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Sitchin on World Government, NWO (1 Viewer)

Dec 4, 2005
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Political Leaning

Plans for a one world Government did not necassarily originate here on earth, i never thought so, it's just not in our nature.

So if you can see where our world is heading; centralisation of power, war proliferation and climate change take a little time to learn theories about humanities origins and the current political structures origin.

Novus Ordo Seclorum
Certain interesting parts.

The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world. During transition into a global government smaller and weaker nations are being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed stronger nations to act as their police force. Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedom, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community.

The New World Order is a One World Order with a hidden agenda to rule by fear, control, exploitation and bullying. The ruling elite of the world’s wealthy, powerful and influential have been pushing for a New World Order with a One World Government under the pretence of establishing world peace while they are in fact imposing their will upon every nation. They call themselves the “peacemakers” but in truth they are an international police force which organized “war crimes” tribunals, supposedly to give the “political criminals” a fair trial before persecuting them.
There's a board specifically for "Conspiracy Theories" for you, so those of us with a brain can debate REAL issues on this board.
This is not a conspiracy theory.

Did you follow the link.

It's pretty straight forward, everywhere moving towards centralisation of power, i.e Brussels running most of UK's/Europes affairs.

Just remember this post when the Elohim return and you want to join the resistance.

NOVUS ORDO SECLERUM Do ya know what this means?????
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Kandahar said:
There's a board specifically for "Conspiracy Theories" for you, so those of us with a brain can debate REAL issues on this board.

I agree, since the address on the link had "paranormal" as part of the first section, and the topic of the article is "ALIENS BEHIND WORLD GOVERNMENT ".
I guess that is the problem with having a board specifically for "Conspiracy Theories." Their diehard worshippers, like Mickyjaystoned, never recognize them as conspiracy theories, so they end up being dumped on the boards for REAL topics.
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And off to the "Conspiracy Theories" we go...

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