it. However, since I'm feeling generous, I'll let you read up. They're regularly used in the English language.

Scare quotes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell us again about how you've mastered the English language.

So you divined that Kobie was using "scare quotes", huh? Did he send you a message to that effect?
So you divined that Kobie was using "scare quotes", huh? Did he send you a message to that effect?


Why on earth would I do that?

Given that I clearly wasn't directly quoting you, what the **** did you think I was doing?

Frim his yob man. :doh
You have no point.
Hopefully this firing leads to a professional analyses.

And you would be wrong again, as she clearly did.
Had she not said both, the chanters would not have replied with both.

Wrong. She said both.

Yes, you are wrong.

Hilarious, absolutely hilarious:lamo :lamo

So smug, so wrong...so we're laughing at you
This isn't about me, or did you not know that?
But you are wrong.
She said both.
The chanters replied with both.
They would not have replied with it if they had not heard it.
Do you really not get that?

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