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sick of support our troops ribbons (1 Viewer)



i don't know about you but i am sick of seeing Support Our Troops ribbons slapped on the backs of SUVs. i mean, who are they supporting?! the gas companies? the car companies? i found these ribbons at XYZ and i am going to buy a bunch of the Support Ribbon Profiteer ones.
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Indeed - same with the plastic arm braclets.

Any ribbon is a waste of time unless made yourself. Don't waste your money on any of these schemes.
Specially since the poster above is probably only posting here to get folks to purchase his wares.

Will wait a day for a response - then deleting.
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lilblueworld said:
i don't know about you but i am sick of seeing Support Our Troops ribbons slapped on the backs of SUVs. i mean, who are they supporting?! the gas companies? the car companies? i found these ribbons at XYZ and i am going to buy a bunch of the Support Ribbon Profiteer ones.
I want a ribbon that says Support Our Troops--Bring Them Home NOW!
lilblueworld said:
i don't know about you but i am sick of seeing Support Our Troops ribbons slapped on the backs of SUVs. i mean, who are they supporting?! the gas companies? the car companies? i found these ribbons at XYZ and i am going to buy a bunch of the Support Ribbon Profiteer ones.

Sounds like someone just finished watching the latest episode of Six Feet Under.;)
I have this one arm band that is pink. And whenever people see it they ask what it says. Well, upon futher inspection they see that it says the following "F**k Off. You Fell For It." Either have fun with them or get out of town...don't use them for something serious-ditto to liscense plates and rims and stickers.
Now I am the strongest anti Bush person in the world, but I don't want to see them die. Each death hurts me. I support them by working to get Bush out of office.

By now, you've heard of Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Bush will not ever meet with opponents of the war. By doing so, he would give validity to their position. Besides Bush does not care about the troops in Iraq and who is killed or not killed. Bush is only interested in personal power,and Greed. I think Bush enjoys ordering men and women to die for him, in his trumped up war. This War will go down in history books all over the world as Bush's war. To support Bush, in my eyes is the same type of thing as supporting Hitler in 1933. Haliburton is the same a Hitler's brown shirts.
I like George Carlin's idea...

(paraphasing)...I'm gonna get myself a brown one, and when someone
asks me what it stands for, I'll say, "EAT SHlT, MOTHERFVCKER!!!!"
lamaror said:
Now I am the strongest anti Bush person in the world, but I don't want to see them die. Each death hurts me. I support them by working to get Bush out of office.

By now, you've heard of Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Bush will not ever meet with opponents of the war. By doing so, he would give validity to their position. Besides Bush does not care about the troops in Iraq and who is killed or not killed. Bush is only interested in personal power,and Greed. I think Bush enjoys ordering men and women to die for him, in his trumped up war. This War will go down in history books all over the world as Bush's war. To support Bush, in my eyes is the same type of thing as supporting Hitler in 1933. Haliburton is the same a Hitler's brown shirts.

You had me listening intentively until the last two sentences....

If you look up, you can see your credibility and respect drifting away....
lilblueworld said:
i don't know about you but i am sick of seeing Support Our Troops ribbons slapped on the backs of SUVs. i mean, who are they supporting?! the gas companies? the car companies? i found these ribbons at XYZ and i am going to buy a bunch of the Support Ribbon Profiteer ones.

Been rollin this one around in my head since i started to see them around on the back of cars. You got to ask yourself do the peope making these ribbons really care about our troops or are they to busy counting profits? I doubt these profits support our troops.
Spakingof people i can't stand
lamaror said:
By now, you've heard of Cindy Sheehan, mother of Army Specialist Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq, and her vigil outside President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas.

Where was all of her "Patriotic Activisom" before her son was killed? Did she just now realize that death is a part of war? Let Casey rest in Peace.
I saw one ribbon at one of the web sites links on these pages...

"Just pretend....It's all ok."
depending on where you buy them from your money goes to a good place. most of the money is donated to the Red Cross, USO, military, etc. i have a bunch of camo "Freedom" bracelets and the money went to the USAF.

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