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Simple Question (1 Viewer)

Neither is trustworthy; that's why all of these "crooked hillary" threads are bastions of dishonesty.

They're both liars and crooks, so if one intends to vote in November, one needs to look at some other metric to assess them.
Neither is trustworthy; that's why all of these "crooked hillary" threads are bastions of dishonesty.

They're both liars and crooks, so if one intends to vote in November, one needs to look at some other metric to assess them.

Good arguments for voting for Gary Johnson!
Do you trust Hillary Clinton? Do you trust Donald Trump? Why?

The simple question would be; Do you trust politicians?

The simple answer is; No.

Why? That is easy. Past performance.
no and no, but I see Hillary as much more likely to be destructive to our country
Do you trust Hillary Clinton? Do you trust Donald Trump? Why?

It's my personal belief that to trust a politician like Crooked Hillary is one of the most dumbest things anyone can do. That's why leftists fall all over themselves when it comes to The Queen of Corruption, they are not playing with a full deck.

As for DJT, well, the jury is still out although I lean towards not trusting him as well.

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