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Singel-sex education is more better than co-education to se. students' development? (1 Viewer)



Single-sex education is more desirable/better thanco-education to secondary students' development?

I am student, my school will do a debate, can you give me some main point of this topic, please!!!
Re: Singel-sex education is more better than co-education to se. students' developmen

My first suggestion would be to drop the phrase "more better." Sounds bloody awful. I would also spell "singel" the dictionary way.....single. As far as content I would look for research that shows that boys and girls learn in different ways based on their gender. Also look for research that shows that all girl or all boy private schoolsl produce students who test better than co-ed private schools.
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I find the concept that boys and girls should be separate in schooling to be bad, it is saying that males and females can't compete or learn on the same subjects. I find it similar to the notion that males and females are either superior or inferior or quite different, which I find untruthful. Also not to mention discriminating in such a way is extremely sexist.

albert1215 said:
Single-sex education is more desirable/better thanco-education to secondary students' development?
It is?:confused:
Re: Singel-sex education is more better than co-education to se. students' developmen

Comrade Brian said:
I find the concept that boys and girls should be separate in schooling to be bad, it is saying that males and females can't compete or learn on the same subjects. I find it similar to the notion that males and females are either superior or inferior or quite different, which I find untruthful. Also not to mention discriminating in such a way is extremely sexist.

Single sex education is not to do with who learns what subject, but the fact that classes are more disruptive and pupils more distracted in mixed classes.

Some schools opt for single sex education for only some classes. It is a difficult choice, I know one teacher who has 2 children, a boy and a girl. She wants single sex classes for her girl but mixed for her boy, because single sex is good for girls (they don't get dominated by the boys) and mixed is good for boys (they learn better social skills).

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